For those of you who might follow Canadian equities ...
:eek: Hmmm ... while summer is here - it's hard to see green shoots in those numbers.
Call it the Great Shellacking of 2008. Fallout from the global credit crunch, suddenly inhospitable markets and the worst economic slump since the 1930s rained down on Corporate Canada, washing away black ink and leaving a handful of household names in surprisingly difficult straits. True, plenty of stalwarts showed that they still know how to make a buck in hard times, thanks to such time-tested tricks as cost-cutting, reduced capital spending and debt avoidance. But few companies in any sector were spared bottom-line damage—unless they were fortunate enough to be peddling oil at the stratospheric prices that still prevailed through the first half of the year.
Canada’s 1,000 largest publicly listed companies managed to pile up only $74.1 billion in total earnings in 2008, a dramatic decline of 30.3% from the year before. Subtract energy gains from the mix, and total profit would have been down a stunning 54.5%.
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Canada’s 1,000 largest publicly listed companies managed to pile up only $74.1 billion in total earnings in 2008, a dramatic decline of 30.3% from the year before. Subtract energy gains from the mix, and total profit would have been down a stunning 54.5%.
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