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This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

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  • This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

    Remember the Dogfight clip from "Top Gun"?
    "Schiff is Supersonic, he be in the fight 30 secs"


  • #2
    Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!


    I sent my share of money bombs for Ron Paul in the Presidential campaign and I don't live in CT. So, while I want Schiff to run and win, I will have to take a pass in terms of more money out the window this time.


    • #3
      Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

      I live in CA, but Schiff's vote will count as much as any other toward
      saving the country that I love, and his voice will be a LOT louder than
      any other in the Senate on the side of reason. I'm in.



      • #4
        Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

        Originally posted by pwcmba View Post

        I sent my share of money bombs for Ron Paul in the Presidential campaign and I don't live in CT. So, while I want Schiff to run and win, I will have to take a pass in terms of more money out the window this time.
        I too gave multiple money bombs to Ron Paul, but that was NOT money "out the window" - it helped to begin the process of awakening the American spirit.

        I live in CA, but I will donate to Peter Schiff because his vote counts as much as Boxer's or Feinstein's and he represents me more than they ever will.


        • #5
          Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

          Originally posted by triclipse View Post
          I too gave multiple money bombs to Ron Paul, but that was NOT money "out the window" - it helped to begin the process of awakening the American spirit.

          I live in CA, but I will donate to Peter Schiff because his vote counts as much as Boxer's or Feinstein's and he represents me more than they ever will.
          I believe that sentiment is largely indicative of at least part of the problem with our system of government. The representatives and senators put out their lies (as I believe they often are) to those who of course can get them elected with enticements of "if you elect me as your congressperson I'll do such and such in return."

          In my opinion, the national elected officials need only to focus on the what is best for this country in its totality vs. its large tendancy to focus on those things that will serves as "goodies" to the constituency when it comes time for re-election. What do they call the goodies? Pork-shit?

          triclipse, I am not knocking you for your comment.
          Jim 69 y/o

          "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

          Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

          Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


          • #6
            Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

            Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
            I believe that sentiment is largely indicative of at least part of the problem with our system of government. The representatives and senators put out their lies (as I believe they often are) to those who of course can get them elected with enticements of "if you elect me as your congressperson I'll do such and such in return."

            In my opinion, the national elected officials need only to focus on the what is best for this country in its totality vs. its large tendancy to focus on those things that will serves as "goodies" to the constituency when it comes time for re-election. What do they call the goodies? Pork-shit?

            triclipse, I am not knocking you for your comment.

            Thanks for not knocking me I would say more precisely that it is indicative of the problems with the 17th Amendment whose ratification I (along with many others, including Scalia and Thomas) find regrettable indeed.


            • #7
              Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!


              its money bomb day, time to donate!


              • #8
                Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

                Ron Paul is very honest and sticks to his principles - he is basically ignored by the house and the media (and the voters for the most part - yes I know, I know, Paulistas are all over the internet; but the fact is that Paul would never win a presidential election or even get a significant minority of Congress on his side). Why is that? Because as Aristotle said: the people get the rulers they deserve (and in democracy that is certainly true - they have the power to elect them).

                If Schiff gets elected, how is his experience going to be any different? It won't be.


                • #9
                  Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

                  Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
                  Ron Paul is very honest and sticks to his principles - he is basically ignored by the house and the media (and the voters for the most part - yes I know, I know, Paulistas are all over the internet; but the fact is that Paul would never win a presidential election or even get a significant minority of Congress on his side). Why is that? Because as Aristotle said: the people get the rulers they deserve (and in democracy that is certainly true - they have the power to elect them).

                  If Schiff gets elected, how is his experience going to be any different? It won't be.
                  I believe that by 2014 the more "radical" members of congress (like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich) will be considered moderate. Schiff for Senate might be a step in that direction.

                  It'll be interesting to see if he even has a platform, or if he's going to run a campaign of, "I was right, Congress was wrong." Note that in the video, when asked what he would do if he were a senator he says, he'd try to stop what the government is doing, stop the bailouts, restore sanity, etc.

                  Exactly what he would replace them with, what he would do, could be even worse.


                  • #10
                    Re: This is IT Ladies & Gents, America your nation needs you...........This IS a CALL TO ARMS!

                    Originally posted by teambldr View Post
                    DOUG JONES
                    I know a Doug Jones.

                    Ever climbed a tree on a certain college campus in the middle of the night located somewhere in the Atlanta area??
                    Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.

