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  • China+Gold

    Not sure this is 100%, but i post it so Metalman can rip it:-

    Date: September 16, 2009
    Reporting From: Shanghai, People's Republic of China

    Gold is quickly reaching the mania phase in China, and there are clear signs of it on the ground.

    About a month ago, we reported that for the first time ever, the Chinese government is promoting gold and silver as investments. And by "promoting," we meant cramming it down people's throats.

    We knew this was ground-breaking news at the time-- a clear indication of long-term demand growth, as well as a sign that the government will be accepting higher inflation in the future.

    Ironically, this story was little noticed in the gold industry at the time, mostly because the information was only being circulated in China (in Chinese, for that matter). Fortunately, my friend and China insider Christine Verone was able to get me the scoop, and we ran it here first.

    Since that report, three things have happened;

    First- the mainstream media has latched on to the story about Chinese gold... Forbes, Moneyweek, Reuters, the blogosphere; it's out there now, and adding a bit of extra buzz to the gold market.

    Second- the government has stepped up its promotional campaign, and Chinese consumers have responded on cue. Gold demand has grown dramatically just this year, particularly as savvy local investors are starting to view Chinese stocks suspiciously.

    Third- and perhaps most importantly, Christine literally made history by becoming the first foreigner EVER in China to be certified in any professional capacity by a Chinese commodity exchange.

    I'm looking forward to all the great information that Christine will be able to share with me about Asia's gold markets when she's not tied up making deals in Mongolia or working with bankers and offshore trusts in Singapore and Labuan. In the meantime, the two of us had quite an interesting tour of Chinese gold shops.

    You can buy gold in China at any bank-- even tiny banks in tier-3 cities sell gold. More importantly, however, the government is setting up official Chinese Mint stores all over the country.

    On the inside, they look like jewelry shops-- armed guards, glass viewing cases, etc. But instead of diamond crusted earrings and white star sapphires, you see bars. Lots of bars.

    The government mints bars in sizes ranging from 5 grams (which are so tiny they're actually cute) to 1 kilogram. The prices are updated instantly-- they have a Bloomberg screen which tracks the spot price, generally indexed to the Renminbi price in Shanghai rather than New York or London (another sign of Chinese financial independence).

    The bars are all serialized and 9999 purity, the same as you would get from Switzerland. They are also certified by the gold exchange, which validates the quality. There is no tax, and the premium runs 10 renminbi per gram, or roughly $30 (US) per ounce.

    We went into several stores and saw Chinese people buying like crazy... all with cash. The most popular denominations were 10 grams and 50 grams-- and I'm surprised the mint shops didn't sell out at the rate those bars were flying off the shelf.

    Christine has some great contacts at the shop across the street from the Westin Hotel-- if you take a taxi there, ask for the WEE-stin (that's how they say it) and you will see the shop on the opposite corner. Ask for Gao Ping, he speaks great English.

    Given the ultra low cost, storage options (that I will get into later), and ease of transport, China is a great place to buy and store gold... especially if you find yourself there for business already.

    And remember, one of the best ways to buy gold is through a self-directed IRA so that you can get the tax advantage as well.

    More tomorrow, I'm off to catch a flight.

    Simon Black
    Senior Editor, Sovereign Man

    Fidelio Interational Publisher of
    Salduba Bldg, 3rd Floor
    53rd East Street, Obarrio,
    Panama City, PANAMA 00000

  • #2
    Re: China+Gold
    China may ban export of gold, silver


    But back to China. How could China affect the price of gold? We live in China and spend a lot of time with local industry leaders and policy makers. We hear repeatedly that the time has come to think seriously about how to survive the perceived dollar devaluation. In some cases we note serious concern, and in other cases absolute dread over a perceived dollar crash.

    Over the past six months Beijing has made a series of moves to protect itself against a dollar devaluation. In a recent "BRIC Summit" in Russia several months ago, Chinese leaders came out strongly in favor of a new reserve currency to replace the dollar (including the IMF's "SDR" currency). China is also quietly purchasing mining assets and gold bullion. But the government has recently gone further.

    According to Financial Sense:

    As recently as 2002, the private ownership of gold was prohibited in China. You could be jailed if caught with any in your possession. Beginning in 2009, in a stunning about-face, the central government removed all restrictions. In fact, as Mineweb and other sources report now it is actively pushing folks to buy some personal metal, with China’s Central Television, the main state-owned television company, running news programs cum infomercials, letting the public know just how easy it is to purchase gold and silver as an investment.



