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Neo-Libs on their last legs

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  • Neo-Libs on their last legs

    The Dam is breaking......Revoltion 2 is here.

  • #2
    Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs


    This is only the beginning, just wait til all that money they're printing burns.



    • #3
      Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

      Originally posted by Mega View Post

      The Dam is breaking......Revoltion 2 is here.
      His comments are terrific, but the way he proudly walks back through the energized crowd and kisses his wife who is standing, applauding, and holding their baby girl is just priceless. It brought tears to my eyes. I hope everyone has been blessed to have experienced that family dynamic so you know the pride that he is feeling at that moment, and long after. Well done, Marine.
      "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


      • #4
        Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

        Ha ha, what a redneck! What are these rednecks call in the UK?

        Straight out of Fox News talking points, these people are truely retarded by any definition of the word.

        Sometimes I think a large part of America is now mentally ill, some virus or something infecting thier ability to think as independent humans.

        The crazy truth is that it is exactly these rednecks that have no health insurance and lose thier teeth by the time they at 30. but it is thier choice! LOL.

        I do not think Health Care reform will pass until the % of Americans that have a brain in thier head goes over 50%.


        • #5
          Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

          Here is the obvious to people with a brain in thier head and the ability to turn off Fox News -

          if you don't understand that these rednecks are simply fakes and plants by the insurance firms then...I'd hope you turn off Fox News... LOL.

          A former health insurance executive says the disruptions taking place at lawmakers' town halls around the country are the result of stealth efforts by health insurance companies.

          Wendell Potter, a former CIGNA vice president, detailed what he said were past covert efforts by the industry. Though he said he does not have specifics for what is occurring now, because he's been out of the business for a year, it follows the same pattern.

          "The industry is up to the same dirty tricks this year," Potter said at a Capitol news conference after meeting with House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), an avid supporter of the Democrats' plans for a healthcare overhaul.

          "When you hear someone complaining about traveling down a 'slippery slope to socialism,' some insurance flack, like I used to be, wrote that," Potter added.


          • #6
            Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs



            LOL. Fricken unbelievable the ignorance flying around the health care reform.


            • #7
              Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

              We can assume that the angry guy has access to government-provided healthcare, as he's a disabled veteran. So, he's angry that the government now wants to provide it to others?


              • #8
                Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                While I strongly support our service men and women, this is just ridiculous. Quit waving the flag to make your point. That's what stupid politicians are supposed to do. This sort of reminds me of the tactic that the Republicans used in the years after the Civil War to garner votes. It was called the "Bloody Shirt" trick. You find some suitable prop of a shirt, put a couple of holes in it with some red dye, and use it in front of the crowds telling them it belonged to old Joe or whomever who died fighting the Confederacy. Voila, instant patriotism. It was complete nonsense, but the voters loved it and kept the Republicans in power for many years as a result. I think you can see the schtick here: military service = patriotism = love of country = blah blah blah. The thing I find interesting here is the fact that this guy starts off by identifying himself as a former Marine. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Who knows? But presto, chango! Instant credibility! This basically cuts the legs out from under the guy on stage since there is not much that he can say in response that won't make him look like a complete ass. Just makes a person wonder. :rolleyes:


                • #9
                  Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                  Lots of town hall coverage on CSPAN -1

                  It's an eye-opener all right.

                  Accept for the people that attend in order to protest in favor of medicare, don't think I have see any one person at the microphone that doesn't parrot the talking points of the only two acceptable viewpoints in our country.

                  Edit: I should add that there are also people that have spoken, not necessarily as proponents of current bills, but just to express their frustration with medical care inflation.

                  Even this Marine said, "takeover of the financial industry" It's one thing to call GM a takeover. But attaching rules about bonuses (for the political purpose of appearing to take populist action) to the TARP and AIG handouts does not amount to takeover of the financial industry and without a doubt that is what he was referring to. In fact it's quite the opposite. TARP and AIG handouts amount to the financial industry having control over levers of government and looting the treasury from the inside.

                  Which leads me to the general point that any attempts to reduce the influence of F.I.R.E., either by a new political party or any other entity are going to come under massive attacks by J6P Republicans.
                  Last edited by Slimprofits; August 25, 2009, 10:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                    Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                    Lots of town hall coverage on CSPAN -1

                    It's an eye-opener all right.

                    Accept for the people that attend in order to protest in favor of medicare, don't think I have see any one person at the microphone that doesn't parrot the talking points of the only two acceptable viewpoints in our country.

                    Even this Marine said, "takeover of the financial industry" It's one thing to call GM a takeover. But attaching rules about bonuses (for the political purpose of appearing to take populist action) to the TARP and AIG handouts does not amount to takeover of the financial industry and without a doubt that is what he was referring to. In fact it's quite the opposite. TARP and AIG handouts amount to the financial industry having control over levers of government and looting the treasury from the inside.

                    Which leads me to the general point that any attempts to reduce the influence of F.I.R.E., either by a new political party or any other entity are going to come under massive attacks by J6P Republicans.
                    My sense is that the vested interests are playing to the age old and ever popular recession theme of "getting things back to the good old days". Even those that did not benefit from the FIRE era seem to feel that "things were better" back then... and the government should carry the can for the bailouts, spending, deficits, tax increases, blah, blah.

                    It's amazing how people really want to believe in the "free lunch". If the government won't promise it to us [and they can't now that they are talking about increasing taxes], then we immediately go in search of someone else who will...
                    Last edited by GRG55; August 24, 2009, 08:54 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                      That was fun to watch. It's unfortunate that it was merely talking points, as accurate statements for the same purpose would have been significantly more effective. However, that distracts from the main issue. The main issue with this thread is: why isn't MulaMan banned yet?


                      • #12
                        Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                        Originally posted by bpr View Post
                        We can assume that the angry guy has access to government-provided healthcare, as he's a disabled veteran. So, he's angry that the government now wants to provide it to others?
                        He's angry because he thinks that if the gov't gives health care to others, he'll get less care or lower quality care.

                        At the local lumber yard, the main complaint I heard from the workers there was that they didn't want to pay for insurance for "freeloaders" through higher taxes.
                        Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                        • #13
                          Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                          Originally posted by bpr View Post
                          We can assume that the angry guy has access to government-provided healthcare, as he's a disabled veteran. So, he's angry that the government now wants to provide it to others?
                          My perspective on that is that medical care is one of the forms of compensation our servicemembers receive. Someone who receives a benefit that is payment for services rendered is different from someone who receives a benefit gratis. Or don't you agree?


                          • #14
                            Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                            Originally posted by ASH View Post
                            My perspective on that is that medical care is one of the forms of compensation our servicemembers receive. Someone who receives a benefit that is payment for services rendered is different from someone who receives a benefit gratis. Or don't you agree?
                            Some would argue that things like health care, education, clean air, clean water, police protection ... should not be dependent on a benefit package from your employer, but rather should be a benefit of living in a civilized and intelligent culture.


                            • #15
                              Re: Neo-Libs on their last legs

                              "With Congress in recess, much of the fight over health care reform has migrated to the airwaves as millions of dollars of advertisements are rolled out, primarily by critics.

                              But how accurate are these ads? Brooks Jackson, director of, says not very. He explains what misinformation looks like. "

                              Sight Unseen is the name of the piece;

