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Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

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  • #16
    Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

    Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
    So your theory is that they are smart except for those rare occasions when they lose their minds? Generally when someone repeatedly says things to me that sound reasonable and insightful, but occasionally bizarre and out of left field, I try to re-evaluate my positions. It could be that the problem is not them, but me.

    The public is receptive to these ideas because we have been lied to so often and so monumentally. Why is it that the thought of the government poisoning babies with vaccines trips so easily though so many peoples heads? Ask a few of your friends, this idea is au courant

    As far as the detention goes, it is not a conspiracy theory, but a commonplace medical fact of life. TB patients are routinely (if unconstitutionally ) detained for treatment in many cities.

    I'm going to re-iterate my idea from another thread that the swine flu "crisis" has been dreamed up as a method of clamping down on public protests against austerity measures and to prevent capital flight. The big danger in a full on economic bomb would be not just capital flight, but actual people flight, a "brain drain". The plan looks to me to be to setup martial law and prevent people from traveling.
    How does the swine flu crisis prevent capital flight? I don't seem to understand the connection. I can move money out of the country sitting in front of my mac at a moments notice. How does this change if I'm sick?
    RanMan :cool:


    • #17
      Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

      Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
      Generally when someone repeatedly says things to me that sound reasonable and insightful, but occasionally bizarre and out of left field, I try to re-evaluate my positions. It could be that the problem is not them, but me.

      That is precisely why I am posting this here, to do just that.


      • #18
        Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

        The article echos many of the concerns I have regarding the draconian measures taken to prevent a nebulous pandemic. This whole situation reeks of profiteering and corruption. My thoughts keep hearkening back to Naomi Klein's shock doctrine. Btw, I am a strong supporter of medical research and vaccinations of many infectious diseases. However, the evidence supporting influenza vaccinations is a joke. On top of it, the H1N1 vaccine is new. This stuff has been so hasily brought to market, I'm convinced its barely tested with limited if any safety/control protocols regarding production and distribution. That begs the question, why would I want this crap injected into my body?


        • #19
          Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

          Originally posted by mesyn191 View Post
          Sounds highly speculative to say the least.... Out of all the things I'd worry about Swine Flu is probably the least of them IMO.

          The bankrupt bears are now having to resort to the Swine Flu for hopeful redemption. Pretty pathetic. The Swine Flu was last years news. The guys in charge here are going to make this rally for as long and hard as they can as they have unlimited and unchecked access to funds. Once there is no more money to be made on the upside they are going to create it on the downside.


          • #20
            Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

            Originally posted by pianodoctor View Post
            Here are the credentials of the woman in the video: "she received a bachelor of arts degree in English from the University of Maryland and was an editor for New York Life Insurance Company in New York City; director of community relations for Muhlenberg Hospital in New Jersey; and media relations coordinator for the Alexandria Tourist Council in Alexandria, Virginia. Ms. Fisher is not medically educated." (Source Wiki)
            Here are the credentials of the man posting about other people's credentials: there are none.

            And may I ask why you bring the woman's credentials into question?

            What does this have to do with my personal rights being violated, and the ability of a human being to inform another human being of potential rights violations?

            Your post has nothing to do with these, nor does it have anything to do with the video, because all the woman is effectively saying is "knowledge is power, inform yourself of your rights"

            I don't recall hearing her give me medical advice.

            Not only that, i'd go one step further, and argue that almost ALL companies have a spokesperson that doesn't necessarily have a degree in what they are talking about, but what does that have to do with the company's position, which she is relaying to you?

            I come to this site to read expert commentaries, please try to raise the bar a little, and not tear down sources of information because of what you pasted off of wikipedia.


            • #21
              Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

              Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
              The article echos many of the concerns I have regarding the draconian measures taken to prevent a nebulous pandemic. This whole situation reeks of profiteering and corruption. My thoughts keep hearkening back to Naomi Klein's shock doctrine. Btw, I am a strong supporter of medical research and vaccinations of many infectious diseases. However, the evidence supporting influenza vaccinations is a joke. On top of it, the H1N1 vaccine is new. This stuff has been so hasily brought to market, I'm convinced its barely tested with limited if any safety/control protocols regarding production and distribution. That begs the question, why would I want this crap injected into my body?
              Agreed. Valuable food for thought here on swine flu and vaccines in general.


