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U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

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  • U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

    Let's save the jobs of Medved's aptly named "bloodsuckers". Let make sure however that no ones who is purchasing tires is not made aware of the prices being artificially high :rolleyes:.

    U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

    By Peter Whoriskey and Anne Kornblut
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Saturday, September 12, 2009

    In one of his first major decisions on trade policy, President Obama opted Friday to impose a tariff on tires from China, a move that fulfills his campaign promise to "crack down" on imports that unfairly undermine American workers but risks angering the nation's second-largest trading partner.


    Full Article Here.

    BTW, here is the snippet from the WashingPost about jobs being lost, hence justifying careless economic policy to favor few at the expense of many:

    ... intended to bolster the ailing U.S. tire industry, in which more than 5,000 jobs have been lost....

  • #2
    Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

    Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
    Let's save the jobs of Medved's aptly named "bloodsuckers". Let make sure however that no ones who is purchasing tires is not made aware of the prices being artificially high :rolleyes:.

    BTW, here is the snippet from the WashingPost about jobs being lost, hence justifying careless economic policy to favor few at the expense of many:
    An unbelievably stupid decision. Obama gets worse and worse and worse with every passing day. Pretty soon people will long for Dubya to be back - and that boggles the mind.


    • #3
      Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

      Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
      An unbelievably stupid decision. Obama gets worse and worse and worse with every passing day. Pretty soon people will long for Dubya to be back - and that boggles the mind.
      I am afraid that is where we are going - and it frightens me.

      All my friends make great fun of Sarah Palin, until I point out that after another 3 years of the foolish mistakes of President Obama anyone could get elected President.

      I remember when people laughed when any sane person would even mention that a has-been Hollywood actor name Reagan could become President.

      - sigh -


      • #4
        Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

        Originally posted by audrey_girl View Post
        I am afraid that is where we are going - and it frightens me.

        All my friends make great fun of Sarah Palin, until I point out that after another 3 years of the foolish mistakes of President Obama anyone could get elected President.

        I remember when people laughed when any sane person would even mention that a has-been Hollywood actor name Reagan could become President.

        - sigh -
        Don't know if people will be longing for "W", but if someone had suggested in January that the next President would be a one-termer I would have been sceptical. No longer...


        • #5
          Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

          Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
          An unbelievably stupid decision. Obama gets worse and worse and worse with every passing day. Pretty soon people will long for Dubya to be back - and that boggles the mind.

          HV, wait it gets better!

          Sarkozy calls for carbon tax on imports

          By Peggy Hollinger in Paris
          Published: September 10 2009 19:00 | Last updated: September 10 2009 19:00

          Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, renewed his call for a European carbon tax on imports to the bloc on Thursday as he unveiled details of a new charge on fossil fuel products in France.

          article here.
          I guess they are not joking when they say "standards of living" are going down.


          • #6
            Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

            I would see this as totally inevitable, China's economic planners have totally gone bonkers, they are preparing to ramp up production by direct cash subsidies to factories in the form of bank loans ("that do not need to be repaid") even when there is no demand.

            Unless the US and EU are prepared to see their own industries and jobs decimated by below-cost Chinese imports, duties are inevitable.

            I've already said, the Asians are fighting over jobs.


            • #7
              Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

              "Free trade" and globalization has been bad for the vast majority of Americans. I am all for tariffs. The Chinese have an ENDLESS supply of slave labor. The world cannot compete with that. I would much rather we save our industries with tariffs instead of bail-outs. (plus it would be a way to raise taxes). Yes, there are side-effects. Things will be more expensive, for example. But, the experiment of the past 20 years has been a dismal failure for Joe Six-Pack.


              • #8
                Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                Originally posted by aaron View Post
                "Free trade" and globalization has been bad for the vast majority of Americans. I am all for tariffs. The Chinese have an ENDLESS supply of slave labor. The world cannot compete with that. I would much rather we save our industries with tariffs instead of bail-outs. (plus it would be a way to raise taxes). Yes, there are side-effects. Things will be more expensive, for example. But, the experiment of the past 20 years has been a dismal failure for Joe Six-Pack.
                Saving a high-tech industry that produces significant added value makes sense. What's so high tech about saving a few tire factories? Next, they will want all the textile and shoe factories to return to America.

