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  • #16
    Re: confused?

    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
    Remember when the putz from Princeton came to Congress and said the Congress has to pass the TARP costing trillions? This was when the crash of '08 was just getting going last fall. Nancy Pelosi catered to Bernanke and rounded up the votes.

    And remember when AIG was being bailed-out but the putz from Princeton wrote the board of directors who caused AIG's collapse a cheque on public funds for $150 million?

    And remember Citi Bank after being bailed-out increased its pay to its employees by 50% last month, again on funds provided by the putz from Princeton.

    When you pledge allegiance to the U.S. of America now, you are really pledging allegiance to this massive theft under Bernanke, along with the eco-nuts under Obama, and with the religious-right from the South.

    Meanwhile, the yes-men around Bernanke pretend not to know of this theft, and they speak of promising "green shoots" of economic recovery that so far have not taken root.
    The yes-men speak of a "good job" done by Bernanke, and Obama pretends not to know the truth about what really is going on.
    It was Paulson


    • #17
      Re: confused?

      capitalism=risk and hard work=trying to avoid risk and hard work = parasitism and oligarchy=no capitalism without strict rules = no capitalism


      • #18
        Re: confused?

        Originally posted by metalman View Post
        harper's magazine (left wing) on one side, fox news (right wing) on the other. what's with that?



        left wing vs right wing bs... over! from now on it's all about the oligarchs!

        Most people still do not understand that the current crisis is not about saving capitalism; it’s about saving the welfare state-crony capitalist-fascist political economy in the US that can no longer pay its bills.
        - Bill King, the King Report
        I think the picture is much larger than a political one.

        For some time I have likened much of this to the game of chess:
        1. You have white pieces
        2. You have black pieces
        3. You have a person moving black
        4. You have a person moving white
        5. Spectators are watching and rooting for white or black (Perhaps folks in the world and even some of us here)
        6. Spectators think they have the end game figureed out because they have seen the two persons in action before and they have a perception based on the pieces on the board plus bazillions of charts and graphs which tell a theoretical future based on the past and present.
        7. Spectators also think the object is for black OR white to win.
        8. What the spectators are often not thinking about is why the two persons playing the game have earphones covering there ears.
        9. The reason for the earphones is because the person playing black and the person playing white are being instructed by one person telling them how to move the pieces.
        10. The person instructing the players always wins because he knows and decides along the way when black will win and when white will win or perhaps there will be no winner in a stalemate. Sometimes he longs white and sometimes he shorts white, and sometimes he switches his investment strategy after every move, etc.
        Behind the person who instructs the two players is a "group A" who works for "group B." Over time people from Harvard, GS, JPM, and people from a a few other places are groomed and then invited to be group A and often serve in leadership positions in the Federal Reserve and Treasury Depts and some even become part of the Group of Thirty.

        Group A tells the announcer what to tell the people who are moving the black and white pieces. Group A people get power, fame and wealth. Group B people already have great wealth and always want more and that is what they get regardless of whether white or black actually wins the game, and even if there is a stalemate, group B wins.

        So it really is not about whether you win or lose but about how They play the game.

        If the above is true then who is group B and how long have they been up to this stuff?

        Answer: As Itupip would say: "Subscription" LOL


        • #19
          Re: confused?

          Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
          If the above is true then who is group B and how long have they been up to this stuff?

          Answer: As Itupip would say: "Subscription" LOL
          inscrutable oligarch chess game for them, oligopoly for us!


          • #20
            Re: confused?

            Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
            If the above is true then who is group B and how long have they been up to this stuff?
            Is there a group B? Or are we humans guilty once again of anthromorphizing those forces which we do not understand?
            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


            • #21
              Re: confused?

              There is an anthromorphic group b for sure, Delving into their transcendant quest and probing their spirituality with faith seeking understanding is the REAL quest.


