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its all one just big lie

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  • its all one just big lie

    famous last words of B. Madoff

    wanted to share this brilliant article by S. Dougherty:

    my fav part:

    "While that statement might seem stark, it is the verbal equivalent of morphine compared with the actual numbers in the CBO's long term budget projection, which are nothing short of terrifying.

    According to the CBO, over the next SEVENTY fiscal years, the federal government will NEVER have a surplus. Rather, the United States will continue to suffer massive, escalating, multi-hundred billion dollar losses ("deficits") each and every year for the next SEVEN DECADES, which is when the budget projection stops. Under both CBO budget scenarios (catastrophic and worse-than-catastrophic), losses in fiscal year 2080 will be the largest of the entire 70 year series, meaning that the budget crisis will continue well beyond 2080. In the best case, the 2080 loss will be 17.8% of GDP; in the worst case, it will be 42.8% of GDP. To put this in context, the 2009 federal budget loss is projected to be 11.9%, in this, the worst financial crisis in American history. So 2080 will be 50 - 300% worse than now. Who the CBO thinks will fund these trillions of dollars' worth of forever losses, they do not say. Apparently, America is headed back to the Stone Age, thanks to our profligate politicians and corrupt financial elite.

    The United States has already reached the point where it is arithmetically impossible for it to pay its debts or keep its promises, unless it devalues its currency to the point where it impoverishes its citizens and creates international financial chaos. And even devaluation as a means of ending the country's budget nightmare will be difficult, given that so many government programs have cost of living escalators, making inflation a No Exit horror story. This is not subjective opinion, but rather objective, arithmetic fact, now supported even by government agencies themselves, such as the Congressional Budget Office. As John Williams of has observed, even if personal incomes were taxed at 100%, the United States still could not pay its bills...."

  • #2
    Re: its all one just big lie

    Devaluation is wishful thinking. Devaluation only works if China and the rest of the world do not devalue along with the US. And if there is chaos, that is what 4 million paramilitary troops are for. It will be bullets against machetes and as we see in Xinjiang, the bullet wins.

    Originally posted by audrey_girl View Post
    famous last words of B. Madoff

    wanted to share this brilliant article by S. Dougherty:

    my fav part:

    "While that statement might seem stark, it is the verbal equivalent of morphine compared with the actual numbers in the CBO's long term budget projection, which are nothing short of terrifying.

    According to the CBO, over the next SEVENTY fiscal years, the federal government will NEVER have a surplus. Rather, the United States will continue to suffer massive, escalating, multi-hundred billion dollar losses ("deficits") each and every year for the next SEVEN DECADES, which is when the budget projection stops. Under both CBO budget scenarios (catastrophic and worse-than-catastrophic), losses in fiscal year 2080 will be the largest of the entire 70 year series, meaning that the budget crisis will continue well beyond 2080. In the best case, the 2080 loss will be 17.8% of GDP; in the worst case, it will be 42.8% of GDP. To put this in context, the 2009 federal budget loss is projected to be 11.9%, in this, the worst financial crisis in American history. So 2080 will be 50 - 300% worse than now. Who the CBO thinks will fund these trillions of dollars' worth of forever losses, they do not say. Apparently, America is headed back to the Stone Age, thanks to our profligate politicians and corrupt financial elite.

    The United States has already reached the point where it is arithmetically impossible for it to pay its debts or keep its promises, unless it devalues its currency to the point where it impoverishes its citizens and creates international financial chaos. And even devaluation as a means of ending the country's budget nightmare will be difficult, given that so many government programs have cost of living escalators, making inflation a No Exit horror story. This is not subjective opinion, but rather objective, arithmetic fact, now supported even by government agencies themselves, such as the Congressional Budget Office. As John Williams of has observed, even if personal incomes were taxed at 100%, the United States still could not pay its bills...."


    • #3
      Re: its all one just big lie

      Originally posted by touchring View Post
      Devaluation is wishful thinking. Devaluation only works if China and the rest of the world do not devalue along with the US. And if there is chaos, that is what 4 million paramilitary troops are for. It will be bullets against machetes and as we see in Xinjiang, the bullet wins.
      Well someone has to gain all that purchasing power from all that simultaneous devaluation. Wouldn't that be the road to hell for both economies, then?


