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Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

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  • Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

    From Charles Hugh Smith

    The Evil Empire of the Fed, Treasury and Wall Street are "declaring victory"-- "the recession is over. Can magical thinking and propaganda conquer reality?

    The rural residents of Japan who lived far from the war were shocked to learn that the Japanese Empire had lost World War Two. After all, the only news they received was of one victory after another.

    "Good Germans" and "good Japanese" alike were also shocked to learn that their respective Empires were Evil. After all, the propaganda which had dominated their media and lives had promoted the idea that their conquests were "freeing the oppressed peoples of the Earth."

    Lest you think their belief in propaganda and their shock at the Evil perpetrated by their dictatorships naive, I direct your attention to the propaganda machine and magical thinking behind "the recession is over." Oh, and our financial Dictatorship is Evil, too.

    Does saying it so make it so? That's magical thinking. When it's a child of five believing in the magic of incantations, we think it's cute. But when Ben Bernanke and the rest of the Financial Dictatorship spew their incantations ("the recession is over, the recession is over, now click your heels together three times...") then their motivation is Evil: to pesuade the populace their domination is total and they've "won the war"--that is, credit and debt can continue expanding three times faster than the economy forever.

    Why? Their dominance, power and wealth depend on the populace's naive belief that "the system" works to their benefit. That is the Big Lie--the system works to the Financial Dictatorship's benefit, not to the citizenry's.

    I usually shy away from military analogies, as they veer to cliche: "This is his Waterloo," etc. (And never mind only a late arrival of reinforcements staved off a French victory.)

    But the present propaganda campaign waged by our "Powers That Be" is so pervasive and so distorted that both my wife and I realized that the only equivalent is wartime propaganda.

    Yes, the stakes for the Powers That Be are that high. They must persuade the American public that "victory is at hand" and their dominance is unchallenged, or their Evil Empire will crumble.

    The catalyst for our insight was the 1954 classic Japanese film Twenty-Four Eyes (directed by Keisuke Kinoshita), the story of a rural Japanese teacher and her abiding ties to her first 12 students.

    There are no combat scenes or bombs exploding; like much of Japan, this remote island experienced no bombing raids. The war was experienced second-hand; only the arrival of the remains of young soldiers revealed the cost of the Empire's ambitions.

    Of the teacher's six male students, three are killed in combat, as is her husband, while two return disfigured/crippled.

    The Nazi propaganda machine was equally effective. Our friend's 92-year old father, a German-speaking Romanian, fought on the Eastern Front in the German Army. He has told us that before the war then he truly believed the National Socialist Party (Nazis) was the best choice for Germany. He was not alone. I Will Bear Witness 1942-1945: A Diary of the Nazi Years offers a first-hand account of the final war years.

    Even as bombs rained on their cities, the civilian populace was relentlessly pounded by magical thinking propaganda: that is, if we tell them "we're winning," then their belief will actually enable if not victory then a negotiated peace.

    There are two related military analogies of our Financial Dictatorship's desperate propaganda offensive on deflation and credit destruction: The Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Pacific War, and the Battle of the Bulge in the European War.

    Both were last-ditch offensives designed to gamble the last resources of the crumbling Empires on a victory so smashing that it would reverse their failing fortunes.

    Both were well-planned and executed, and both very nearly succeeded. Poor weather hindered the Allies' air power from playing a decisive role in stopping the German advance. In the Pacific, the Japanese succeeded in drawing Admiral Halsey's main battle fleet north in a wild goose chase after the remaining Japanese aircraft carriers, while the main Japanese fleet of battleships and cruisers slipped toward the essentially defenseless American landing fleet.

    Only a handful of thinly armored and lightly armed destroyers--nicknamed "tin cans"-- stood between the American fleet's light carriers and support craft, and the Japanese were poised to complete their bold plan: to destroy the entire American support fleet and foil the invasion of the Philippines. Just as they'd hoped, Halsey had taken the fast American aircraft carriers north, and so American air power was nowhere in sight.

    As described by the recent book The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The U.S. Navy's Finest Hour (James D. Hornfischer), the handful of small destroyers launched a suicide attack on the incoming Japanese battleships.

    This attack unnerved the Japanese commander, who suspected such an attack might presage a trap of some sort; and so at the very door of victory he turned his fleet around.

