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why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

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  • why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

    and why it should:

    a hoot of an editorial; this stuff makes the old Pravda look good - bet you didn't know that the Fed was part of the Constitution - sort of a new 4th branch of government - hey just like the Supreme Court

    fyi comments:
    Last edited by audrey_girl; July 24, 2009, 08:18 PM.

  • #2
    Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

    The comments are BRILLIANT. Thanks for the links.


    • #3
      Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

      In the name of open government,
      That's right Don Graham, open government. Can you dig it?

      The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
      - Patrick Henry
      A popular government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy; or, perhaps both.
      - James Madison
      Last edited by Slimprofits; July 24, 2009, 10:23 PM.


      • #4
        Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

        "What does a farmer in Virginia have to fear from a farmer in France?"

        Patrick Henry, before the Virginia Assembly on Ratification (of the new "federal" constitution)


        • #5
          Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

          The Washington Post has beening declining in quality ever since the ascension of Fred Hiatt. Just look at the pathetic editorials put out in August 2008 regarding the 'War of Russian Aggression'.

          A complete mouthpiece of the oligarchs at this point...


          • #6
            Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

            Originally posted by c1ue View Post
            A complete mouthpiece of the oligarchs at this point...
            Hasn't it always been that?


            • #7
              Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

              I'm sure this post was correct in it's point but why would anyone follow the link to reassure themselves? The MSM is dead. It's not dying slow or horrible. The MSM has been dead for years, it's less than irrelevant, it's nothing.


              • #8
                Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

                I'm sure this post was correct in it's point but why would anyone follow the link to reassure themselves?
                morbid curiosity. It's kind of fascinating while at the same time disturbing to read the WaPo editorial page as a mirror of Fed policy.


                • #9
                  Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

                  Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                  I'm sure this post was correct in it's point but why would anyone follow the link to reassure themselves? The MSM is dead. It's not dying slow or horrible. The MSM has been dead for years, it's less than irrelevant, it's nothing.
                  If the MSM is dead, then where are people getting the information they need to be informed citizens and make the decisions needed to move the society forward? The internet? It's clear from some of the postings here that people seek information that reinforces their emotional needs and desires rather than informing them of the real events that will effect their lives.

                  Or maybe people are too busy being entertained and they simply don't have the time to find out what's happening around them. Maybe that's why we have the government we have. People who are uninformed are susceptible to the propaganda of political campaigns and the feel good commercials that the megacorps run. That misinformation is often reflected in the voting booth, and the more money you have, the more misinformation can be hammered into the heads of the uninformed. Now, there are entire TV networks who's sole purpose is to misinform an uninformed public.

                  Accurate information is the key to the survival of democracy and I don't see an easily accessible alternative to the MSM. It's true they are currently doing a terrible job but they can be pressured to change to become a more relevant source of information. Just as people need to become more politically aware and active, they need to also put the pressure on the 4th branch of government to become more responsible. I'm not ready to write an obituary for the "MSM" yet.


                  • #10
                    Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

                    What is amazing to me is that most of the people are buying the idea that this financial crisis is some kind of weather phenomena like Katrina and that the Fed is like FEMA taking care of the disaster victims. These arrogant SOBs created this mess (along with Wall Street) and now they act like someone is going to cause collapse if there is accountability. They are trying to convinced you that collapse is knowing the facts and maybe even the truth. The Wizard of Oz effect.

                    Media is about the collective conversation we must have to be a well informed culture and economy. It is vital to our survival.

                    MSM collapse? Why talk to a liar?


                    • #11
                      Re: why the MSM is dying a slow, horrible death

                      Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
                      I'm not ready to write an obituary for the "MSM" yet.
                      Take a moment to look at the advertising on MSM news. They're not talking to you unless you're over 60. I think the obituary was written 15 years ago by Mosaic. Even Walter Chronkite knew the thing he'd created was dead long before he died. You're not watching the MSM die, you're watching the corpse rot.

