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iTulip Forum Imperiled?

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  • iTulip Forum Imperiled?

    Judge Says Hyperlinks Should Be Banned to Save Newspapers

    Nicholas Carlson

    The Business Insider
    July 2, 2009

    Famous and respected New York Judge Richard Posner says maybe we should ban links to save newspapers.

    From his blog: Imagine if the New York Times migrated entirely to the World Wide Web. Could it support, out of advertising and subscriber revenues, as large a news-gathering apparatus as it does today? This seems unlikely, because it is much easier to create a web site and free ride on other sites than to create a print newspaper and free ride on other print newspapers, in part because of the lag in print publication; what is staler than last week’s news.

    Expanding copyright law to bar online access to copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s consent, or to bar linking to or paraphrasing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s consent, might be necessary to keep free riding on content financed by online newspapers from so impairing the incentive to create costly news-gathering operations that news services like Reuters and the Associated Press would become the only professional, nongovernmental sources of news and opinion.

    Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan, who brought the Judge’s argument to our attention, had this to say about it:

    You can copyright a news story, but you can’t copyright the news. “The news” just means “things that happen in the world.” What would it mean, in practice, to make it illegal to paraphrase a copyrighted news story? Summing up, for example, political events, or a sports controversy, or even a fashion trend, could be interpreted as paraphrasing copyrighted material. So let’s ban talking about anything. And banning links will help us make our references even more obscure, by making it impossible for anyone to refer to source materials! Good idea, Posner. This gross oversimplification makes you look none too freedom-loving!

    What we want to know is what would the Judge do with TV news, which gets all its reporting, facts and story ideas from newspapers? According to Pew, 60% of Americans get their news from TV. By the Judge’s logic, shouldn’t they be forced to read a newspaper to get their news instead?

  • #2
    Re: iTulip Forum Imperiled?

    Imagine if the New York Times migrated entirely to the World Wide Web. Could it support, out of advertising and subscriber revenues, as large a news-gathering apparatus as it does today?
    Time for a new business model - adapt or fail.


    • #3
      Re: iTulip Forum Imperiled?

      I think a ban on links is a great idea.

      Hilarity would in fact, ensue, as new media simply moves in and takes over in a very rapid way as they'd be happy to accept all the google / web traffic, etc.

      One thing the judge neglected to mention though was all the copying that journalists do from each. How come they are allowed but we aren't? It's all a big joke.

      "Famous" and "respected" Richard Posner ... bahaha. Famous, maybe, but respected .. not anymore.


      • #4
        Re: iTulip Forum Imperiled?

        Originally posted by don View Post
        Judge Says Hyperlinks Should Be Banned to Save Newspapers
        This is a man that strikes me as particularly enjoying his slippers, pipe and newspaper.

        He's given up trying to train the dog to fetch the slippers instead of chewing them to shreds, and his wife has banned him from smoking in the house. What's left but the daily broadsheet...:rolleyes:

        As EJ wrote, most people don't much like change, especially change that they view as negative and happening "too quickly".


        • #5
          Re: iTulip Forum Imperiled?

          Before the election of W. Bush and the sell out of to the GOP:

          L.A. Times v. Free Republic is a 1998 United States district court copyright law case. Several newspapers sued the Internet forum Free Republic for allowing its users to repost the full text of copyrighted newspaper articles, asserting that this constituted copyright infringement. Free Republic claimed that they under the doctrine of fair use and the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech the reposting of articles were not liable. The federal courts ruled in favor of the newspapers.
          Last edited by Slimprofits; July 03, 2009, 11:57 AM.