      • #4
        Re: its all one just big lie

        Originally posted by Ghent12 View Post
        Well someone has to gain all that purchasing power from all that simultaneous devaluation. Wouldn't that be the road to hell for both economies, then?

        Businesses will be profiteering by raising prices faster than inflation, reinforcing inflation. Billionaires will become trillionaires.

        The Rio tinto incident shows that China will never let itself lose face, whatever the cost.


        • #5
          Re: its all one just big lie

          Few want to face the long term. Instead we see these threads saying, "no inflation anytime soon". So what? That's great if you are planning to live just another year or so, but the long term we are screwed unless we can evoke a radical change.


          • #6
            Re: its all one just big lie

            Originally posted by touchring View Post
            Businesses will be profiteering by raising prices faster than inflation, reinforcing inflation. Billionaires will become trillionaires.
            Your use of the term "profiteering" is misguided. You, obviously, do not have a real world view of or experience in running an actual business. Typical businesses will be struggling to raise prices to even keep up with inflation during a very difficult environment of declining demand. As is already evident by the high level of unemployment and the poor earnings reports from the majority of "real economy" businesses, it is a difficult time for most companies.

            If, however, you really think that "billionaires will become trillionaires", then why don't you mimic their "secret" and own their company stock via the public stock exchanges? Or, you could do nothing, play the role of victim, and continue to complain about the injustice of it all.
            "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


            • #7
              Re: its all one just big lie

              A month ago I bought a seaworthy 27' sailboat for a song.

              Soon I will start using my marine engineering experience to reconfigure it making it even stronger.

              Wife and I are close to being debt free.

              Wind generators, solar panels and a rain catchment system are easy to design and install......Coconuts are just about the best natural food to be found...and they grow everywhere in the are relatively easy to catch.....

              I'm almost ready....bring it on........


              • #8
                Re: its all one just big lie

                Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
                Your use of the term "profiteering" is misguided. You, obviously, do not have a real world view of or experience in running an actual business. Typical businesses will be struggling to raise prices to even keep up with inflation during a very difficult environment of declining demand. As is already evident by the high level of unemployment and the poor earnings reports from the majority of "real economy" businesses, it is a difficult time for most companies.

                You may be talking about small enterprise entrepreneurs, they are affected along with all the other middle class and poor people hit by inflation.

                The case might vary from place to place and city to city, but inflation is really what makes rich people even richer, and middle class to poor people, especially retirees and pensioners, even poorer.

                Warren buffet would not have gotten so wealthy had there not been the 30 years credit inflation.

                Jim Rogers' $107k nyc townhouse would not have fetched $15.75 million without inflation. Why would a town house bought for $107k in 1977 be worth $15million today, has wages in new york city gone up 150 times? -

                You will notice that gasoline prices go up very quickly when crude price goes up, but takes forever to fall when crude prices are low. The oil and gas companies are making more money when there is inflation.

                There is also hyperinflation, which is not what i meant.
                Last edited by touchring; July 29, 2009, 12:51 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: its all one just big lie

                  Originally posted by bobola View Post
                  A month ago I bought a seaworthy 27' sailboat for a song.

                  Soon I will start using my marine engineering experience to reconfigure it making it even stronger.

                  Wife and I are close to being debt free.

                  Wind generators, solar panels and a rain catchment system are easy to design and install......Coconuts are just about the best natural food to be found...and they grow everywhere in the are relatively easy to catch.....

                  I'm almost ready....bring it on........
                  Just don't end up like this guy.

                  Last edited by flintlock; July 29, 2009, 05:23 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: its all one just big lie

                    Originally posted by touchring View Post
                    Jim Rogers' $107k nyc townhouse would not have fetched $15.75 million without inflation. Why would a town house bought for $107k in 1977 be worth $15million today, has wages in new york city gone up 150 times?
                    Because of that sweet baby leverage that was ignited circa 1980.


                    • #11
                      Re: its all one just big lie

                      Originally posted by touchring View Post
                      Jim Rogers' $107k nyc townhouse would not have fetched $15.75 million without inflation. Why would a town house bought for $107k in 1977 be worth $15million today, has wages in new york city gone up 150 times? -
                      Your example simply shows that Jim Rogers is an unusually smart guy that really gets it.

