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Does America have the world's best health care?

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  • #31
    Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

    Originally posted by nero3 View Post
    If you have the wallet, I am sure you can get better care in the US than in Norway, in terms of the latest technology, techniques, fresh organs from some unlucky man in Albania. But generally I think it is much better here, in terms of what if guaranteed from the government. As everything is free (except dental care after the age of 18). I don't think I know anyone here in Norway that have a private health insurance. It's simply not needed.
    Wow, nero. Free dental and medical care. Is it provided by the Tooth Fairy? By Mary Poppins?

    I don't suppose the Norwegian government taxes the population to provide it, do they?

    If so, then it's not "free". :rolleyes:


    • #32
      Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

      Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
      Still not seen any facts that point to America having "the best premium health care"

      I believe that American drugs companies are the leaches, they leach off world-wide research and then use the American system to protect and enrich themselves.

      "American pharmaceutical researchers have discovered fewer new major drugs than one would expect based on their size and proportion of the world market."
      MulaMan, what would you recommend as a solution for the apparent disaster that is the present US Healthcare System? :confused:


      • #33
        Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

        Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
        What argument are you talking about?

        I challenge anyone to post some valid data showing that America has great health care?

        My argument is that most of you seem completely brain washed into thinking America has great health care!

        America has horrible health care by most measures except perhaps by profits made in the insurance and pharma industry.

        A double mastectomy is a sign of good health care? are you crazy or just insane?
        MulaMan , you sure know how to win friends and influence people.:rolleyes:

        My wife had an aunt who died of breast cancer, and she had a DNA profile showing the genetic sequence making her likely for the same, but didn't want a mascectomy unless a malignancy was found. Well her radiologist found it about twenty days ago.

        Rather than insult me by asking if I'm "insane", would you care to offer a treatment protocol as an example of your experience in oncology?

        You sound like a very angry man. Are you also a [young] man?


        • #34
          Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

          Originally posted by Raz View Post
          Wow, nero. Free dental and medical care. Is it provided by the Tooth Fairy? By Mary Poppins?

          I don't suppose the Norwegian government taxes the population to provide it, do they?

          If so, then it's not "free". :rolleyes:
          It's not like in the US where you wont have any care if you don't pay the insurance. You don't pay anything, and are free to choose where you want to be treated inside Norway (that is supposed to inspire the various hospitals to keep a high standard). In my opinion the system works, and it works much better than in the US for those kind of people who in the US could not, or would struggle with the insurance, (if they were high risk, thus getting a very high premium, poor etc). It seems to me that it's in this direction the US needs to go.


          • #35
            Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

            The current plan is certainly not my ideal - but better than nothing, which is what the GOP wants. I personally like single payer with optional additional private insurance followed by the Wyden-Bennett plan.
            That's basically what I am leaning towards.

            And I also agree the push is on to pass health care quickly because a drop in the markets in the fall will prevent it later.


            • #36
              Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

              Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
              I am a healthy 46 year-old man (no pre-existing conditions) that today got declined for health insurance from a major carrier in my city. Don't tell me there is no problem. I guess being a 46 year-old man is a pre-existing condition if you are self- employed.

              We have compared world views before and I respect you. I am truly glad your wife received excellent care. My brother, a doctor, provides excellent care. That is not the question. The question is what our collective responsibility is to each other when it comes to health care, what our priorities are, and how these two things are represented in our economic system.
              Yeah, they don't want to cover guys our age. Found that out last year when they kept stalling and asking for more info repeatedly. Its hardly a competitive industry when it takes months just to apply for health insurance. Its a cartel.


              • #37
                Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                Originally posted by Raz View Post
                MulaMan , you sure know how to win friends and influence people.:rolleyes:

                My wife had an aunt who died of breast cancer, and she had a DNA profile showing the genetic sequence making her likely for the same, but didn't want a mascectomy unless a malignancy was found. Well her radiologist found it about twenty days ago.

                Rather than insult me by asking if I'm "insane", would you care to offer a treatment protocol as an example of your experience in oncology?