    • #3
      Re: China+Gold

      so if each Chinese citizen bought 1oz of gold at $1,000 USD then that is $1 billion oz of Gold at $1 trillion USD.

      It is estimated that there has been $10 billion oz of gold dug out of the earth in human history so that would be 1/10th of all the gold.

      The market for available physical gold is probably much smaller than the $10 billion although I've not looked it up.


      • #4
        Re: China+Gold

        Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
        so if each Chinese citizen bought 1oz of gold at $1,000 USD then that is $1 billion oz of Gold at $1 trillion USD.

        It is estimated that there has been $10 billion oz of gold dug out of the earth in human history so that would be 1/10th of all the gold.

        The market for available physical gold is probably much smaller than the $10 billion although I've not looked it up.
        Good post, but just for clarification: when you quantify ounces of gold, you should not use a dollar sign. I think what you mean is:

        Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
        so if each Chinese citizen bought 1oz of gold at $1,000 USD then that is 1 billion oz of Gold at $1 trillion USD.

        It is estimated that there has been 10 billion oz of gold dug out of the earth in human history so that would be 1/10th of all the gold.

        The market for available physical gold is probably much smaller than the 10 billion although I've not looked it up.


        • #5
          Re: China+Gold

          China Admits Gold’s Monetary Role

          “Gold is a commodity that combines the attributes of a currency, financial commodity and general commodity. Despite the declining function of gold as currency in the world, the activeness and development of investment activities with gold as the target indicates that gold still has a strong financial nature and remains an indispensable investment tool. In major financial centers in the world, the gold market, together with the money market, securities market and FX market, constitutes the main part of the financial market.
          - Dr. Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People’s Bank of China, writing in the Alchemist (issue 36, 2004)

          Fresh winds of optimism for gold and silver investors are blowing from China. For about a month now, the Chinese state television has been openly promoting gold and silver as an investment and a store of wealth. Not long ago, the Chinese announced that they had been “secretly” buying gold – starting from 2003 they had bought over 600 metric tons of gold, bringing the gold to cash reserve ratio from 1.3% to 1.7%. Of course, the Chinese are awfully good at smoke and mirrors and so it is not clear whether the numbers that were published back in spring are the real numbers.
          Read further --


          • #6
            Re: China+Gold

            Originally posted by Mega View Post
            Not sure this is 100%, but i post it so Metalman can rip it:-

            Date: September 16, 2009
            Reporting From: Shanghai, People's Republic of China

            Gold is quickly reaching the mania phase in China, and there are clear signs of it on the ground.

            About a month ago, we reported that for the first time ever, the Chinese government is promoting gold and silver as investments. And by "promoting," we meant cramming it down people's throats.

            We knew this was ground-breaking news at the time-- a clear indication of long-term demand growth, as well as a sign that the government will be accepting higher inflation in the future.

            Ironically, this story was little noticed in the gold industry at the time, mostly because the information was only being circulated in China (in Chinese, for that matter). Fortunately, my friend and China insider Christine Verone was able to get me the scoop, and we ran it here first.

            Since that report, three things have happened;

            First- the mainstream media has latched on to the story about Chinese gold... Forbes, Moneyweek, Reuters, the blogosphere; it's out there now, and adding a bit of extra buzz to the gold market.

            Second- the government has stepped up its promotional campaign, and Chinese consumers have responded on cue. Gold demand has grown dramatically just this year, particularly as savvy local investors are starting to view Chinese stocks suspiciously.

            Third- and perhaps most importantly, Christine literally made history by becoming the first foreigner EVER in China to be certified in any professional capacity by a Chinese commodity exchange.

            I'm looking forward to all the great information that Christine will be able to share with me about Asia's gold markets when she's not tied up making deals in Mongolia or working with bankers and offshore trusts in Singapore and Labuan. In the meantime, the two of us had quite an interesting tour of Chinese gold shops.

            You can buy gold in China at any bank-- even tiny banks in tier-3 cities sell gold. More importantly, however, the government is setting up official Chinese Mint stores all over the country.

            On the inside, they look like jewelry shops-- armed guards, glass viewing cases, etc. But instead of diamond crusted earrings and white star sapphires, you see bars. Lots of bars.

