Could We Have Another 1987-Like Crash
in the Not Too Distant Future?
By Chris Puplava
"There are many market participants out there whose nerves appear to be pricking up lately as we approach the two worst months of the year, more so given the fact that the S&P 500 has risen more than 50% from the March lows and is overdue for a correction. Last year should have made the point that in terms of the financial markets, anything and everything is possible as we appeared to be on the brink of a systemic collapse. However, while anything is possible, how likely is another 1987-like sell off in the weeks ahead, or even a sell off similar to the 1998 Asian Currency Crisis?..."
in the Not Too Distant Future?
By Chris Puplava
"There are many market participants out there whose nerves appear to be pricking up lately as we approach the two worst months of the year, more so given the fact that the S&P 500 has risen more than 50% from the March lows and is overdue for a correction. Last year should have made the point that in terms of the financial markets, anything and everything is possible as we appeared to be on the brink of a systemic collapse. However, while anything is possible, how likely is another 1987-like sell off in the weeks ahead, or even a sell off similar to the 1998 Asian Currency Crisis?..."