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Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the USA

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  • #16
    Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-table employee in the U

    Originally posted by babbittd View Post
    Reading this sent a wave of palpable fear over me for a couple of moments. Step by step.....

    The last big new law towards the same end was the REAL ID act which completed the transformation of driver's licenses into national identification cards.

    Don't be fooled though, we've as a nation been transitioning towards this since the advent of the social security number.

    Senator Schumer:

    Where does it end, a propiska?
    That should take care of the immigration problem. Who would want to work in a police state?


    • #17
      Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

      Of course illegals come here for the jobs. I didn't and wouldn't blame them for that. If I were in their shoes I would do the same thing.

      As Milton Friedman famously observed, though, you can have a welfare state, you can have porous borders, but you can't have both.

      As for illegals all working for the Man, that's crap. Where I live, in the San Francisco Bay Area, it's obviously well known that lots of illegals congregate outside Home Depot so that they can perform day labor jobs for suburban do-it-yourselfers and small time contractors. Again, I don't blame these folks for doing these jobs one bit. $10/hour goes a long way when that cash gets sent back to Mexico.

      Whether U.S. citizens should welcome these folks as Americans, because they successfully entered the country illegally and are unlikely to become Republicans, is another matter. My personal vote is no, because I would prefer that America give preferential treatment to Americans, and because I believe the country should be selective about who gets its passports. We should start by preferring the people who played by the rules, even as we understand why some people were tempted to cheat. Showing preference to people who can read and write is a good idea, too, in my opinion, though I know others disagree.


      • #18
        Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

        The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is exploring the use of biometrics and smart cards for a new Social Security card, SecureIDNews has learned. This could lead to the issuance of as many as 300 million electronic credentials in the next six to eight years.

        There are two different ideas being floated when it comes to the Social Security number, sources say. One involves enrolling individuals, capturing the fingerprint biometric and then linking it to the Social Security number. The biometric data would be stored and checked against a database for official functions.

        The other idea involves the issuance of a smart card with match-on-card biometric functionality. Cardholders could use this card for official functions and potentially as an authentication token for other transactions both in physical and virtual environments.

        The primary purpose for using the new technologies would be to show employment eligibility for residents and non-resident aliens. Before being hired an individual would have to have the biometric checked to make sure he is eligible to work in the U.S.

        The new card would not be mandatory. “It’s an upgraded Social Security card with the added benefit of authenticating the cardholder and protecting against identity theft,” says one source. “It’s not a national ID.”

        So it wouldn't be mandatory, but let me just make a wild guess, employers, perhaps with some prodding, are going to balk at hiring people that don't upgrade?


        • #19
          Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

          Originally posted by solotar View Post
          As for illegals all working for the Man, that's crap. Where I live, in the San Francisco Bay Area, it's obviously well known that lots of illegals congregate outside Home Depot so that they can perform day labor jobs for suburban do-it-yourselfers and small time contractors. Again, I don't blame these folks for doing these jobs one bit. $10/hour goes a long way when that cash gets sent back to Mexico.
          Forget Agribusiness, the big homebuilders, the diy'ers and small-time contractors.

          The entire restaurant business in this country would have to shut down for weeks of re-staffing if immigration laws were enforced (or is that enforceable?).


          • #20
            Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-table employee in the U

            While I'm not a fan of all the tracking that is here and coming, paper documents are so 1944. With the sophistication of the internet, laser printers and other duplication technology, is it really such a surprise that paper no longer works?

            While I do believe this country has been and continues to be built on the backs of immigrant labor, I am also a proponent of stronger borders to protect against terrorism. Terrorists will get more sophisticated than they are, and as they do, our current control mechanisms will become even more ineffectual than they are. With the advent of bioweapons (that can easily be stored in cans of shaving cream), and other easily portable weapons of mass destruction, one of our best defenses is to know who is in our country.


            • #21
              Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

              I'm in the construction field. Trust me I know. Big builders, small builders, homeowners, restaurants. They all hire illegals.

              I'd personally just like to know which laws the government intends to enforce and which ones they consider a mere formality.

              The brother of a buddy of mine was a rock mason. He'd hire illegals of course, as that's pretty much all that is left in that industry now. One day ICE decided to raid an apartment building where he had stopped by to pay his workers. They pointed a gun at him, held him for "questioning" for hours, threatened him with jail, then released him. Scared him so bad he quit the business. Somehow I don't see them arresting the CEO of CENTEX homes and doing the same do you?


              • #22
                Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                Somehow I don't see them arresting the CEO of CENTEX homes and doing the same do you?
                odds are close to nil.


                • #23
                  Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                  Originally posted by roxtar View Post
                  You can't take shaving cream on an airplane, but we're winning the war on terror?
                  Don't blame the lowly TSA grunts. They're just following orders and get a lot of abuse from the public in the process. I just try to tell them how much I appreciate what they do every time I go through security at an airport. Much of the security stuff is theatrics anyway (kind of a performance for the general public that SOMETHING is being done).


