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China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

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  • #16
    Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

    Originally posted by metalman View Post
    then let's discuss early signs, warning signs, etc. what comes before riots?

    between what groups?

    The early signs are already here(16%U-6). Historical precedents(for every one percent increase in the foreclosure rate there is an increase of two percent in the crime rate) are the warning signs and starvation and loss of identity(nothing more left to lose) comes before the riots.

    Starting somewhere around October, 2008, you want to mind your own business and try to keep out of the way unless forced to do otherwise. Unfortuntely, many of these Chinese found that out the hard way.

    Oh yeah. You definately don't want to be hanging out with a J6P that videotapes himself destroying toy cars with a baseball bat and an axe.


    • #17
      Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

      Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
      You definately don't want to be hanging out with a J6P that videotapes himself destroying toy cars with a baseball bat and an axe.
      I'd rather be with that guy than some snobby upper class urban dweller.

      "Hey honey, the police are here to take our guns so we can all be safe! And look, theyre rounding up all the neighbors to take us to a camp for some tea so we can be super safe from the psychos who beat cars with axes! Yay, I feel so much better now!"
      Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


      • #18
        Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

        Yes, I guessed most of the dead are (Han) Chinese. My point is that the Chinese people have no problems calling in the troops to kill all the Muslims. These Muslims are less than human (to the Chinese). They are an oppressed minority. Unfortunately, they are not as tactful as their Tibetan counterparts.

        In this case, the government is the smart one. They have been very careful in all of this. It would be easy to come in there with the blessing of the all the Chinese and crush the Muslims. But, how would that affect their oil deals? How many Muslims would they have to kill? What kind of urban warfare would they get entangled in?

        "A U.S.-like Oil War with Chinese Characteristics" is not good for the Chinese government.


        • #19
          Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

          Originally posted by skyson View Post
          Yesterday morning, I heard CBC News annoucer:" Riot in Northwest China caused hundreds dead. The Chinese Communist governement sent troops to crackdown". To an average western listener, the first reaction I bet would be:"Gee, the Chinese dictator government is killing their own citizens again. Damn!". WTF! Do they say:"The US Republican governement sent troops..." if the riot happened in US? What couldn't they just say:"The Chinese government"?

          This reminds me of the Tibetan Riot last year. Dalai and the western government and media portraited this as a spontaneous peaceful demonstration just gone bad, and demanded restraint on the part of Chinese authority. Dalai vehemently denied that was orgainzed, preplanned and he had no involvement in it. I just tell you guys a simple truth:

          The riot happend on Mar 14/08, and the very next day or even same day(there was time lag, north america in a later time zone) there were "peaceful legal demonstration" going on all around the world. Hell, the demonstrators even took down the chinese national flag in Toronto chinese consulate, while canadian police stood idle at the side, because it was LEGAL!

          Seeing this, some of the chinese international students and residents in Vancouver and Toronto planned to organize counter demonstration as well. So these naive students or immigrants went to the city halls apply for legal demonstration on March 16/09, but was told there was a one week requirement for approval. Right and there, they knew the riot and demonstrations were pre-planned. Otherwise, how could the Tibetans could have demonstrations on Mar 14,15, if they did not apply for them one week in advance, presuming the local municipal authorities would not just fast-track the applications specifically for the Tibetans? Did the Tibetans around the world just had some sort of sixth sense, kowning in advance of the riot and collectively feeling the need to apply for legal demonstration? So the chinese students and immigrants did have the demonstration one week later. How could the smart journalist in western media not pick up this curious piece of fact, and still insist that the riot was "spontaneous", and Dalai, or CIA, or NED(National Endowment for Democracy) not behind this?

          I can tell you guys, just 10 years ago, the western media was perceived as the only source of truth among chinese younger generations. But now, CNN, BBC, and VOA are essentialy curse words. For example, CNN is Cao Ni Niang (f$#k your mother). So next time if you go to China and citing news reports from CNN, beware that you are actually pointing middle finger right at their face. So much for color revolution! Not gonna to happen in China because the US or west imperialist governments completely blew it! The are responsible for the huge upsurge of nationalism in china at present, and this make whoever advocating democracy and freedom in china perceived as partners of crime with the imperialists! Yes, there is some degree of patriotic blindness, but it is sadly the reality in today's china.

          some interesting website:
 (currently off-line)

          You know, you had me with you on the Uighurs, but dissing the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans? Gimme a freaking break. The f-ing ChiComs have no business in Tibet. No confusion as to who the bad guys are there.

          Big hitter, the Lama.
          Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


          • #20
            Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

            This video IS disturbing on many levels - but - I still feel it was the correct decission to watch it.


            • #21
              Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

              Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
              You would have to be completely naive to believe that this cannot happen in the US.

              After we hit 25 percent U-6.

              And UE benefits are no longer extended.

              And people with 100 IQ's who where once "worth" 300k+ are now BK within a span of 18 months.

              Gerald Celente may not be right...but he is more right than wrong.

              If it happens in the US, it will be something like afghanistan.

              Imagine if both factions are armed with semi automatic assault rifles and shotguns. :eek:


              • #22
                Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                Originally posted by aaron View Post
                Yes, I guessed most of the dead are (Han) Chinese. My point is that the Chinese people have no problems calling in the troops to kill all the Muslims. These Muslims are less than human (to the Chinese). They are an oppressed minority. Unfortunately, they are not as tactful as their Tibetan counterparts.
                I read that the Turks are going after all other ethnic people, including Muslim Hui ethnic people, among others. There must be a dozen different ethnic people in that region.

