It needs no explanation, it would never have happened, they just talked golf handicaps and holiday plans. Honest.
Anti spin = We made you, we own you and we need you as never before.
Please may I be excused, there is a dead Octopus and a Snake frying on the B-B-Q and the stench is overpowering.
Should I remind you - this is from CNN - BWAHAHAHAHA.
Do you think there are any Real Investigative Journalists who have the guts to go after the Real stories - forget Presidents.
I want tapes and they have them (even my Broker has to tape any converstation)
Anti spin = We made you, we own you and we need you as never before.
Please may I be excused, there is a dead Octopus and a Snake frying on the B-B-Q and the stench is overpowering.
Should I remind you - this is from CNN - BWAHAHAHAHA.
Do you think there are any Real Investigative Journalists who have the guts to go after the Real stories - forget Presidents.
I want tapes and they have them (even my Broker has to tape any converstation)