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MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

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  • MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

    No surprise to iTulipers, fees and taxes never dreamed of are a comin', with the US doing their bit for our stalking horse brethren from across the pond.

    Millions of homes assessed for charge which hammers middle classes

    Shocking new details of a stealth tax of up to £600 for householders with views of any kind, patios, conservatories and even a nearby bus stop are revealed for the first time today.

    Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show millions of homes have already been secretly assessed by Labour in preparation for council tax hikes expected to target the middle class after the Election.
    Homes have been given 'value significant codes' which will make virtually every desirable feature taxable.

    Although not every home has been assessed, so far nearly 100,000 householders face being penalised simply for having a scenic view from their windows.

    Even those who have a mere glimpse of a river, hill or park - or any other pleasing outlook - stand to pay more under a special category for 'partial scenic views'.

    Worst hit among the 11 types of view are likely to be the 26,346 assessed so far as enjoying a full sea view and the 21,709 who overlook a golf course or farmland.

    People with garages, conservatories and patios - and even parking spaces - are also in the firing line.

    While the list is by no means complete, the figures indicate the chilling detail with which the inspectors are examining Britain's homes.

    The documents also reveal the sheer pettiness of the new rules. Balconies are divided into those up to three square metres, three to five square metres and so on. The 'Conservatories' category even covers lean-tos and differentiates between single and double-glazed.

    The Valuation Office Agency, which is compiling the massive database of every home in England, has divided the three-quarters of a million people with conservatories into four groups.

    The 115,610 with double-glazed conservatories will be hit harder than the 43,821 with single glazing.

    People with patios could be in for a shock. A total of 4,932 homes have been registered as having 'value significant' patios - Whitehall jargon for big ones, perhaps with built-in barbecues. There are likely to be tens of thousands more.

    Others who enjoy living in a peaceful area will soon have to pay for the privilege. A total of 38,081 homes have so far been given the coding of TQ, which tells council tax chiefs that they live in a quiet street or cul-de-sac.
    The UP code for those with good access to public transport, such as those living near a bus stop, may find their council tax goes in the same direction - up.

    Some of the details released by the VOA resemble a manual for taxing rich householders till the pips squeak.

    About 13,000 homes with pools are listed, with separate categories for indoor and outdoor; as are 1,731 equestrian paddocks; 4,933 stables; 2,863 tennis courts; and 2,268 penthouses.

    The system gives all 23million homes in England one of about 100 'dwelling-house codes' for each type, from modest council flats up to mansions. It takes account of architectural styles: brick, thatch or stone fascias, sash windows, age periods and size.

    If and when the revaluation takes place, tax will be calculated through a vast and complex formula which uses these codings.

    Householders with one or a number of the features could see their council tax band move up by one or possibly two levels.

    Moving up from Band D to Band E could mean a rise of around £300. Moving up to Band F could result in a £600 increase.

    Other categories - such as having a cesspit, no street lighting or living near a radio mast or pylon - could lead to reduced bills.

    Shadow Local Government Secretary Caroline Spelman said: 'Gordon Brown's council tax inspectors have been caught red-handed preparing the way for massive tax rises on middle England after the Election, to fill the black hole in Britain's ruined public finances. There is now cast-iron proof of a council tax revaluation by stealth.

    'Only Labour would think of taxing people for looking out of their own windows. Conservatives will scrap these tax-raising plans and abolish tax inspectors' rights of entry into your home.'

    The Government has spent a staggering £13million on the VOA's scheme to build the new database.

    Ministers have secretly renewed a multi-million-pound deal between the VOA and leading property website Rightmove to access sale prices and floorplans for tens of thousands of homes. The Treasury refused to say how much information the VOA received from Rightmove, whose website has a databank comprising 400million pages of information.

    In addition, the Government has spent £3.7million on a US computer system that can pinpoint households on a map and list information gleaned from house-to-house inspections.

    Revealed: How the council tax calculator will hit you

    The VOA, run by HM Revenue & Customs, has 85 offices and 4,300 staff. Inspectors have stored digital images of more than 1.6million properties and are collecting details on millions more.

    It has also tapped into a wide range of other sources. All planning applications, stamp duty and Land Registry records are supplied to the VOA. Inspectors scrutinise Ordnance Survey maps for details and use Google Earth, aerial and satellite images where homes cannot be seen from the road. They also have the right to visit homes to check details.

    It is believed the VOA has assessed half of all the homes in Britain.
    In 2005, Ministers shelved plans to revalue property, originally set for 2007, over fears of a backlash from voters who could face massive council tax rises.

    However, they have not ruled out going ahead with the revaluation if Labour wins the Election.

    Current council tax bills are based on assessments done in 1991, many on a 'drive-by' basis by estate agents.

    The VOA defended the database, saying: 'It is important information about property is as accurate as possible.'

    Window taxes and similar attempts to make people pay for household features have long caused controversy.

    In 1696, a tax on windows was introduced to replace the Hearth Tax based on the number of fireplaces in a property, which was abolished because people resented inspectors snooping in their homes.

    The Window Tax was assessed from outside, making it cheaper to levy. But people avoided it by blocking up windows, and it was abolished in 1851.

  • #2
    Re: MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

    Originally posted by don View Post
    No surprise to iTulipers, fees and taxes never dreamed of are a comin', with the US doing their bit for our stalking horse brethren from across the pond.

    Millions of homes assessed for charge which hammers middle classes

    ...In 1696, a tax on windows was introduced to replace the Hearth Tax based on the number of fireplaces in a property, which was abolished because people resented inspectors snooping in their homes.

    The Window Tax was assessed from outside, making it cheaper to levy. But people avoided it by blocking up windows, and it was abolished in 1851.

    Several thoughts came immediately to mind when I read this:
    • Time for Mega to move into a caravan [that's a holiday trailer for you North Americans];
    • Alternatively, time to get a mobile phone tower installed to block that sea view;
    • Also time to sell that golf course home and once again leave that silly game for the Scots [who probably vote for Gordon Brown just to get rid of him, and would be happy if he stayed in England];
    • Some of those bricked up windows from 1696 are still visible around London ;
    Seriously, this just sounds like some sort of "market-based assessment", a ritual that is well established in many property jurisdications. Where I live they introduced this in the early 1990s.


    • #3
      Re: MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

      My Grandfather (God rest his soul) used to tell me that if they could tax you for fresh air, they would.


      • #4
        Re: MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

        Originally posted by Mega View Post

        My Grandfather (God rest his soul) used to tell me that if they could tax you for fresh air, they would.
        It's coming Mike. Carbon Cap ;)


        • #5
          Re: MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

          Originally posted by don View Post
          It's coming Mike. Carbon Cap ;)
          Presumably because we breathe in "fresh" air and expel that uber-toxic compound CO2?

          [Doing the night shift in Liverpool again Mike? ]


          • #6
            Re: MEGA- Enjoy the View, if you can

            Yep, if you want to talk to the SMART people on the Planet its the lap top in bed at almost 1.00 in the morning.


