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Keynes was right...

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  • #16
    Re: Keynes was right...

    Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
    According to this post by metalman, Lukester was not banned, but was on some sort of 'grey list', whatever that is.
    Double secret probation.

    Fat, drunk and chasing nominal prices is no way to go through life, son.


    • #17
      Re: Keynes was right...

      Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
      ...when he was quoted as saying; "The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."

      When is this damn dead-cat bounce going to end?!

      Not only am I testing Keynes theory, I'm starting to have the lack-of-patience that our friend and fellow iTulper Mega has with his pound sterling shorts. Before you know it, I'll resort to technical analysis!:eek:
      If you timing is anything like mine, that "damn dead-cat bounce" is going to end right after you cover your shorts.

      Sometimes within days.


      • #18
        Re: Keynes was right...

        Originally posted by snakela View Post
        Double secret probation.

        Fat, drunk and chasing nominal prices is no way to go through life, son.
        Thanks for the comic relief, snakela.

        The only sad part about lukester's ban is that metalman has been much less prolific in his posts. I hope the two are not related. He's probably just vacationing in the south of France. Do they even have internet yet? They must be is an American thing so they are hesitant to support it...but on the other hand it was invented by Al Gore who is likely as well loved as Jerry Lewis.
        "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


        • #19
          Re: Keynes was right...

          Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
          If you timing is anything like mine, that "damn dead-cat bounce" is going to end right after you cover your shorts.

          Sometimes within days.
          LOL, yep. Not so much a dead cat bounce as...

          "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


          • #20
            Re: Keynes was right...

            It's always important to be data driven and to understand the underlying macro economics.

            It is even more important to put one's pride aside and NEVER, EVER argue with the market. It is, perhaps, our best leading indicator.


            • #21
              Re: Keynes was right...

              Originally posted by BiscayneSunrise View Post
              It's always important to be data driven and to understand the underlying macro economics.

              It is even more important to put one's pride aside and NEVER, EVER argue with the market. It is, perhaps, our best leading indicator.
              Thanks for the input my fellow Floridian, but don't the "underlying macro economics" point to a sharply weaker market?

              As for the market leading, is this how you mean?...

              "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse

