Re: US not on the road to confrontation with Russia
I think all nations are dangerously unpredictable when they truly feel threatened (as opposed to make-believe threats that are for domestic political purposes). I don't think I'd single Israel out in this regard.
Dropping the old missile shield seems like a wise policy move to me. There was little to be gained from antagonizing the Russians, and the missile shield in Europe didn't seem to be offering protection from the major threats facing the US and Western Europe, which IMO is terrorism (and banksters !), not long range missiles.
Originally posted by ThePythonicCow
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Dropping the old missile shield seems like a wise policy move to me. There was little to be gained from antagonizing the Russians, and the missile shield in Europe didn't seem to be offering protection from the major threats facing the US and Western Europe, which IMO is terrorism (and banksters !), not long range missiles.