It has finally hit MSM in a clear concise manner that J6Pack can understand. Keep an eye out for more like it, maybe a 3rd party might finally get some legs.
To the streets we go, viva le revolution!
I challenge Itulip to form a working doctrine we can post on the front pager for a 3rd Party economic policy. 50 statements that we can hang our hats on. The 21st Century Doctrine to reestablish a strong, vibrant economy based on sound policy. An equal playing field provided by a limited government with keen oversight. Here's a few I'll throw in the ring that can be discussed, vetoed whatever, (Raja what do you think?)
1) Glass Steagal should be restablished and protected in a vault/amendment to our constituion, to never, ever be broken again. (We had a good law, just our leaders caved into the oligarchs)
2) Anti-trust Laws that state that banks should not ever have more than 10% market share should be upheld unequivicably even in the worst crisis, ie. no Bank of America/Countrywide/Merill B.S. (we have a law, just not upheld)
3) Credit Rating Agencies must be nonprofit agencies with nonpartial ratings, by anonnymous evaluations made by CPA's and CFA's donating pro-bono time. A system where a group of evaluators and the owners of the security have no disclosure to eachother, and that the agency is responsible for upholding the annonymity
4) Our country military budget cannot exceed X amount of GDP unless declared emergency war time by Congress
5) Uphold the law that Congress must approve war by vote (we have one, just don't uphold it.) Unfortunately the premptive strike is crap, or must be limited. A Preemptive Strike can only involve X soldiers and last a duration of only long enough (24-48 hours) until congress can get off the golf course and go to the capital to vote on it.
6) Healthcare costs can never exceed the mean average of GDP of the 10 top developed countries in the world. We spend 14-15% while everyone else spends 10% or less (data from OECD) Probably 17% or more this year.
7) When considering international trade agreements, The America Legislature must represent the interests of
a) their voters (laborers and taxpaying small buisiness owners)
b) the US currency
c) national security
OVER the interest of lobbying multinational corporate conglomerates (paying no taxes, or being subsidized by a foreign government)
To the streets we go, viva le revolution!
I challenge Itulip to form a working doctrine we can post on the front pager for a 3rd Party economic policy. 50 statements that we can hang our hats on. The 21st Century Doctrine to reestablish a strong, vibrant economy based on sound policy. An equal playing field provided by a limited government with keen oversight. Here's a few I'll throw in the ring that can be discussed, vetoed whatever, (Raja what do you think?)
1) Glass Steagal should be restablished and protected in a vault/amendment to our constituion, to never, ever be broken again. (We had a good law, just our leaders caved into the oligarchs)
2) Anti-trust Laws that state that banks should not ever have more than 10% market share should be upheld unequivicably even in the worst crisis, ie. no Bank of America/Countrywide/Merill B.S. (we have a law, just not upheld)
3) Credit Rating Agencies must be nonprofit agencies with nonpartial ratings, by anonnymous evaluations made by CPA's and CFA's donating pro-bono time. A system where a group of evaluators and the owners of the security have no disclosure to eachother, and that the agency is responsible for upholding the annonymity
4) Our country military budget cannot exceed X amount of GDP unless declared emergency war time by Congress
5) Uphold the law that Congress must approve war by vote (we have one, just don't uphold it.) Unfortunately the premptive strike is crap, or must be limited. A Preemptive Strike can only involve X soldiers and last a duration of only long enough (24-48 hours) until congress can get off the golf course and go to the capital to vote on it.
6) Healthcare costs can never exceed the mean average of GDP of the 10 top developed countries in the world. We spend 14-15% while everyone else spends 10% or less (data from OECD) Probably 17% or more this year.
7) When considering international trade agreements, The America Legislature must represent the interests of
a) their voters (laborers and taxpaying small buisiness owners)
b) the US currency
c) national security
OVER the interest of lobbying multinational corporate conglomerates (paying no taxes, or being subsidized by a foreign government)