Re: How to deal with the economically redundant? Tax the rich
If the US were the laughing stock of the world then our net immigration would not be the second highest of the G7 major economic powers (we attract fewer immigrants than Canada, but more than Germany, Italy, UK, Japan, and France). We also attract more immigrants, by far, than China, which actually has negative immigration. And of the major countries that are considered to be some of the most socialist (Cuba, Venzuela, Vietnem, Norway, Sweden) according to a quick Google search, our net immigration is higher than all of them! If the US was a laughing stock then so many individuals would not be coming to "the land of opportunity" and/or so few people would not be leaving. The argument that the US is a laughing stock can not be supported with the facts of population movement.
California is an interesting example for you to use. California is considered one of, if not the most liberal State in the Union. I think that the chaos in California proves my point more than it proves yours. California also has negative immigration, having lost almost 700,000 residents in 2007 (the most current year I could find).
Your disdain for the Founding Fathers is miguided. Your disdain for Republicans is misguided. Your belief that socialism is the answer to your problems is dangerous. Read Democracy in America by de Tocqueville. Read Road to Serfdom by Hayek. Or, feel free to move out of California if the chaos is too great. There are many terrific towns in the Midwest; Des Moines, IA? Springfield, IL? Not many drive-by's there. Or, feel free to move to one of those socialist utopias that you admire. There is no need to wait for America to "see the light", you can move to Cuba, or Canada, or Sweden, or France or wherever you think they are doing a better job of running a country. Why would you stay in a place that you disdain when there are supposedly better alternatives available?
Originally posted by Starving Steve
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California is an interesting example for you to use. California is considered one of, if not the most liberal State in the Union. I think that the chaos in California proves my point more than it proves yours. California also has negative immigration, having lost almost 700,000 residents in 2007 (the most current year I could find).
Your disdain for the Founding Fathers is miguided. Your disdain for Republicans is misguided. Your belief that socialism is the answer to your problems is dangerous. Read Democracy in America by de Tocqueville. Read Road to Serfdom by Hayek. Or, feel free to move out of California if the chaos is too great. There are many terrific towns in the Midwest; Des Moines, IA? Springfield, IL? Not many drive-by's there. Or, feel free to move to one of those socialist utopias that you admire. There is no need to wait for America to "see the light", you can move to Cuba, or Canada, or Sweden, or France or wherever you think they are doing a better job of running a country. Why would you stay in a place that you disdain when there are supposedly better alternatives available?