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Obama asks the question.............
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Healthcare in the states?
I'll give you an earful. I can't believe I ever supported the democrats. Granted my other choice is a bunch of flag waving, Jesus spewing (this is a Christian nation after all), gay bashing, corrupt idiots.
But the socialist democrats are trying to ram through the mother of all socialist programs. Sure it's going to be magically paid for by taxing millionares ( I'm one of those new yorkers who will pay 57% on taxes. And when it cost oh so much more than it is sold at, the taxes will slide all the way down the income scale. Are there benifets t small business? Nope. I'll have to insure my employees (I do now) and I'll be limited as to their co-pay portion. Other ideas in the mix: taxing the benifets I am legally obligated to give but giving unions the break on taxes. And then comes the lobbying. Yesterday I saw a commercial saying,"don't leave autism out of national healthcare"
at least the republicans have some sense f what it Taos to run a business and how small business employs people.
Your mrtgage made cheap by tax dollars. Healthcare just by taxing "the rich." global empire with no clear objective. All of these and more, paid for by magic ducks shitting golden eggs. Time to cut up the duck to get the eggs out faster
Re: Obama asks the question.............
US healthcare is in crisis. Anybody who is trying to say different has been isolated via group policy or wealth from this fact. Obama never promised single payer. He said that if he were starting from scratch that is what he would do but also said it would be too disruptive at this point to go that way. Ironically, the system is so screwed up it may collapse and he will get to start from scratch.
I am self employed and have been buying my own health care for over three years now. I am and have been healthy and I am 46 (I am single, good looking, and not afraid to cry but that is another site). My premiums have gone up 180% during this period. I know other self-employed professionals who are older and decided to forgo insurance because their premiums were eclispsing the $1000/month range and they were healthy.
If the free market was going to fix this problem it would have long ago. The American system is fixated on technology and drugs because of "market" forces. The corporate model just does not work here. You can't patent doctors. Until we start training more doctors and nurses and build more facilities this will not be fixed.Last edited by sunskyfan; July 19, 2009, 12:28 PM.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by goadam1 View PostHealthcare in the states?
Your mrtgage made cheap by tax dollars. Healthcare just by taxing "the rich." global empire with no clear objective. All of these and more, paid for by magic ducks shitting golden eggs. Time to cut up the duck to get the eggs out faster
Re: Obama asks the question.............
That you rely on health insurance for basic health care does not bother you?
A quick look into the history of health care in the country reveals that cost started to outpace inflation by wide margins after the government started getting involved. A quick glance at the parts of the health care industry that are not covered by insurance or government programs reveals this to be true as well, as the cost of things like plastic surgery and LASIK/PRK decrease over time.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by Ghent12 View PostThat you rely on health insurance for basic health care does not bother you?
A quick look into the history of health care in the country reveals that cost started to outpace inflation by wide margins after the government started getting involved. A quick glance at the parts of the health care industry that are not covered by insurance or government programs reveals this to be true as well, as the cost of things like plastic surgery and LASIK/PRK decrease over time.
Socialized medicine with a health tax paid by everyone would be far superior to the system the U.S. now has where 50 million people now do without healthcare and the rest have to pay their outrageous private health insurance premiums, plus co-payments and deductibles.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
If the idea of insurance is to spread risk and most health costs are borne near end of life and the population is aging, isn't rising health cost a foregone conclusion?
Private or publicly paid for, costs and premiums need to increase to pay for the aging boomers. Unless they all saved up enough in anticipation of getting old and requiring more health services. Betting as a group, they didn't.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by sunskyfan View PostIf the free market was going to fix this problem it would have long ago. The American system is fixated on technology and drugs because of "market" forces. The corporate model just does not work here. You can't patent doctors. Until we start training more doctors and nurses and build more facilities this will not be fixed.
I'm tired of this weak "capitalism has failed" arguement. The government is responsible for healthcare costs and you want to give them more control over it. The same people who have destroyed our currency, our stock market, our housing market, you want to give complete control of our healthcare.
HMOs and managed care create a government mandated corporatism which rakes off profits and worsens the quality of care. HMOs did not arise in the free market; they are created by government interference in health care dating to the 1970s. These are NON MARKET institutions that have gained control over medical care through collusion between organized medicine, politicians, and drug companies.
The 1974 ERISA law grants tax benefits to employers for providing health care, while not allowing similar incentives for individuals. This results in the coupling of employment and health insurance. In this way government removed the market incentive for health insurance companies to answer to the actual health-care consumer. Also, when a greater amount of government and corporate money pays for medical bills, the costs rise artificially out of the range of most individuals who are self employed, unemployed, part time employees etc.
Sadly you're going to get your way and you won't realize how terribly wrong you were until it's too late.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by snakela View PostIf the idea of insurance is to spread risk and most health costs are borne near end of life and the population is aging, isn't rising health cost a foregone conclusion?
Private or publicly paid for, costs and premiums need to increase to pay for the aging boomers. Unless they all saved up enough in anticipation of getting old and requiring more health services. Betting as a group, they didn't.
For more than half-a-century, the Republicans in the U.S. have been blocking socialized medicine, and they continue to do so. That is why I say, let the Americans go to hell with their for-profit private health insurance system---- and they will.
Even the doctors and the nurses are in revolt, but the Republicans persist in blocking major health reform. That is why every Republican blocking socialized medicine needs to be given a message: vote them out of office and good-riddance to them!
Write to Congress and tell them you support Obama's plan for healthcare reform. Tell them you want socialized medicine. The time has come for major change in America.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by Starving Steve View PostLet the Americans go to hell with their private (for-profit) insurance industry, their $600+ monthly private health insurance premiums, their co-payments for healthcare, their healthcare just for the very rich, their non-covered or non-insured health services, their short life-span compared to nations with socialized medicine, plus their gun violence, their failing industries due to healthcare costs for employees, and their corrupt Congress run by money from lobbyists.
Socialized medicine with a health tax paid by everyone would be far superior to the system the U.S. now has where 50 million people now do without healthcare and the rest have to pay their outrageous private health insurance premiums, plus co-payments and deductibles.
Of these 50 million people you describe, do you know what their reasons are for not having health insurance? Since you complain about the "outrageous private health insurance premiums," do you not cede the point that health insurance is a flawed system to begin with, and that insuring those 50 million you want insured will be a failure?
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by Ghent12 View PostI do not wish to offend your deep religious (Anti-Corporatism is a religion, in my book) convictions, but your premise is flawed. Look to tombat1913's post to see the specifics of it. The free market for health care worked well enough in the distant past, and we have not had a free market for health care since. Your shotgun spread of ideas is anathema to free society or prosperous society.
Of these 50 million people you describe, do you know what their reasons are for not having health insurance? Since you complain about the "outrageous private health insurance premiums," do you not cede the point that health insurance is a flawed system to begin with, and that insuring those 50 million you want insured will be a failure?
The free market for healthcare has been a complete failure; even the doctors and the nurses in America are now in revolt against for-profit medicine run by private health insurance companies.
Profit and medicine do NOT mix. And you might give that message to your FOX News channel and to the Republicans in Congress.Last edited by Starving Steve; July 19, 2009, 06:17 PM.
Re: Obama asks the question.............
Originally posted by Starving Steve View PostAn America without a right to healthcare is simply not a free country and not an America that I would ever want to live in again.
The free market for healthcare has been a complete failure; even the doctors and the nurses in America are now in revolt against for-profit medicine run by private health insurance companies.
Profit and medicine do NOT mix. And you might give that message to your FOX News channel and to the Republicans in Congress.