            The government mints bars in sizes ranging from 5 grams (which are so tiny they're actually cute) to 1 kilogram. The prices are updated instantly-- they have a Bloomberg screen which tracks the spot price, generally indexed to the Renminbi price in Shanghai rather than New York or London (another sign of Chinese financial independence).

            The bars are all serialized and 9999 purity, the same as you would get from Switzerland. They are also certified by the gold exchange, which validates the quality. There is no tax, and the premium runs 10 renminbi per gram, or roughly $30 (US) per ounce.

            We went into several stores and saw Chinese people buying like crazy... all with cash. The most popular denominations were 10 grams and 50 grams-- and I'm surprised the mint shops didn't sell out at the rate those bars were flying off the shelf.

            Christine has some great contacts at the shop across the street from the Westin Hotel-- if you take a taxi there, ask for the WEE-stin (that's how they say it) and you will see the shop on the opposite corner. Ask for Gao Ping, he speaks great English.

            Given the ultra low cost, storage options (that I will get into later), and ease of transport, China is a great place to buy and store gold... especially if you find yourself there for business already.

            And remember, one of the best ways to buy gold is through a self-directed IRA so that you can get the tax advantage as well.

            More tomorrow, I'm off to catch a flight.

            Simon Black
            Senior Editor, Sovereign Man

            Fidelio Interational Publisher of
            Salduba Bldg, 3rd Floor
            53rd East Street, Obarrio,
            Panama City, PANAMA 00000
            sorry... don't see a winning 10 yr macro old argument & track record that explains 'why now?' just some crap about gold sales outside the guy's hotel room.

            exclusive pics of fidelio interational's offices in panama city...

            btw, everything the chinese gov't says is a lie. no part of any sentence issued by the ccp is true. even the articles... such as 'a' and 'the'... are lies. the punctuation... the periods and commas... are lies... and the spaces between the words.


            • #7
              Re: China+Gold

              Originally posted by metalman View Post
              btw, everything the chinese gov't says is a lie. no part of any sentence issued by the ccp is true. even the articles... such as 'a' and 'the'... are lies. the punctuation... the periods and commas... are lies... and the spaces between the words.
              comrade: thanks for your shinning guidance, like the beacon through the darkness of the evil communism...OK, i will read between the lines...:p


              • #8
                Re: China+Gold


                The Chinese are preparing for war. The gold buying is a prelude to it.



                • #9
                  Re: China+Gold

                  Originally posted by Sapiens View Post

                  The Chinese are preparing for war. The gold buying is a prelude to it.

                  Well, they do have a lot of young, unemployed men who can't find wives.


                  • #10
                    Re: China+Gold

                    Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
                    The Chinese are preparing for war. The gold buying is a prelude to it.
                    Perhaps the Chinese gold buying is just another way for their central bank and their citizens to save rather than further inflate their real estate and other bubbles. Why does it have to mean war?
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #11
                      Re: China+Gold

                      Originally posted by metalman View Post
                      sorry... don't see a winning 10 yr macro old argument & track record that explains 'why now?' just some crap about gold sales outside the guy's hotel room.

                      exclusive pics of fidelio interational's offices in panama city...

                      btw, everything the chinese gov't says is a lie. no part of any sentence issued by the ccp is true. even the articles... such as 'a' and 'the'... are lies. the punctuation... the periods and commas... are lies... and the spaces between the words.
                      That's funny, but that is not the Salduba Bldg in Obarrio! Oh wait, there he is (in his third story office). You can see him clearly on the roof top.

                      Thanks for the laugh.


                      • #12
                        Re: China+Gold

                        Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                        Perhaps the Chinese gold buying is just another way for their central bank and their citizens to save rather than further inflate their real estate and other bubbles. Why does it have to mean war?
                        Military parade aims to calm fears of China's rise


                        The army, or PLA, is trying to emulate US military public relations strategies and sees this year's military parade as a key part of the move toward greater openness. It appointed its first public information officer last year and launched a website in August.

                        'The PLA is now showing more and more what it is and what it does to the outside world,' Gong said.

                        Military playing catch-up in modernization

                        BEIJING, Sept. 22 -- Some of China's most advanced weaponry is already being utilized by soldiers – a sign of the country's stepped-up efforts to modernize its military by 2050, according to the defense minister.

                        Military analysts say China is striving to create a weapon system that compares to those of the United States, Russia and European nations.

