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  • #16
    Re: China+Gold

    Originally posted by GRG55
    But if you think that having near-state-of-the-art weapons means that the country becomes a threat, or can actually defend itself, think again...
    In the age of information, isn't that a little bit arrogant thought?


    • #17
      Re: China+Gold

      Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
      In the age of information, isn't that a little bit arrogant thought?

      How so?

      You are familiar, I am sure, of how power structures and decisions function in virtually every one of these nations. This plays a big part in how the selection of military leaders and officers is also made.

      In some cases the military is the only part of the official structure that actually functions, at least in a half-assed way. But in most cases the leadership, training, discipline and other necessities for a functioning military in actual wartime circumstances is absent. In the case of the Middle East you can bet at the first sign of pending conflict every Saudi prince that is a trained military fighter pilot [reference my comment about how selection is made above] will be found drinking tea in the safety of the lobby of the Geneva Intercontinental.

      This is an extreme example, but illustrates exactly what will be going on in the likes of Venezuela. Lots of prestige to wear a uniform and play around with the latest in Russian made military hardware. No real combat capability whatsoever...


      • #18
        Re: China+Gold

        Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
        In the age of information, isn't that a little bit arrogant thought?
        Depends. You could have the best military tech available, but if you use it ineptly, you're going to lose -- badly.

        Look at the Arab-Israeli wars -- the latest Russian tech, lots of it and they still lost. Badly. Despite surprise in some of the wars and definite numerical supremacy.

        How much that logic applies today is a valid question.


        • #19
          Re: China+Gold

          FUTURE WARS


          • #20
            Re: China+Gold

            Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
            How so?

            You are familiar, I am sure, of how power structures and decisions function in virtually every one of these nations. This plays a big part in how the selection of military leaders and officers is also made.

            In some cases the military is the only part of the official structure that actually functions, at least in a half-assed way. But in most cases the leadership, training, discipline and other necessities for a functioning military in actual wartime circumstances is absent. In the case of the Middle East you can bet at the first sign of pending conflict every Saudi prince that is a trained military fighter pilot [reference my comment about how selection is made above] will be found drinking tea in the safety of the lobby of the Geneva Intercontinental.

            This is an extreme example, but illustrates exactly what will be going on in the likes of Venezuela. Lots of prestige to wear a uniform and play around with the latest in Russian made military hardware. No real combat capability whatsoever...

            Introducing Major General Mao Xinyu.

            Hmmmmmm......I wonder if nepotism had anything to do with it?

            I'm guessing he earned his rank slides from winning the PLA's pie eating contest......repeatedly.

            Maybe his military rank is kinda like Colonel Sanders?

            Maybe he's coming after the last of our McJobs?

            After taking a number of Army recruit cohorts on their Recruit Induction Training I can say with some authority that Major General Pillsbury couldn't pass a physical fitness test for all the Bear Claws in Boston.


            • #21
              Re: China+Gold

              Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
              Depends. You could have the best military tech available, but if you use it ineptly, you're going to lose -- badly.

              Look at the Arab-Israeli wars -- the latest Russian tech, lots of it and they still lost. Badly. Despite surprise in some of the wars and definite numerical supremacy.

              How much that logic applies today is a valid question.
              A couple things to keep in mind:

              LOTS of Soviet kit sold to the Arabs was "export variant" which had all kinds of condescending names attached to it.

              The Soviets were well aware of Israeli/US capabilities and had no interest in having their shiniest kit getting compromised.

              There were SOME exceptions......SAM & Radar systems(which Israel did acquire: Op Rooster).

              But gear like the MIG 25 Foxbat which was able to overfly Israel for a time was under direct and complete Soviet control.

              In regards to very expensive and shiny Saudi kit like F15s, AWACS, Tornados, now Typhoons, et's far more about achieving the following:

              1.) Recycle petro dollars back to the west via selling stuff and providing the well-paid, skilled westerns to keep it shiny.

              2.) Provide the rabbit-fast reproducing Saudi Royal Mafia a means to extract another 20% "commission" from foreign feed from the public trough.

