Re: You Do Not Have Health Insurance
Sounds good in theory, hard to implement in real life. What constitutes "taking good care of yourself"? Who decides that? Will police monitor what you eat at home? I know skinny guys who eat horribly and smoke. Is that better than fat and eating your veggies? We need less complexity not more. Sure, tax the hell out of McDonalds. But what about the salad at Applebees chock full of high fat dressing? 
I think Sunsky's problem getting health coverage may simply be that he is self-employed and not so young anymore. Insurance companies really would prefer not covering anyone over 40 for example. The odds we are going to need health care begin to skyrocket around that time. The large negotiated group policies accept the older folks in order to get the whole deal. They know they can pick and choose more easily with the self-employed. They will never come out and say its your age. They'll find something no matter how little to deny you coverage.
We applied a few years ago( self-employed also) with a new insurer. I already had coverage but was looking for a better deal. Their tactic was to continually ask for more information. This went on for over six months! They'd ask for records, my wife would dig it up, send it to them. Then they'd come back asking for more. After so long I told her to forget it, they obviously didn't want to cover us, but were probably required to go through the motions legally. I could understand if they said, " you had a bunion in 2002, we can't cover you". But they didn't . Just constant stalling. Hardly competition when you can't shop between insurers. They are all looking for Benjamin Button when you are that age.
Originally posted by bobola
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I think Sunsky's problem getting health coverage may simply be that he is self-employed and not so young anymore. Insurance companies really would prefer not covering anyone over 40 for example. The odds we are going to need health care begin to skyrocket around that time. The large negotiated group policies accept the older folks in order to get the whole deal. They know they can pick and choose more easily with the self-employed. They will never come out and say its your age. They'll find something no matter how little to deny you coverage.
We applied a few years ago( self-employed also) with a new insurer. I already had coverage but was looking for a better deal. Their tactic was to continually ask for more information. This went on for over six months! They'd ask for records, my wife would dig it up, send it to them. Then they'd come back asking for more. After so long I told her to forget it, they obviously didn't want to cover us, but were probably required to go through the motions legally. I could understand if they said, " you had a bunion in 2002, we can't cover you". But they didn't . Just constant stalling. Hardly competition when you can't shop between insurers. They are all looking for Benjamin Button when you are that age.