                        China has drawn up a three-step development strategy, starting with laying "a solid foundation by 2010" for the upgrades, Minister of National Defense Liang Guanglie told the Xinhua News Agency for a story yesterday.


                        Chinese analysts did not hesitate to applaud the development of China's weapons system, though some pointed out that Western powers might not be happy to see that happen.

                        "A Chinese weaponry system, which is practical, cheap and suitable for defense on home soil, will eventually come into being," Li Daguang, a senior military expert at the PLA University of National Defense, told the Global Times.

                        "The international environment happens to be unhelpful for China's weapon development," he said, citing weapons embargos against China byEuroupean Union and the US.

                        He also criticized foreign media for its reporting on China's military progress.

                        "They are quick to make noise whenever China reports progress in its weaponry development," he said. "They exaggerate and politicize the issue."

                        China compares military might to West's

                        Keep a close eye on this one:
                        Mystery of China VP's military appointment deepens

                        But what is not being mentioned is this going on down in South America and how the Russian and Chinese are helping Chavez and Brasil:

                        Arms race grows in South America
                        Last edited by Sapiens; September 22, 2009, 02:14 PM.


                        • #13
                          China promises show of force in Oct 1 parade

                          China promises show of force in Oct 1 parade

                          BEIJING — China on Wednesday promised military watchers a real show in the National Day parade on October 1, with a host of new equipment to be rolled out, most of which has never before been seen in public.

                          "The equipment we will unveil is 100 percent China-made and close to 90 percent will be paraded for the first time," Gao Jianguo, spokesman for the office of the National Day Military Parade Joint Command, told reporters.

                          China will stage a huge military parade and pageant in Beijing on October 1 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the communist People's Republic.

                          The National Day parade, held every 10 years, typically showcases new-generation weapons systems and are closely scrutinised by both domestic and foreign military watchers for clues about Chinese development trends.

                          Gao said new equipment unveiled to the public would include nuclear, conventional and cruise missiles, as well as fighter jets, radar systems and surface-to-air missiles -- without offering any specifics.

                          "We will unveil some new weapons during this parade and this is the concrete reflection of China's economic and technological development and progress in the military field," he said.

                          Gao said the parade, to take place on Chang'an Avenue -- one of Beijing's main thoroughfares that runs alongside Tiananmen Square -- would include 56 units of marching soldiers, rolling equipment and air formations.

                          China's military spending rose 15.3 percent in 2009 to 69 billion dollars, according to a budget submitted to parliament in March, the latest in a string of double-digit increases.

                          Despite concern abroad at the money poured in, China has strived to transform the once-backward People's Liberation Army into a lean, professional and high-tech fighting force.

                          Beijing has repeatedly stressed the defensive nature of its armed forces.

                          "China always follows the road of peaceful development and always strives to build a world of lasting peace, prosperity and harmony," Gao said.

                          An example from the 1999 parade:

                          Last edited by Sapiens; September 25, 2009, 09:38 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: China+Gold

                            Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
                            ...But what is not being mentioned is this going on down in South America and how the Russian and Chinese are helping Chavez and Brasil:

                            Arms race grows in South America

                            Selling arms to resource rich third world countries is nothing new. The USA and the UK have been making a good business of it for decades in the Middle East. But if you think that having near-state-of-the-art weapons means that the country becomes a threat, or can actually defend itself, think again...


                            • #15
                              Re: China promises show of force in Oct 1 parade

                              big day for china, eh?
                              1. China to display new weapons Oct. 1 -

                                Sep 2, 2009 ... China will publicly display its new nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time at its National Day military parade, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              2. Global Times - China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day ...

                                Sep 17, 2009 ... Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              3. US plans new space weapons against China - Telegraph

                                Nov 14, 2007 ... The Pentagon is spending billions of dollars on new forms of space warfare to counter the growing risk of missile attack from rogue states ...
                       - Similar -
                              4. China advancing laser weapons program

                                Nov 22, 1999 ... China's "DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) research (is) part of a larger class of weapons known to the Chinese as 'new concept weapons' (xin ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              5. Push For New Weapons Transforms China Lake | AVIATION WEEK

                                Sep 24, 2009 ... 'From the high desert to offshore islands, we have outdoor ranges that represent anyplace we might want to fight'
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              6. Six most anticipated "new weapons" in the National Day military ...