              There are many, many reasons for the nearly complete incompetence of Arab militaries(some exceptions being the Jordanians, and specialist paramilitary units focused on leadership preservation), but amongst the biggest in regards to Saudi would be the fact that the military kit procurement and training for pretty much the last 30+ years would have far more to do with geopolitical circlejerking than developing a capable military deterrent.


              Have a look at how the UK government overtly squashed the SFO investigation not long ago....BIG, BIG, BIG business.

              REAL conventional military capability, other than the paranoid importance of leadership preservation, is number eleventeen hundred on the list of things to do for Arab Regimes.

              Egypt's President for life Mubarak would surely remember how Sadat got smoked, Syria's President for life Assad would surely remember the lessons from his Dad's knee on how he sacked the entire city of Hama in 1982 to cut out the Muslim Brotherhood like a cancer, and the Saudi Mafia would surely remember the Grand Mosque Seizure in 1979.

              From Arab leadership perspective, who cares what Israel is doing? Beyond poking them with an asymmetric and deniable-ish stick on occasion ;) Arab leadership have FAR bigger problems to worry about than beating Israel in a conventional military conflict.

              Tools to maintain or extend surveillance/information dominance over their populations is far more important than tanks.


              • #22
                Re: China+Gold

                Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                Depends. You could have the best military tech available, but if you use it ineptly, you're going to lose -- badly.

                Look at the Arab-Israeli wars -- the latest Russian tech, lots of it and they still lost. Badly. Despite surprise in some of the wars and definite numerical supremacy.

                How much that logic applies today is a valid question.
                You beat me to it with the Arab-Israeli wars as an example! They didn't just get beat. They were beaten soundly, despite overwhelming odds in their favor. There's a lot more to a good military than fancy weapon systems. Even the Germans in WWII could be used as an example to some degree, especially in the initial "Blitzkrieg" phase.


                • #23
                  Re: China+Gold

                  Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
                  A couple things to keep in mind:

                  LOTS of Soviet kit sold to the Arabs was "export variant" which had all kinds of condescending names attached to it.

                  The Soviets were well aware of Israeli/US capabilities and had no interest in having their shiniest kit getting compromised.

                  There were SOME exceptions......SAM & Radar systems(which Israel did acquire: Op Rooster).

                  But gear like the MIG 25 Foxbat which was able to overfly Israel for a time was under direct and complete Soviet control.

                  In regards to very expensive and shiny Saudi kit like F15s, AWACS, Tornados, now Typhoons, et's far more about achieving the following:

                  1.) Recycle petro dollars back to the west via selling stuff and providing the well-paid, skilled westerns to keep it shiny.

                  2.) Provide the rabbit-fast reproducing Saudi Royal Mafia a means to extract another 20% "commission" from foreign feed from the public trough.

                  There are many, many reasons for the nearly complete incompetence of Arab militaries(some exceptions being the Jordanians, and specialist paramilitary units focused on leadership preservation), but amongst the biggest in regards to Saudi would be the fact that the military kit procurement and training for pretty much the last 30+ years would have far more to do with geopolitical circlejerking than developing a capable military deterrent.


                  Have a look at how the UK government overtly squashed the SFO investigation not long ago....BIG, BIG, BIG business.

                  REAL conventional military capability, other than the paranoid importance of leadership preservation, is number eleventeen hundred on the list of things to do for Arab Regimes.

                  Egypt's President for life Mubarak would surely remember how Sadat got smoked, Syria's President for life Assad would surely remember the lessons from his Dad's knee on how he sacked the entire city of Hama in 1982 to cut out the Muslim Brotherhood like a cancer, and the Saudi Mafia would surely remember the Grand Mosque Seizure in 1979.

                  From Arab leadership perspective, who cares what Israel is doing? Beyond poking them with an asymmetric and deniable-ish stick on occasion ;) Arab leadership have FAR bigger problems to worry about than beating Israel in a conventional military conflict.