                Originally posted by aaron View Post
                They are an oppressed minority. Unfortunately, they are not as tactful as their Tibetan counterparts.
                No more oppressed than the minorities in the USA and Europe.


                • #23
                  Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                  Originally posted by ricket View Post
                  I'd rather be with that guy than some snobby upper class urban dweller.

                  "Hey honey, the police are here to take our guns so we can all be safe! And look, theyre rounding up all the neighbors to take us to a camp for some tea so we can be super safe from the psychos who beat cars with axes! Yay, I feel so much better now!"

                  I am not a snobby upper-class urban dweller. I have an acre and a half in a rural environment with my own well and septic. I grew up in a town with double- digit unemployment(before Clinton). I have run numerous businesses on the streets of LA, and South Central, during the violent SoCal 1990's recession.

                  You have no idea how stupid you sound to a guy like me defending a guy(J6P axe-wielding, car-beater) like that. That is unless you used to work for the UAW. If so, then I understand.

                  That guy(J6P axe-wielding, car-beater) is a moron, okay? He obviously got caught on the wrong side of the trade and is having a hard time dealing with it.
                  Last edited by Quincy K; July 07, 2009, 11:56 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                    Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
                    I am not a snobby upper-class urban dweller. I have an acre and a half in a rural environment with my own well and septic. I grew up in a town with double- digit unemployment(before Clinton). I have run numerous businesses on the streets of LA, and South Central, during the violent SoCal 1990's recession.

                    You have no idea how stupid you sound to a guy like me defending a guy(J6P axe-wielding, car-beater) like that. That is unless you used to work for the UAW. If so, then I understand.

                    That guy(J6P axe-wielding, car-beater) is a moron, okay? He obviously got caught on the wrong side of the trade and is having a hard time dealing with it.
                    love your posts here, quincy k. pls keep it up. thx.


                    • #25
                      Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                      Originally posted by skyson View Post
                      Yesterday morning, I heard CBC News annoucer:" Riot in Northwest China caused hundreds dead. The Chinese Communist governement sent troops to crackdown". To an average western listener, the first reaction I bet would be:"Gee, the Chinese dictator government is killing their own citizens again. Damn!". WTF! Do they say:"The US Republican governement sent troops..." if the riot happened in US? What couldn't they just say:"The Chinese government"?
                      I get your point, but I don't agree with your takeaway.

                      The Western press want to minimize the value of Chinese political and social structure because Western culture doesn't understand or trust Chinese culture, (the opposite is also true). The word Communist is an epithet and is used like many other epithets in the English language to degrade value. But, that the Chinese form of government can be described with an English epithet is not the point. Socialist or Cooperative might be nicer words to use but your contention is that no distinction should be made and that's where I disagree.

                      A Western government does not have the macro definition of it's governmental style attached to the government. It has it attached to it's individual politicians. That is because Western style government tends to have 2 or more political parties so you can never define a Western government as Republican or Democrat or Whig or Tory or one of a hundred other names. At the micro level, we always refer to our Representatives or Senators as Republican or Democrat. We always refer to our Senate and House of Representatives as either Republican or Democrat depending on which party controls these bodies.

                      In China, the Communists, (or some less highly charged word), control all of the government and will until they lose control. There is no useful reason to describe any individual in the government by this term so it's used at the macro level. You may find the word Communist offensive and we can discuss why another word would be better suited but the more granular description works it's way to the top because it's of no value at other levels.


                      • #26
                        Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                        Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                        In China, the Communists, (or some less highly charged word), control all of the government and will until they lose control. There is no useful reason to describe any individual in the government by this term so it's used at the macro level. You may find the word Communist offensive and we can discuss why another word would be better suited but the more granular description works it's way to the top because it's of no value at other levels.

                        I think generally, the term communist government is used because there are many chinese governments. The HK government, the Republic of China government, the Macau government.


                        • #27
                          Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                          Originally posted by touchring View Post
                          I think generally, the term communist government is used because there are many chinese governments. The HK government, the Republic of China government, the Macau government.
                          Could be. Sometimes I use the term "mainland China", to distinguish say from Taiwan. Perhaps that is a more neutral term than "communist China."

                          I could also use the English name for this government, the "People's Republic of China (PRC)" but that name is not immediately recognized by many Americans to whom I might be speaking.
                          Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                          • #28
                            Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                            I get the feeling that that guy in the video has an IQ greater than 100.


                            • #29
                              Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                              Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
                              You know, you had me with you on the Uighurs, but dissing the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans? Gimme a freaking break. The f-ing ChiComs have no business in Tibet. No confusion as to who the bad guys are there.

                              Big hitter, the Lama.
                              By the same token, none of the Americans(white, black, or yellow, other than the Indians) has any business in North America. If the chinese government had adopted the same policy as the white colonist did, namely ethnic cleansing, the Tibetan issue is no more.

                              Fantasize about Tibet and Dalai? See this:



                              By the way, guys, how do I embedded video here?


                              • #30
                                Re: China ethnic riots news capture (Warning: Graphic)

                                Originally posted by skyson View Post
                                By the same token, none of the Americans(white, black, or yellow, other than the Indians) has any business in North America. If the chinese government had adopted the same policy as the white colonist did, namely ethnic cleansing, the Tibetan issue is no more.

                                Fantasize about Tibet and Dalai? See this:



                                By the way, guys, how do I embedded video here?
                                the window of opportunity to take over a land mass by ethnic cleansing closed in the late 1800s. eventually the chicoms will have to leave tibet.

                                to post a vid, copy and paste the embed code...