                                Sep 23, 2009 ... A website by the People's Daily newspaper; China, business, world, science, education, sports news and commentaries.
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              7. ChineseKillWeapon - U.S. Naval Institute

                                Mar 31, 2009 ... For a major military service to panic due to a new weapon system, ... In recent years, China has been expanding its navy to presumably ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              8. China To Boast New Weapons During Parade | THE D.C. WRITEUP

                                Sep 2, 2009 ... China's new weapons tip the security balance in the Taiwan Strait.
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              9. China's New Weapons May Threaten U.S. Bases, Ships, Gates Says ...

                                Sep 16, 2009 ... China is developing new weapons that could threaten the US military presence in the Pacific, Defense Secretary [bn:PRSN=1] Robert Gates ...
                       - Similar -
                              10. QNA | News | China to Unveil New Weapons Systems in National Day ...

                                Sep 17, 2009 ... Beijing,September 17 (QNA) -Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China''s own technologies, including airborne early warning ...

                              1. China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day

                                - [ Translate this page ]2009年9月16日 ... 52 types of new weapon systems will be showcased at military parade celebrating 60th anniversary of the founding of New China. » China News ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              2. China's New Weapons | The Smirking Chimp

                                Jun 25, 2007 ... The same scientists and other experts warned some years back that a new American "Star Wars" program would start a new weapons race, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              3. 60th anniversary: china will unveil new weapons systems in ...

                                Sep 17, 2009 ... 60th anniversary: china will unveil new weapons systems in national day parade news on september 16 -- 52 types of new weapon systems ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              4. Alert 5 - Military Aviation News: China to unveil 52 new weapons ...

                                Sep 17, 2009 ... Xinhua reports that China will unveil 52 new weapons systems, including AEW&C aircraft, at the military parade celebrating the 60th ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              5. CNN: China looks for new weapons [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

                                Attachment: Description: GIF image. <>. CNN: China looks for new weapons [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] Stasi. Reply via email to.
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              6. Push For New Weapons Transforms | Top Industry News, Statistics ...

                                CHINA LAKE, Calif. — The need for non-kinetic, more-kinetic, directed energy and electronic weapons is changing the complexion of research at the US Naval ...
                       - Similar -
                              7. New Weapons From Iran Turning Up On Mideast Battlefields

                                Sep 19, 2006 ... The new weapons are in addition to more sophisticated roadside bombs with ... US Suspects China Developing Biological And Chemical Weapons ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              8. Weapons: China Exports Its Radical New Assault Rifle

                                February 28, 2009: China has apparently sold some of its new assault rifles (the Type 95) to Myanmar. Troops in that country have been seen carrying the ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              9. China seeks high-tech soldiers for new weapons -- Shanghai Daily ...

                                Jul 15, 2009 ... CHINA'S armed forces are raising the qualification and training levels of non-commissioned officers to build a professional corps with the ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              10. The Truth Seeker - China's New weapons

                                Jun 25, 2007 ... China has not challenged America's world leadership, not yet anyway. But it is clearly on the way to being able to do so.
                       - Cached - Similar -

                              1. Weapons get smaller, deadlier at China Lake - Los Angeles Times

                                Apr 20, 2009 ... But it was no big deal at China Lake, where weapons have been getting smaller, more precise and more powerful for a decade. The new missiles ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              2. US needs new weapons, missile shield to counter increasing Chinese ...

                                1 post - 1 author - Last post: Oct 1, 2008
                                Washington, Oct 1 (ANI): The United States needs new weapon systems, including missile defenses and other advanced military capabilities, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              3. China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade ...

                                Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft, will be.
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              4. China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade ...

                                BEIJING, Sept 17 (Xinhua) — Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              5. China to Unveil New Weapons Systems in National Day Parade(页 1 ...

                                Sep 17, 2009 ... 16 (Xinhua) -- Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              6. China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade - Jongo ...

                                By Xinhua writer Yan Hao BEIJING, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              7. China, Space Weapons, and U.S. Security - Council on Foreign Relations

                                Sep 18, 2008 ... New CFR Report Warns Against U.S.-China Competition in Space ... He also worked for the State Department as a nuclear weapons and technology ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              8. Global Times - Six most anticipated 'new weapons' in military parade

                                Sep 23, 2009 ... New weapons have been displayed in every Chinese military parade. ... China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade · Troops, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              9. Push For New Weapons Transforms China Lake - Topic Powered by Eve ...