                  Tools to maintain or extend surveillance/information dominance over their populations is far more important than tanks.
                  Good point. But there was a time the Arabs had the fantasy of their tanks rolling through Tel Aviv. The 73 war pretty much dispelled them of that. With introduction of nukes into that area will they attempt another Yom Kippur war some day?


                  • #24
                    Re: China+Gold

                    Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
                    A couple things to keep in mind:

                    LOTS of Soviet kit sold to the Arabs was "export variant" which had all kinds of condescending names attached to it.

                    The Soviets were well aware of Israeli/US capabilities and had no interest in having their shiniest kit getting compromised.

                    There were SOME exceptions......SAM & Radar systems(which Israel did acquire: Op Rooster).

                    But gear like the MIG 25 Foxbat which was able to overfly Israel for a time was under direct and complete Soviet control.

                    In regards to very expensive and shiny Saudi kit like F15s, AWACS, Tornados, now Typhoons, et's far more about achieving the following:

                    1.) Recycle petro dollars back to the west via selling stuff and providing the well-paid, skilled westerns to keep it shiny.

                    2.) Provide the rabbit-fast reproducing Saudi Royal Mafia a means to extract another 20% "commission" from foreign feed from the public trough.

                    There are many, many reasons for the nearly complete incompetence of Arab militaries(some exceptions being the Jordanians, and specialist paramilitary units focused on leadership preservation), but amongst the biggest in regards to Saudi would be the fact that the military kit procurement and training for pretty much the last 30+ years would have far more to do with geopolitical circlejerking than developing a capable military deterrent.


                    Have a look at how the UK government overtly squashed the SFO investigation not long ago....BIG, BIG, BIG business.

                    REAL conventional military capability, other than the paranoid importance of leadership preservation, is number eleventeen hundred on the list of things to do for Arab Regimes.

                    Egypt's President for life Mubarak would surely remember how Sadat got smoked, Syria's President for life Assad would surely remember the lessons from his Dad's knee on how he sacked the entire city of Hama in 1982 to cut out the Muslim Brotherhood like a cancer, and the Saudi Mafia would surely remember the Grand Mosque Seizure in 1979.

                    From Arab leadership perspective, who cares what Israel is doing? Beyond poking them with an asymmetric and deniable-ish stick on occasion ;) Arab leadership have FAR bigger problems to worry about than beating Israel in a conventional military conflict.

                    Tools to maintain or extend surveillance/information dominance over their populations is far more important than tanks.

                    You hit the nail right on the head!


                    • #25
                      Re: China promises show of force in Oct 1 parade

                      Just for a little balance, comparing U.S. military spending to the rest of the world's:



                      • #26
                        Re: China+Gold

                        @Sapiens-thanks for the link.:confused:

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                        It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation."


                        • #27
                          Re: China promises show of force in Oct 1 parade

                          The U.S. still vastly outclasses China militarily:

                          Results 1 - 10 of about 28,200,000 for new weapons United States. (0.31 seconds)

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                          2. Weapons of the United States Military

                            Weapons of the United States Military. Information and resources about weapons ... of 589 new lightweight 155mm howitzers for the Army and Marine Corps. ...
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                          3. United States Military Weapons of War

                            There is no argument that the United States Military is the most powerful ... We have achieved a level of technology in military weapons and equipment that no ... Looking for a new job? Use these tips and put your best foot forward. ...
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                          4. Nuclear weapons and the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...

                            Weapons accidentally dropped by the United States include incidents near Atlantic City, New Jersey (1957), Savannah, Georgia (1958) (see Tybee Bomb), ...
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                          5. News results for new weapons United States

                            Sideways News
                            UN - New Momentum for World Free of Nuclear Weapons 'Must Be ...‎ - 1 day ago
                            Today there is new momentum for a world free of nuclear weapons. ... Later today, United States President Obama will chair the first ever Security Council ...
                            ISRIA - 583 related articles »
                            Weapons Talks Spur New Cooperation Between US, Russia‎ - Media Newswire (press release) - 1621 related articles »
                          6. USA: United States Delivers Massive New Weapons Shipment to Israel ...

