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Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

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  • Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

    Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge
    06-19 14:24 Caijing comments( 0 )

    Banks loans designed to spark economic recovery have been channeled into asset speculation, doing more harm than good.

    By Andy Xie

    ( China's credit boom has increased bank lending by more than 6 trillion yuan since December. Many analysts think an economic boom will follow in the second half 2009. They will be disappointed. Much of this lending has not been used to support tangible projects but, instead, has been channeled into asset markets.

    Many boom forecasters think asset market speculation will lead to spending growth through the wealth effect. But creating a bubble to support an economy brings, at best, a few short-term benefits along with a lot of long-term pain. Moreover, some of this speculation is actually hurting China's economy by driving asset prices higher.

    The current surge in commodity prices, for example, is being fueled by China's demand for speculative inventory. Damage to the domestic economy is already significant. If lending doesn't cool soon, this speculative force will transfer even more Chinese cash overseas and trigger long-term stagflation.

    Commodity prices have skyrocketed since March. The Reuters-Jefferies CRB Index has risen by about one-third. Several important commodities such as oil and copper have doubled in value from this year's lows. As I have argued before, demand from financial buyers is driving commodity prices. The weak global economy can't support high commodity prices. Instead, low interest rates and inflation fears are driving money into commodity buying.

    Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) alone account for half of the activity on the oil futures market. ETFs allow retail investors to act like hedge funds. This product has serious implications for monetary policymaking. One consequence is that inflation fears could lead to inflation through massive deployment of money into inflation-hedging assets such as commodities.

    Financial demand alone can't support commodity prices. Financial investors can't take physical delivery and must sell maturing futures contracts. This force can lead to a steep price curve over time.

    Early this year, the six-month futures price for oil was US$ 20 higher than the spot price. Investors faced huge losses unless spot prices rose. A wide gap between spot and futures prices increased inventory demand as arbitrageurs sought to profit from the difference between warehousing costs and the gap between spot and futures prices. That demand flattened the price curve and limited losses for financial investors. Without inventory demand, financial speculation doesn't work.

    For some commodities, warehousing costs are low, limiting net losses for financial buyers. Some commodities can be used just like stocks, bonds and other financial products. Precious metals, for example, are like that. Copper, although 5,000 times less valuable than gold, still has low warehousing costs relative to its value. Some commodities such as lumber and iron ore are bulky, costly to warehouse, and should be less susceptible to financial speculation. Chinese players, however, are changing that formula by leveraging China's size. They've made everything open to speculation.

    There's little doubt that China's bank lending since last December has driven speculative inventory demand for commodities. Chinese banks lend for commodity purchases, allowing the underlying commodities to be used as collateral. These loans are structured like mortgages.

    Banks usually have to be extremely cautious about such lending, as commodity prices fluctuate far more than property prices. But Chinese banks are relatively lenient. As an industrializing economy, China's support for industrial activities such as raw material purchases for production is understandable. However, when commodities are bought on speculation, lenders face high risks without benefiting the economy. In some cases, this practice hurts banks and the economy at the same time.

    Speculative demand for iron ore, for example, is seriously hurting China's national interests. Rio Tinto risked bankruptcy following its overpriced, debt-financed takeover of Alcan. When iron ore prices fell by two-thirds from the peak, the market started getting worried about Rio Tinto's viability, and its share price sank.

    Chinalco then negotiated a US$ 19 billion investment in Rio Tinto. After that, Rio Tinto's share price nearly tripled. Rio Tinto then decided to issue new shares and cancel the Chinalco investment. Chinalco essentially gave Rio Tinto a free call option, and was ditched when a better option became available. The issue is why its share price has done so well.

    The international media has been following reports of record commodity imports by China. The surge is being portrayed as reflecting China's recovering economy. Indeed, the international financial market is portraying China's perceived recovery as a harbinger for global recovery. It is a major factor pushing up stock prices around the world.

    But China's imports are mostly for speculative inventories. Bank loans were so cheap and easy to get that many commodity distributors used financing for speculation. The first wave of purchases was to arbitrage the difference between spot and futures prices. That was smart. But now that price curves have flattened for most commodities, these imports are based on speculation that prices will increase. Demand from China's army of speculators is driving up prices, making their expectations self-fulfilling in the short term.