                                2 posts - 1 author - Last post: 8 hours ago
                                In the News Push For New Weapons Transforms China Lake. Moderators: mainedawg, NEMESIS1960, OldArmyLove, pipedreamsandbabies, Silent_Surface ...
                       - 8 hours ago - Similar -
                              10. China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade

                                2 posts
                                Global Times - China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own.
                       - Cached - Similar -

                              1. Full Coverage: China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day ...

                                Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              2. CHINA TO UNVEIL 52 NEW WEAPONS SYSTEMS ON OCT 1 PARADE

                                1 post - 1 author - Last post: Sep 18
                                BEIJING, September 17 (RIA Novosti) - China will showcase up to 52 types of new weapon systems at a military parade to celebrate the 60th ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              3. People's Daily Online -- China, Russia make new contributions on ...

                                Aug 27, 2004 ... China and Russia presented new contributions Thursday on banning weapons in outer space, which got immediate support and appreciation from ...
                       - Similar -
                              4. Defense Tech: A Grab Bag of New Chinese Weapons

                                America has had 60 years of new weapons then china, I bet they stole some weapons,, but i bet there is better weapons that we will never see unless America ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              5. China's New 5.8x42mm Weapons Complex Revealed

                                2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 5, 2002
                                The main features of these new weapons are their extensive use of high tensile aluminum and modem high impact synthetic materials coupled ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              6. Afghanistan: U.S. Worried Iran Sending Chinese Weapons To Taliban ...

                                Negroponte confirmed the U.S. concerns over China's weapons deals with Tehran ... "We have tried to discourage the Chinese from signing any new weapons ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              7. China to display new weapons Oct. 1 -

                                Any country that attempts to attack China with nuclear weapons must get ready for revenge, even if it has an anti-missile system." ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              8. China's New Weapons May Threaten U.S. Bases, Ships, Gates Says ...

                                Sep 16, 2009 ... China is developing new weapons that could threaten the US military presence in the Pacific, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said today.
                      ’s-new-weapons-may-threaten-us-bases-ships-gates-says-bloombergcom/ - Cached - Similar -
                              9. Nuclear Weapons - China Nuclear Forces

                                China began developing nuclear weapons in the late 1950s with substantial ... series was to develop small, light warheads for the PRC's new nuclear forces. ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              10. Viewpoint: Chinese Anti-Satellite Weapons: New Power Geometry and ...

                                China entered the field of space weapons with the successful anti-satellite test on 11 January 2007. National policies of spacefaring states commit to...
                       - Similar -

                              1. Silobreaker: China to unveil new weapons systems in National Da...

                                Sep 16, 2009 ... China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade.
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              2. China's new weapons system. - Forums of Pravda.Ru

                                1 post - 1 author - Last post: May 17
                                For a major military service to panic due to a new weapon system, clearly a mission kill weapon system, either suggests the threat is ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              3. Early Modern warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                The impetus for the development of gunpowder weapons in China was ..... By 1600, or so, these firearms were phased out in favour of a new lighter musket. ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              4. MissileThreat :: Interview: Ivanov on Chinese Relations, New ...

                                When asked by the interviewer about “new weapons” to be the “object of pride ... All the more so since China is our largest strategic partner and we have a ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              5. China's new super missile targets U.S. carriers in deep ocean ...

                                Apr 1, 2009 ... China is developing a new, nasty surprise for the US Navy's ... The new Chinese weapon, if it is operational or likely to be so soon, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              6. The Pentagon's New Weapons Buyer - DLRO Force Management

                                Feb 24, 2009 ... The Pentagon's New Weapons Buyer ... The telling portions are when he addresses the China hedge strategy (# 3) and the conventional ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              7. China Focus: China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day ...

                                Sep 16, 2009 ... BEIJING, Sep 16, 2009 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              8. SUDAN BUILDS NEW WEAPONS FACTORIES WITH CHINESE HELP! [Free Republic]

                                To: KLT. China had to use that technology Clinton sold them SOMEWHERE! ..... Are 'trigger-locks' required on each NEW WEAPON for U.N. Safety standards? ...
                       - Cached - Similar -
                              9. Burmese Rebels Surrender Weapons, Flee to China - International ...