    By gambling their last resources on a bold offensive, the two Evil Empires sealed their fate. Both offensives failed, and both decimated the Empire's remaining assets.

    Now the Fed and Treasury have thrown their last best assets--trillions of dollars in newly created money, new Treasury bonds and trillions more in guarantees--in a last-ditch offensive against debt/credit destruction.

    They are also waging a relentless propaganda war on the American public, trying to convince them that the last decade of exponential-credit-expansion "prosperity" is sustainable. One of their chief weapons is the stock market "rally" which is being supported by their Financial Dictatorship allies in China, Japan and Europe, all of whom have similarly thrown their last best assets into the "final battle" for victory.
    Thus global stock markets are moving upward in a manufactured perfect unison.

    Beneath the screaming propaganda campaign declaring victory, the financial casualties mount: 5 million homes in the foreclosure pipeline, 16% unemployment, household wealth down a third, credit card write-offs are surging and not a single driver of future growth in sight.

    The propaganda machine touts all sorts of nonsense: nanotechnology! Does anyone spouting this really know what a molecular foundry even does, and how limited the industrial base and scope of such technology may be? If nanotechnology comes to fruition,it will be in coatings and the like which are applied in automated factories with few workers, or scaled up and manufactured in Asia.

    Even Warren Buffett is part of the propaganda machine. Like the veteran commander trotted out to inspire the home audience, Buffett announces "it's a good time to buy stocks" and "the worst is over" even as the calamity has barely gotten underway.

    I suspect Buffett got "The Call" last year from Hank Paulson: you know, the one begging him to go public with some heartening statement because his stature would reassure a wavering public.

    He undoubtedly received The Call this year, too--perhaps it was the President himself, or Geithner. We need your help, Mr. Buffett: please reassure the public once again that magical thinking will work, and that believing it is so will make it so.

    Sorry, Financial Dictatorship: the weather has turned, and reality is preparing a counterattack on your magical thinking propaganda offensive. Reality is gathering its forces and your pathetic "charm offensive" will be revealed for what it is--blatant propaganda--within the next 12 months. Saying it is so does not make it so.
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

  • #2
    Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

    In very slight defense, I have to say the official pronouncements I have heard were parsed very carefully so as not to lead to false encouragement that 'everything is OK'. They stressed that we're out of recession only in the technical sense and that the economy still has major problems and that unemployment will continue to be a problem.

    Actually it seems in line with what EJ has written would happen. That with massive spending effort they would manage to nudge the GDP slightly positive (technically not a recession) but that all the underlying problems remain. And as soon as they stop applying stimulus, the GDP might fall a little neg again, but then they will apply more stimulus to make it a little pos, etc.

    (If I have mischaracterized EJ's writings, someone please correct me. I am admittedly a newbie and amateur at this economic stuff.)

    In many ways it's valid to say we're in a depression and aren't coming out any time soon. But if you look at GDP and only GDP as mainstream economists do, you can say otherwise.

    The propaganda coming from mainstream financial media is something else however. As (I believe) EJ also has written, a whole lot of intentionally 'not connecting the dots' going on there.


    • #3
      Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

      Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
      From Charles Hugh Smith


      The Nazi propaganda machine was equally effective. Our friend's 92-year old father, a German-speaking Romanian, fought on the Eastern Front in the German Army. He has told us that before the war then he truly believed the National Socialist Party (Nazis) was the best choice for Germany. He was not alone. I Will Bear Witness 1942-1945: A Diary of the Nazi Years offers a first-hand account of the final war years.

      MS, appreciate most of your posts, but something has gone awry here. Smith's quote comparing the Nazi propoganda machine to our current situation is ludicrous at best. Thankfully, after the war many Nazis were good. Good and dead. I cannot abide by this!


      • #4
        Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

        Originally posted by ax View Post
        MS, appreciate most of your posts, but something has gone awry here. Smith's quote comparing the Nazi propoganda machine to our current situation is ludicrous at best. Thankfully, after the war many Nazis were good. Good and dead. I cannot abide by this!
        He's not calling anyone a Nazi, only noting that in both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a good part of the populace thought things were ok right up until they weren't. It's all about whether you're drinking the Kool-Aid or not.
        Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


        • #5
          Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

          I fully agree that the propaganda practiced by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan is extremely dangerous to any society. But propaganda is a matter of degree.