    The failure of Chinalco's investment in Rio Tinto has been costly for China. After watching its share price triple, Rio Tinto saw it could raise money more cheaply by issuing new shares to pay down debt. The potential financial loss to Chinalco isn't the point. Rather, higher costs will stem from a further monopolization of the iron ore market because Rio Tinto, after scrapping the Chinalco deal, entered into an iron ore joint venture with BHP Billiton. Even though these two mining giants will keep separate marketing channels, joint production will allow them to collude on production levels, significantly impacting future ore prices.

    The iron ore market has been brutal for China, partly due to China's own inefficient system. China imports more ore than Europe and Japan combined. Skyrocketing prices have cost China dearly.

    For four decades before 2003, fine iron ore prices fluctuated between US$ 20 and US$ 30 a ton. As ore was plentiful, prices were driven by production costs. After 2003, Chinese demand drove prices out of this range. Contract prices quadrupled to nearly US$ 100 per ton, and the spot price reached nearly US$ 200 a ton in 2008.

    The gradual concentration of major iron ore mines by the world's three largest suppliers was a major reason for this price increase. The nature of Chinese demand was another major reason. China's steel production capacity has skyrocketed, even though capacity is fragmented.

    China's local governments have been obsessed with promoting steel industry growth, which is the reason for fragmentation. Huge demand and numerous small players are a perfect setup for price increases by the Big Three miners, which often cite high spot prices as the reason for jagging up contract prices. But the spot market is relatively small, and mines can easily manipulate spot prices by reducing supply. On the other hand, numerous Chinese steel mills simultaneously want to buy ore to sustain production so their governments can report higher GDP rates, even if higher GDP is money-losing. China's steel industry is structured to hurt China's best interests.

    As steel demand collapsed in the fourth quarter 2008 and first quarter 2009, steel prices fell sharply. That should have led to a collapse in ore demand. But the bank lending surge armed Chinese ore distributors, giving them money for speculating and stocking up. That significantly strengthened the hand of the Big Three. The tie-up of BHP and Rio Tinto further increased their monopoly power. Even though China is the biggest buyer of ore by far, it has had no power in price setting. The global recession should have benefited China. Instead, the lending surge worsened China's position by financing Chinese speculative demand.

    China is a resource scarce economy. Its import needs will only increase. International suppliers are trying to take advantage of the situation by consolidating. But Chinese buyers are fragmented due to local government protection. China's lending surge made matters worse by creating excessive speculative demand.

    What is happening in the commodity market is glaring proof that China's lending surge is hurting the country. Even more serious is that it is leading Chinese companies away from real business and further toward asset speculation – virtual business.

    The tough economy and easy credit conditions encouraged many companies to try profiting from asset appreciation. They borrowed money and put it into the stock market. And since China's stock market has risen 70 percent since last November, many businesses feel vindicated for focusing on the asset market. This speculation spread to Hong Kong. Mainland money may have been behind a recent rise in the Hang Seng Index to 19,000 from 15,000, as well as Hong Kong luxury property sales. One way or another, it seems the money source was China's lending binge.

    Borrowing money for asset market speculation is not restricted to private companies. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) appear to be lending money to private companies at high interest rates, i.e. loan sharking, using money borrowed at low rates from state-owned banks. Of course, we can't estimate the magnitude of such SOE lending. But it has replaced high interest rate financing in the gray economy.

    As the economy weakened in late 2008, private lenders began demanding money back from distressed private companies. Loans from state-owned enterprises may have kept many private companies from going bankrupt. It has served to re-channel bank lending into cash for individuals and businesses that were in the lending business. This money may have flowed into asset markets. It is part of the phenomenon of the private sector withdrawing from the real economy into the virtual one.

    It's worrisome that businessmen have become de facto fund managers and speculators. This happened 10 years ago in Hong Kong, and since then the city's economy has stagnated. Some may argue that China has SOEs to lead the economy. However, private companies account for most employment in China, even though SOEs account for a larger portion of GDP. Now, the government is spending huge amounts of money to provide temporary employment for 2009 college graduates. If private sector employment doesn't grow, the government may have to spend even more next year. The government is using fiscal stimulus and bank lending to support economic recovery. But the recovery may be a jobless one. China needs a dynamic private sector to resolve the employment problem.