                                Aug 30, 2009 ... Burmese Rebels Surrender Weapons, Flee to China, Hundreds of ethnic rebels have fled clashes in northeastern Burma, surrendering their ...
                      ,2933,544440,00.html - Cached - Similar -
                              10. New Weapons News - Military Industry Today

                                Sep 9, 2009 ... More than 52 types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including ... The idea is to show how China's military has ...
                       - Cached - Similar -

                              1. Six most anticipated "new weapons" in the National Day military ...

                                New weapons have been displayed in every Chinese military parade. ... The introduction of the J-10 fighter aircraft made China the fifth country in the ...
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                              2. HIV/AIDS IN CHINA: A New Treatment Campaign, But With Limited ...

                                HIV/AIDS IN CHINA: A New Treatment Campaign, But With Limited Weapons. Jon Cohen. RUILI, YUNNAN PROVINCE--The government has promised free AIDS drugs, ...
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                                by J Cohen - 2004 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
                              3. CHINA'S NEW WEAPONS | Canadian Democratic Movement - Politics in ...

                                America's concerns over China's military spending... June 25, 2007 CHINA'S NEW WEAPONS This is an excerpt from What's It All About? The Decline of the.
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                              4. ASIAN DEFENCE: Navy admiral: China to develop sophisticated marine ...

                                Apr 16, 2009 ... These are a few sophisticated marine weapons China plans to build. "The Navy will move faster in researching and building new-generation ...
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                              5. The Magazine of the ILO: WORLD OF WORK No. 19 -New weapons against ...

                                19 - New weapons against child trafficking in Asia. ... In recent years, large numbers of children from Cambodia, China, Laos and Myanmar have been forced ...
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                              6. China to Parade its Latest Weapons

                                BEIJING -- Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control aircraft, ...
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                              7. China to showcase new weapons during National Day parade

                                Sep 24, 2009 ... Cina would showcase 52 ypes of weapon systems including new generation nuclear, conventional and cruise missiles, an indigenous airborne ...
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                              8. China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade

                                Sep 16, 2009 ... BEIJING, – Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne early warning and control ...
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                              9. NavyOCS :: OCS Foundation Portal - Weapons Get Smaller, Deadlier ...

                                But it was no big deal at China Lake, where weapons have been getting smaller, more precise and more powerful for a decade. The new missiles being developed ...
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                              10. LA begins to identify drug buyers using pseudonyms with new ...

                                LA begins to identify drug buyers using pseudonyms with new weapons. ... 2009 China Badminton Masters · New York Fashion Week · SPRING 2010 ...
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                              1. CHINA'S NEW WEAPONS | The Agonist

                                CHINA'S NEW WEAPONS. June 25, 2007. CHINA'S NEW WEAPONS. This is an excerpt from What's It All About? The Decline of the American Empire by John Chuckman ...
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                              2. Timeline: Weapons technology - 07 July 2009 - New Scientist

                                Jul 7, 2009 ... China's Ming Dynasty drives firearms technology forwards. .... best minds to work creating new weapons (Image: Sipa Press / Rex Features) ...
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                              3. China's New Weapons - Uncommon Thought Journal

                                China's New Weapons. | Sphere: Related Content. By John Chuckman This is an excerpt from "What's It All About? The Decline of the American Empire by John ...
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                              4. China's new weapon: Low executive pay - CNET News

                                Jun 4, 2007 ... Factory workers make less in China than in the US, and so do CEOs. But the impact on the market remains unclear. A CNET article by Michael ...
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                              5. Taiwan president urges US to supply it with new weapons to deal ...

                                Taiwan president urges US to supply new weaponsTAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou on Wednesday called on the United States to supply it with new ...
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                              6. China Defense White Paper Describes Nuclear Escalation « FAS ...

                                Those are good policy goals but they ring hollow given that China is busy deploying new nuclear weapons with new nuclear warheads and is the only of the ...
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                              7. BBC NEWS | South Asia | Taleban 'getting Chinese arms'

                                Sep 3, 2007 ... So the Taleban might well use any sophisticated new weapons it received against the Pakistani army. It is not in China's interest either to ...
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                              8. MyUSTINET News: China To Display New Weapons Oct. 1

                                News Summary: China will publicly display its new nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time at its National Day military parade, ...
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                              9. LA to Identify Drug Buyers Using Pseudonyms with New Weapons

                                LA to Identify Drug Buyers Using Pseudonyms with New Weapons .... Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard and McDonald Islands, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR (China) ...
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                              10. Weapon and Technology: Chinese Army Undertakings

                                Long-term, however, greater precision will be a feature of most new weapon systems. Image Hosted by China's growing C4ISR capabilities were ...
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