                      What about the "rich guy" that paid the $15.75mill and is now sitting on a townhouse worth $9mill.

                      Most of the "rich" didn't get their money thru thievery, blind luck, or screwing the little guy. They got it thru hard work, the ability to be more right than wrong on most of their decisions, a confidence in their convictions, and the discipline to hang-on to what they have.

                      I am sick and tired of this "billionaires are going to become trillionaires", fuck-the-rich mindset that is shared by a handful of iTulipers. I expected better from this forum. I assumed we are all in favor of success, in favor of wealth, in favor of protecting our assets, and in pursuit of improving our own lot in life. As such, it is extremely hypocritical to demonize individuals that are currently doing it better than you. Why is that your yardstick and why the need to demonize these people? Quit your freaking whining and make your own way in life. Richard Branson and Warren Buffet and Jim Rogers and Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg and EJ aren't sitting around complaining about you getting a raise in your job so quit blaming them for your current circumstances and for their success and quit trying to redistribute what they have earned. Instead, focus on becoming one of least to the degree that would finally make you happy. Or maybe that's just not possible.
                      "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


                      • #12
                        Re: its all one just big lie


                        My only problem with the mega wealthy, is when they use the power of the gvt. to extract a pound of flesh from the common man, or do it through deception. If someone builds a better mousetrap and becomes a zillionaire because everyone wants one good for him. I dont want a yacht or a mansion or anything else I am trying to hang on to my middle class existence. I got two kids to raise, and dont want to be eating cat food when I'm retired.

                        You might want to google buffet bailout and see what comes out

                        You know if they let the banks blow up in the fall, the sun would have still come up the next day.


                        • #13
                          Re: its all one just big lie

                          Originally posted by bobola View Post
                          A month ago I bought a seaworthy 27' sailboat for a song.

                          Soon I will start using my marine engineering experience to reconfigure it making it even stronger.

                          Wife and I are close to being debt free.

                          Wind generators, solar panels and a rain catchment system are easy to design and install......Coconuts are just about the best natural food to be found...and they grow everywhere in the are relatively easy to catch.....

                          I'm almost ready....bring it on........
                          Perfect! I am truly envious.

                          If I could ever convince my wife [no chance] this is exactly what I would do.

                          Attached a pic I took from the helm in the Ionian last summer...
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Re: its all one just big lie

                            Originally posted by charliebrown View Post

                            My only problem with the mega wealthy, is when they use the power of the gvt. to extract a pound of flesh from the common man, or do it through deception. If someone builds a better mousetrap and becomes a zillionaire because everyone wants one good for him. I dont want a yacht or a mansion or anything else I am trying to hang on to my middle class existence. I got two kids to raise, and dont want to be eating cat food when I'm retired.
                            Unforunately, the mega wealthy are often demonized in the MSM. No doubt there are some really bad eggs out there, but there are millions of wealthy, hard-working, charitable, considerate, terrific citizens across the Country that create jobs and support communities and donate time and money and don't deserve the hatred caused by the MSM-influenced and perpetrated class warfare. We should punish the Madoff's and others to the fullest extent of the law. We shouldn't, however, hold him out as a poster boy of the typical "rich". Have you read "The Millionaire Next Door"? The "rich" live among you in very subdued, anonymous, ordinary ways and they make terrific contributions to your community.

                            You have my most profound respect and my heartiest best wishes in your journey thru life and in raising those two kids. I truly hope you are eating steak every night of retirement.
                            "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


                            • #15
                              Re: its all one just big lie

                              Originally posted by rjwjr View Post

                              Most of the "rich" didn't get their money thru thievery, blind luck, or screwing the little guy. They got it thru hard work, the ability to be more right than wrong on most of their decisions, a confidence in their convictions, and the discipline to hang-on to what they have.
                              Agree 100%. But I think most of the "evil rich" being talked about on this site are the Bernie Madoff types. There's always a vocal minority of the "eat the rich" crowd on these type forums, but from my experience, I don't see Itulip having too much of that. Or maybe I'm just missing those threads.

