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In Dollar we trust. Google Trends Edition.

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  • In Dollar we trust. Google Trends Edition.

    I thought it would be interesting to see the trend of Google searching of the terms of Fiat Currency and Fiat Money, from both a global and United States perspective. These should represent something interesting when it comes to how the general populous of a country reacts to it's currency being questioned.

    Note there are two layers to the graphs, the upper - covers the search volume, or how many people go to and punch in the terms.

    Secondly, the volume of the term used in the news.

    First, the term "Fiat Money" Just the US, all years.


    It's interesting that before 2007, it wasn't really searched for or in the news very much.

    First red circle, clearly associates with Q3 2008. No surprise there.
    Second red circle, associates with the March low. No surprise there.
    The clear negative trend since Q3 2008 must make the administration just smile. Clearly less people are trying to pull the curtain back and see how a fiat currency really works.

    The sheep are doing precisely what the feds want them to do.

    Here is the term "fiat currency"


    Now lets open up the window to the rest of the world.

    "fiat currency"


    And "fiat money" whole world.


    Overall, not much difference between the two.

    For the final kicks, lets try "central bank", whole world.


    Very interesting, or maybe not. Central bankers certainly made the news cycles in Q3 2008, but did not perk people up enough to go start reading more about them very much. I don't know about you, but in my circles, there are very few people who know who it is or what they do, so people turning to Google to research them should scare the administration.

    The spike in 2009 is interesting, not sure what it comes from. But the news wasn't covering it, whatever it was - relatively speaking. If you look at search graphing overall for central bank, you do see that it was declining until last year and has slowly been making new highs, but not picked up by news trends.

    So what does this all tell us? I think on it's face, the problem of trust or faith in the US government regarding the dollar is improving to the masses, whether it's right or wrong, it's what the data says people are doing. It's a trend that Ben and Tim must really love to see. Human psychology plotted out like never before. It probably means people are apt to spend more time watching American Idol and buying new TV's then reading up on how the whole Amazing Kreskin act really works.

    At least for the moment, at least for the month, while the debt mushrooms beyond anyones wildest imagination at all levels, from local towns, states and federal agencies.

    To me? More time to prepare. Thanks Tim, thanks Ben. I wasn't quite ready yet. Appreciate the extra time to get things in order.


  • #2
    Re: In Dollar we trust. Google Trends Edition.

    Interesting perspective. Thanks for putting this up.


    • #3
      Re: In Dollar we trust. Google Trends Edition.

      i'll speculate 2007 is from ron paul during primaries, and the fed being his nemesis