                  • #24
                    Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                    They already have the TWIC Card, transportation worker identification card. After 9/11 port security was given over to the coast gaurd. Any company that has a maritime dock falls under this regulation. Now our maritime dock is seperated from the rest of the facility by fences cameras,gaurd etc. BUT they mandated that EVERY worker who enters the facility(not the dock) have a $130 TWIC card. YOU had to submit to a background check and be finger printed.Your talking several thousand people in just our facility. Lose your card you cannot gain entrance to the facility. So if I do not obtain a TWIC card I cannot work, period.


                    • #25
                      Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                      Now that McCain has changed course in a phony bid to win re-election, Sen. Graham is emerging is the new "Maverick" that crosses party lines in order to pass the worst of the worst bills and be hailed as a hero by the MSM.


                      Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.

                      The ID card plan is one of several steps advocates of an immigration overhaul are taking to address concerns that have defeated similar bills in the past.

                      The uphill effort to pass a bill is being led by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), who plan to meet with President Barack Obama as soon as this week to update him on their work. An administration official said the White House had no position on the biometric card.
                      Last edited by Slimprofits; March 09, 2010, 06:48 AM.


                      • #26
                        Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                        The editors of the Christian Science Monitor come out in favor of biometrics:


                        Obama could quickly reduce the nation’s high jobless rate with passage of a law requiring legal residents and Americans, even teenagers, to obtain a federal ID as legal workers. Migrants working outside the law would then be forced to come clean on their illegal activity, leave the country, and perhaps properly apply for a US visa – as millions of law-abiding people do around the world who wait years to enter the US.


                        An easy victory for Obama this year would be the passage of a national worker ID program along with other stepped-up enforcement measures. Only after that should Congress address what to do with the remaining immigrants who still live in the shadow of the law.


                        • #27
                          Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                          Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                          I'm in the construction field. Trust me I know. Big builders, small builders, homeowners, restaurants. They all hire illegals.

                          I'd personally just like to know which laws the government intends to enforce and which ones they consider a mere formality.

                          The brother of a buddy of mine was a rock mason. He'd hire illegals of course, as that's pretty much all that is left in that industry now. One day ICE decided to raid an apartment building where he had stopped by to pay his workers. They pointed a gun at him, held him for "questioning" for hours, threatened him with jail, then released him. Scared him so bad he quit the business. Somehow I don't see them arresting the CEO of CENTEX homes and doing the same do you?
                          The more one thinks about these incidents, we are forced to conclude that laws and force to enforce those laws are made to control the masses and to keep things the way they are. Rich connected elites are having a huge advantage.


                          • #28
                            Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                            The Real ID Act has basically sputtered because most states refused to go along with it. As for illegal immigrants, well, that's just free market forces, isn't it? I mean they're just here because Americans make too much money, right?:rolleyes:

                            I'll put it to you this way. If you are a true God fearing, flag waving American, it is your patriotic duty to go out and find that person whether they be in India, China, Mexico, or whatever and find out what they are willing to be paid to do your job. Then you need to go to your employer and DEMAND a pay cut to bring your paycheck in line with these other folks. If you don't do this, you are not supporting the free market. In fact, someone might even call you Socialist, and we'll have none of that in our country. If we truly believed in the "free market" immigration wouldn't be an issue, right? I mean people should just be able to go wherever they want to go and work for whatever wages they are willing to work for.

                            It's funny how all the free market BS is okay until its applied to us personally. I just wonder how many of those who yell, scream, and stamp their feet about government handouts like unemployment, healthcare, and food stamps are the first ones in line when things go South financially. It's hard to feed your family on principles or to care for a sick child with words about sucking it up and being self reliant.


                            • #29
                              Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                              At 33 yrs old, accept for a couple of short stints via employment with two huge companies, I have gone without health insurance since the age of 21. Last September I incurred a hefty sum of unplanned medical expenses - in the multiple thousands. All investments and savings were liquidated in order to pay. So it's been a shitty Fall and Winter, but the Spring is looking brighter.

                              Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.
                              I'm not willing to compromise on this with anyone. If I have relatives that back this I might have to question our relationship. Those are the people that are ultimately untrustworthy. They will sell you out for a get out free card from the government in two seconds flat.


                              • #30
                                Re: Senator Chuck Schumer wants to use biometrics to identify every over-the-counter employee in the

                                Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                                I'm not willing to compromise on this with anyone. If I have relatives that back this I might have to question our relationship. Those are the people that are ultimately untrustworthy. They will sell you out for a get out free card from the government in two seconds flat.
                                Yep. This is the "up" with which I will no longer "put".

                                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