                A strong argument can be made about saving high-tech aviation etc. But tires???


                • #9
                  Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                  Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                  Don't know if people will be longing for "W", but if someone had suggested in January that the next President would be a one-termer I would have been sceptical. No longer...
                  Really? I thought it was a foregone conclusion. Not because of Obama, but because of the enormity of the mess he inherited. I was telling anyone who would listen that he was a one term president.


                  • #10
                    Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                    China plans anti-dumping probe of U.S. autos, chicken

                    Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:16pm EDT

                    BEIJING (Reuters) - China's commerce ministry said on Sunday it had launched an anti-dumping investigation into imports of U.S. chicken products and vehicles, as the foreign ministry slammed the United States for protectionism.

                    Domestic industry had asked the government to counter unfair trade practices used to help import products, the Ministry of Commerce said on its website (

                    China and the United States have vowed to cooperate in seeking to revive global economic growth.

                    "China consistently and resolutely opposes trade protectionism, which has been proved by its behavior since (the start of) the financial crisis," the commerce ministry said.


                    let the games begin


                    • #11
                      Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                      Stupid decisions Obama has made to date:

                      1.) RE-APPOINTING BERNANKE TO HEAD THE FED;





                      6.) LETTING DR. CHOU HEAD THE U.S. DEPT. OF ENERGY;


                      8.) CASH FOR CLUNKERS AS AN ECONOMIC PLAN;


                      Yes, Obama will likely be a one-term president. The country was ready for change after George Bush, but the Democrats had no agreement on what change they wanted to make. So the broad coalition of liberals that put Obama into power were unready to govern.

                      Even on education reform, the Obama Administration has offered nothing specific other than giving more money to the public schools despite their archaic and nationalistic school curriculum. ( A HUGE MISTAKE )
                      Last edited by Starving Steve; September 13, 2009, 04:39 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                        Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
                        HV, wait it gets better!

                        I guess they are not joking when they say "standards of living" are going down.
                        Largoman, did you make decent profits on your oil ETFs? Im looking for decent natgas ETFs but can't find any.


                        • #13
                          Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                          Originally posted by thedanimal View Post
                          Really? I thought it was a foregone conclusion. Not because of Obama, but because of the enormity of the mess he inherited. I was telling anyone who would listen that he was a one term president.

                          To me it (The 2008 election) always seemed like the one to lose.


                          • #14
                            Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                            You don't think tire manufacturing is high-tech? It could be the most "high tech" part of a typical automobile purchase.

                            I'd like to hear some actual economic arguments from the Fox News watching Obama bashing crowd.

                            Turn off Glenn Beck and think about your own communities and what it means to be American for a change.

                            China is laughing at the America neocon idiots selling out thier country in the name of "free-trade" and "capitalism" to a few ultra wealthly oligarchs. The idiocy of these Fox New Republicans is beyond a joke.

                            China is strategically stealing US technology left right and center and the pay-off goes a few anti-Americans on wall street and in D.C.

                            At least Obama has the courage to stand up for his country, unlike you Fox News watching sell-outs.

                            I'd tariff China to death and make them float the yuan and adhere to global accounting standards to start, become an elected democracy would be nice as well, ...

                            China ads ZERO value to American life unless you like shopping at Walmart and get a car filled with useless crap each weekend.


                            • #15
                              Re: U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

                              Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
                              Saving a high-tech industry that produces significant added value makes sense. What's so high tech about saving a few tire factories? Next, they will want all the textile and shoe factories to return to America.

                              A strong argument can be made about saving high-tech aviation etc. But tires???

                              Free and fair trade always has been the hardest topic to get my head around. The people who work at tire factories or at used to work at textile and shoe factories may not compete in alot of metrics with high tech avaition. Even given that fact, is it not better to see men and women earning a fair wage and contributing to their communities. These blue collar workers tend to put down firm roots. Coach little league, attend communtity fundraisers for unfortunate or unlucky members of the communtiy. In short they are the chassis of the American automobile.

                              In this world of today and tomorrow there will always be somebody who can do your job for less. Maybe not as good, but the price differential can make up for it.

