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cap and trade versus a carbon tax

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  • #91
    Re: cap and trade versus a carbon tax

    Great find. Unfortunately, I am afraid there is a little more to it:


    • #92
      Re: cap and trade versus a carbon tax

      Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
      Great find. Unfortunately, I am afraid there is a little more to it:

      Western democracy is an odd beast. We almost never go directly at a problem - take it head on. We may define another problem as the problem or we may pick a suspect problem or a non-problem as the problem because we can't gain concensus on the imminent problem.

      As Boehner indirectly defends his constituents in the fossil fuel industry he shows contempt for the constituencies charged with, or formed to, analyze this issue and this bill from their constituent's perspective. We can have fun with crybaby John Boehner or his opponent, Henry Waxman, the worst looking man in the Democratic party but this system is how we've chosen to deal with large political decisions in the US. It's not pretty but this is how participatory democracy works.

      That we've choosen cap and trade as our vehicle for change assures us that it is not the best vehicle for change. That AGM is the argument for this law assures us that AGM is the least important reason for this law to pass. Cap and trade may be ugly like Waxman and make you cry like Boehner but it will begin to help us reform our energy dialog and take a closer look at the possibility that we're on a very short string with regard to cheap energy.