                            Amnesty International Urges President Obama To Halt Further Exports.
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                          7. United States Arsenal

                            Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons. Tomahawk TLAM-N SLCM; B61 Gravity Bomb (Tactical). Principal Sources; Footnotes; Link to Brief Summary of United States ...
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                          8. IDN-InDepthNews - UNITED STATES: Obama's New Weapon 'AfPak'

                            UNITED STATES: Obama's New Weapon 'AfPak' BY SUMAN J. CHANDER WASHINGTON (IDN) - 'AfPak' is a new addition to the security lexicon, which stands for a ...
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                          9. DOD 101 - United States Weapon Systems

                            United States Weapon Systems ... Rest-Of-World Weapon Systems ... Dictionary of United States Army Terms · Weapons Systems · Global Defense Review ...
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                          10. Obama-led UN council backs broad nuclear agenda - Yahoo! News

                            "This is a historic moment, a moment offering a fresh start toward a new future," U.N. ... The United States is among nine nations with nuclear weapons or ...
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                          11. At U.N., Obama calls for new era in world relations -

                            "The United States stands ready to begin a new chapter of international cooperation ... if they continue to ignore international nuclear weapons treaties. ...
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                          12. [PDF] United States Delivers Massive New Weapons Shipment to Israel ...

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                            Apr 1, 2009 ... USA: United States Delivers Massive New Weapons Shipment to Israel,... 1 of 3. 4/13/2009 11:00 PM ...
                            http://www.expose-the-war-profiteers..../20090401.pdf - Similar -


                          • #28
                            Re: China+Gold

                            Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                            You beat me to it with the Arab-Israeli wars as an example! They didn't just get beat. They were beaten soundly, despite overwhelming odds in their favor. There's a lot more to a good military than fancy weapon systems. Even the Germans in WWII could be used as an example to some degree, especially in the initial "Blitzkrieg" phase.
                            Germany had superior weapon systems, but they were hugely outnumbered. You had a country the size of Texas with fewer natural resources and 2.5 times the present population of that state fighting a coalition that controlled a substantial portion of the world's landmass and population.

                            The only tactical lessons to be learned from WWII is 1) terrorism works, i.e. allied bombing campaigns of civilian targets and 2) courage of the Spartan variety in the face of overwhelming odds and superior industrial production is doomed for failure.

                            In regards to the Arabs, it is no coincidence that after the Arab-Israeli War, terrorism became the dominant military strategy.


                            • #29
                              Re: China promises show of force in Oct 1 parade

                              Originally posted by jheis View Post
                              The U.S. still vastly outclasses China militarily:

                              "You know, most people don't appreciate the fact that there is something about America that is not a humble republic. America is an empire, it is clearly an empire, it has 120 military bases around the world, as many as Rome. It dominates militarily most of the world. This is an empire. It has its own imperial characteristics.

                              "Much of the national treasure is used to sustain the empire. Much of the military budget in America is greater than all military budgets in the world. It has a Roman-scale military and it has Roman-scale ambition, which is to dominate the world. However, what it doesn't have is Rome's money. Even though I hesitate to say that, because Rome ran out of money too with the reign of Augustus. America is running out of money and it was a long run."


                              • #30
                                Re: China+Gold

                                Originally posted by Serge_Tomiko View Post
                                Germany had superior weapon systems, but they were hugely outnumbered. You had a country the size of Texas with fewer natural resources and 2.5 times the present population of that state fighting a coalition that controlled a substantial portion of the world's landmass and population.

                                The only tactical lessons to be learned from WWII is 1) terrorism works, i.e. allied bombing campaigns of civilian targets and 2) courage of the Spartan variety in the face of overwhelming odds and superior industrial production is doomed for failure.

                                In regards to the Arabs, it is no coincidence that after the Arab-Israeli War, terrorism became the dominant military strategy.
                                To equivocate the allied (and axis -- let's not forget Rotterdam or the Blitz) bombing campaigns to Arab suicide bombers is a big stretch IMO.

                                In WWII, the kamikaze pilots made *no* substantial difference. That's the kind of comparison I'd make.

                                And terrorists now are making no substantial difference either.