                You sound like a very angry man. Are you also a [young] man?

                That must have been a great relief. I was disappointed when I read that post. You have shown great restraint.


                • #38
                  Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                  Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                  It's not like in the US where you wont have any care if you don't pay the insurance. You don't pay anything, and are free to choose where you want to be treated inside Norway (that is supposed to inspire the various hospitals to keep a high standard). In my opinion the system works, and it works much better than in the US for those kind of people who in the US could not, or would struggle with the insurance, (if they were high risk, thus getting a very high premium, poor etc). It seems to me that it's in this direction the US needs to go.
                  You answered my question. Health care is provided by doctors who don't charge anything at hospitals that have a fairy who provides everything they need in order to operate. It really is "free" !

                  Could you get Mary Poppins to come to the US so it won't cost us anything? :rolleyes:


                  • #39
                    Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                    As for the birth certificate of President Obama, here it is:

                    #151-1961-010641 Barack Hussein Obama II, born Aug 4, 1961 7:24PM at Honolulu, Hawaii, County of Oahu, to father, Barack Hussein Obama and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham

                    To see the birth certificate, click this link:
                    There is a fairly careful, and rather critical, analysis of this certificate at (amongst other places)

                    I am confident that you will find some reason to reject this critical analysis. Hopefully you can at least understand that there are decent reasons why some of us remain unconvinced that we have been told the truth.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #40
                      Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                      Originally posted by Raz View Post
                      You answered my question. Health care is provided by doctors who don't charge anything at hospitals that have a fairy who provides everything they need in order to operate. It really is "free" !

                      Could you get Mary Poppins to come to the US so it won't cost us anything? :rolleyes:
                      It's my opinion that the government is a black whole anyway. If they did not spent in on health care, they would sure spend it on something else, so I am not really sure if it matters that much.


                      • #41
                        Re: Does America have the world's best health care?



                        • #42
                          Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                          Originally posted by Raz View Post
                          Wow, nero. Free dental and medical care. Is it provided by the Tooth Fairy? By Mary Poppins?

                          I don't suppose the Norwegian government taxes the population to provide it, do they?

                          If so, then it's not "free". :rolleyes:
                          Free at point of access.
                          It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                          • #43
                            Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                            Originally posted by *T* View Post
                            Free at point of access.
                            I doubt those who can't afford the insurance pay much tax anyway. Free for those who really need it.This boils down to if you want a first and second class society as the US, where some can afford and some can't. In a sense, in most cases I think the cost of someone not having education, not having good teeth, not having a good health, due to a lack of insurance, just adds as a drag later on, costing more, not less, therefore it's actually cheaper for society that it's accessible to everyone.

                            In my opinion the biggest disaster is the retirement of the baby boomers. This is the vampire generation. The reduced tax base, and increasing benefits, is going to really be a huge drag on the western world.

                            Let's say the US had a sensible military then I am sure a health care system as ours would not increase the tax rates at all. Anyway, taxes in the US is probably at the low point in a long term cycle of increasing taxes.
                            Last edited by nero3; July 25, 2009, 07:24 AM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Does America have the world's best health care?


                              I've been a subscriber to the Economist since 1995. It is a relentlessly conservative magazine. Their 160th anniversary special issue was -from front page to last- an homage to free markets. It has been conservative for all 160 years. Your confusion derives from the fact that its editors acknowledge more than one side to an argument.

                              Regarding our spectacularly low-value health care industry: I am a healthy 44 year old male. Last year, I walked into George Washington University Hospital and tried to get a refill on a $12 medication. First, I was required to have my blood pressure and heart rate checked (even though neither had anything to do with my condition), for which I was charged $180. I was then told that, without insurance, the appointment cost to actually see the doctor and get a prescription was "$450-$650". Yes, you read that right: $450-$650 to see a doctor to get a routine $12 prescription refill.


                              • #45
                                Re: Does America have the world's best health care?

                                Originally posted by *T* View Post
                                Free at point of access.
                                I get your point, *T*.
                                I hope nero3 gets mine.

                                Nothing is "free".