              • #22
                Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                Originally posted by GeraldRiggs View Post
                How does the swine flu crisis prevent capital flight? I don't seem to understand the connection. I can move money out of the country sitting in front of my mac at a moments notice. How does this change if I'm sick?
                I want to start by saying i have no idea what i am talking about. If you want facts and not uninformed speculation look elsewhere. As far as i am able to determine this has nothing to do with itulip theory.

                The way i see this playing out is
                1) gov sees rush to the exits and clamps down. This means banning electronic funds transfers into foreign accounts out right and taxing foreign bank accounts at %50 or greater.
                2) next step is to criminalize carrying money out of the country. This is already long established policy. If you carry gold, bonds, securities or cash out of the country they will be confiscated at the border because you are by definition a terrorist.
                3) last step, ban the public traveling outside the US. this is where the flu crisis fits in. No more suitcases full of cash and no more brain-drain.


                • #23
                  Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                  Originally posted by swgprop View Post
                  Agreed. Valuable food for thought here on swine flu and vaccines in general.
                  The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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                  The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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                  I wonder what historians would do with the Daily Show in a couple of years


                  • #24
                    Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                    Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
                    I want to start by saying i have no idea what i am talking about. If you want facts and not uninformed speculation look elsewhere. As far as i am able to determine this has nothing to do with itulip theory.

                    The way i see this playing out is
                    1) gov sees rush to the exits and clamps down. This means banning electronic funds transfers into foreign accounts out right and taxing foreign bank accounts at %50 or greater.
                    2) next step is to criminalize carrying money out of the country. This is already long established policy. If you carry gold, bonds, securities or cash out of the country they will be confiscated at the border because you are by definition a terrorist.
                    3) last step, ban the public traveling outside the US. this is where the flu crisis fits in. No more suitcases full of cash and no more brain-drain.
           were right when you said you have no idea what you are talking about. You are speculating about potential future actions by the government some of which are reasonable and some are not. Banning ETF/ACH transfers and taxing foreign accounts at 50%? These would be show stoppers for our government. Never going to happen.
                    RanMan :cool:


                    • #25
                      Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                      Wasn't there some Itulip work done regarding Y2K fear mongering and a prolonging the dotcom collapse?


                      • #26
                        Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                        The response to H1N1 does seem out-of-balance. However, flu pandemics are serious, relatively common in history, and kill a lot of people. Generally, in 1918, everyone knew someone who died of the flu.

                        I can remember a lot of discussion before globalization really took hold about the consequences. Beyond all the wonderful things globalization would bring they were, economic instability, terrorism, mass migration, and pandemics. Sound familiar?


                        • #27
                          Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                          I agree. I tell everyone I can to have your children lick toliet seats, always pick up gum off the sidewalk and chew if for at least 5 minutes, and poke thier thumb into the anus' of dogs then suck whenever possible.

                          This exposes them to almost everything out there and gives their bodies a chance to build up immunity.

                          I believe cheap, pervasive anti-bacterial soaps are a consipiracy by the Chinese Government to weaken the US population and then they will unleash an unknown virus that will wipe us all out - as we did to the Indians - and then the Chinese will take over America.

                          Have a nice labor day weekend.


                          • #28
                            Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detentions?

                            Originally posted by GeraldRiggs View Post
                   were right when you said you have no idea what you are talking about. You are speculating about potential future actions by the government some of which are reasonable and some are not. Banning ETF/ACH transfers and taxing foreign accounts at 50%? These would be show stoppers for our government. Never going to happen.
                            I think this was discussed here in another thread:
                            new tax is already in the works that will hit even non-US citizens for as much as 45% on some inheritance. lots of other good stuff there.

                            The take home there is not just the super high tax, but the simple fact that it is getting harder to open a foreign bank account at all. Try it if you don't believe me. I don't think that this is a simple accident of an over enthusiastic IRS.


                            • #29
                              Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                              Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
                              I believe cheap, pervasive anti-bacterial soaps are a consipiracy by the Chinese Government to weaken the US population and then they will unleash an unknown virus that will wipe us all out - as we did to the Indians - and then the Chinese will take over America.
                              Brilliant. Finance a real estate bubble, then wipe em out with a virus leaving the housing intact.


                              • #30
                                Re: Zerohedge on H1N1: vacinations and detiontions?

                                Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
                                I agree. I tell everyone I can to have your children lick toilet seats... and poke thier thumb into the anus' of dogs then suck whenever possible.