          Every statement I've seen coming from the administration has been qualified with phrases like, we've got a long way to go, we're not out of the woods yet, the deepest recession since the great depression. This might be categorized as extreme optimism, or political spin, or cautious optimism, but it in no way approaches anything near Nazi propaganda.

          But if you look at people showing up at town hall meetings with guns, claiming the government is planning death squads, or the government is going to take over Medicare, or the president wasn't born in the United States, it is the misinformation that leads to these false and crazy ideas that is dangerous to a society. Now the question becomes, where are people getting this misinformation? The sources of this type of misinformation truly does approach the propaganda levels of the Nazis and Japanese at the height of their totalitarian regimes. There is indeed danger from extreme propaganda in our country, we just need to look in the right places.


          • #6
            Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

            Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
            I fully agree that the propaganda practiced by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan is extremely dangerous to any society. But propaganda is a matter of degree.

            Every statement I've seen coming from the administration has been qualified with phrases like, we've got a long way to go, we're not out of the woods yet, the deepest recession since the great depression. This might be categorized as extreme optimism, or political spin, or cautious optimism, but it in no way approaches anything near Nazi propaganda.

            But if you look at people showing up at town hall meetings with guns, claiming the government is planning death squads, or the government is going to take over Medicare, or the president wasn't born in the United States, it is the misinformation that leads to these false and crazy ideas that is dangerous to a society. Now the question becomes, where are people getting this misinformation? The sources of this type of misinformation truly does approach the propaganda levels of the Nazis and Japanese at the height of their totalitarian regimes. There is indeed danger from extreme propaganda in our country, we just need to look in the right places.
            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


            • #7
              Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

              Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
              His points are actually quite valid.

              There is in fact a propaganda war going on. Both sides have money and power to lose, unfortunately they are dragging people into the fight who have no clue what they are actually fighting *for*.

              Regardless of where the propaganda comes from, it's *still* propaganda.
              Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


              • #8
                Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

                I think focusing on what the MSM is saying now is too narrow.

                Look at what was said before to determine if real harm was done:

                Paulson: Give me $700B or the economy will collapse.

                Bernanke and Paulson: Subprime is contained

                Greenspan: ARMs may be a better deal



                • #9
                  Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

                  Originally posted by ricket View Post
                  His points are actually quite valid.

                  There is in fact a propaganda war going on. Both sides have money and power to lose, unfortunately they are dragging people into the fight who have no clue what they are actually fighting *for*.

                  Regardless of where the propaganda comes from, it's *still* propaganda.
                  The original post was about the state of the economy and the wishful thinking/propaganda of the "green shoots"/'Recession is over" crowd. Toast brought up the healthcare townhalls and his MSM/Keith Olbermann talking points on the protesters.
                  Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


                  • #10
                    Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

                    At heart -it has always been 'full faith and credit'. The staggering sums of 'wealth' we appear to reach is mind boggling -like say 50 billion dollars!! The point is at 'some point' -it is essentially a number -say 12 trillion and counting .

                    So in this giant circle of trust which goes from Bankers/Fed>foster benefits to themselves be de-regulating risk/reserve requirements (but really in essence they are lending to US/us (double entendre here) ). So they lent/lend us money and we subsidize their losses -probably because -what we owe them- and away we go again with financial de-regulation and helping the 'Fed'. We (the US ) will never get out of debt to the Fed- duh!

                    I do think that some so-called foreign debt (foreign holders of treasury bills) could very well be consortium of corporations and banks. In essence the Fed - will de-value the dollar in an orderly and subtle way because that is the only way it can write off these staggering losses. In the end -its a game -since they issue the debt and that debt is essentially secured by assets of this country like its armed forces and natural resources -not to mention infra-structure


                    • #11
                      Re: Propaganda, Magical Thinking and Failed Offensives

                      thanks very much for posting this MasterShake -

                      IMHO - this article is spot-on. There is one big CON going on and the American public is being led right off a cliff. Just like the average Japanese and Germany citizen during that time period.


                      Lies, lies, lies - we live in a liar's society. Everyone lies to everybody.

                      Just look at the numbers, they have now gone hyperbolic! :

                      this is going to end very badly for the average American.