    We are seeing a dark side to the lending surge as commodity speculation hurts the economy. More lending may lead to higher commodity prices, threatening stagflation. Cheap loans benefit overseas commodity suppliers, not necessarily the Chinese economy. Lending policy should consider this self-inflicted damage.

    Many analysts argue GDP growth follows loan growth, and inflation is a problem only when the economy overheats. This is naive. Borrowed money channeled into speculation leads to inflation. And China may face a lasting employment crisis if private companies don't expand.

    This lending surge proves China's economic problems can't be resolved with liquidity. China's growth model is based on government-led investment and foreign enterprise-led export. As exports grew in the past, the government channeled income into investment to support more export growth. Now that the global economy and China's exports have collapsed, there will be no income growth to support investment growth. The government's current investment stimulus is tapping a money pool accumulated from past exports. Eventually, the pool will dry up.

    If exports remain weak for several years, China's only chance for returning to high growth will be to shift demand to the domestic household sector. This would require significant rebalancing of wealth and income. A new growth cycle could start by distributing shares of listed SOEs to Chinese households, creating a virtuous cycle that lasts a decade.

    Putting money into speculative investments isn't totally irrational. It's better than expanding capacity which, without export customers, would surely lead to losses. Businesses currently lack incentive to invest. But many boom forecasters wrongly assume that recent asset appreciation, fueled by speculation, signaled an end to economic problems. That's an illusion. The lending surge may have created more problems than it resolved.

  • #2
    Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

    thanks, d&d. this guy xie is hot shit. ej needs to interview him.

    ...and don't forget this...

    for all we know china's economy is -5% gdp.


    • #3
      Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

      Interesting article. I had assumed it was the state stockpiling commodities. Perhaps not after all. Perhaps commodities are due to dump once more before we are done.
      It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


      • #4
        Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

        Originally posted by *T* View Post
        Interesting article. I had assumed it was the state stockpiling commodities. Perhaps not after all. Perhaps commodities are due to dump once more before we are done.
        The state is involved too. It's not one or the other, but both. In China, they are also "attached at the hip".

        I think so too, keeping powder dry as this summer/fall may be shopping season.


        • #5
          Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

          Originally posted by *T* View Post
          Interesting article. I had assumed it was the state stockpiling commodities. Perhaps not after all. Perhaps commodities are due to dump once more before we are done.

          When the news that the state is stock piling goes out, prices rise, and everyone goes for it.

          The so call green shoots of inflation is nothing more than a speculative bubble.

          Actual consumption of consumer items in China has dropped.


          • #6
            Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

            This andy xie guy can't possibly know that there won't be a boom in 6 months. Maybe he should make less certain predictions to make what he write more credible.

            What is the fact is that the perceptions, even the speculation, affect the fundamentals, inflation expectations, etc. There is no underlying "true fundamental", that is not affected by the perceptions, and is really objective, that will qualify commodity speculation as completely false, commodity speculation, brought on by a weak dollar, will in turn affect demand for actual commodities. I think that's the fault most guys like Xie does. Falling into the trap where they deny the influence of the market participants on the actual fundamentals.


            • #7
              Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

              Originally posted by nero3 View Post
              This andy xie guy can't possibly know that there won't be a boom in 6 months. Maybe he should make less certain predictions to make what he write more credible.

              What is the fact is that the perceptions, even the speculation, affect the fundamentals. There is no underlying "true fundamental", that is not affected by the perceptions, and is really objective. I think that's the fault most guys like Xie does. Falling into the trap where they deny the influence of the market participants on the actual fundamentals.

              There won't be a boom in China in 6 mths.

              There is a limit to speculation when demand and supply are moving in different directions - China is running out of space to store the ore speculators are buying!


              Congestion at China’s iron ore discharge terminals is remaining stubbornly high, with 84 Capesizes waiting to berth, according to local sources. This is the highest tally to date and indicates a rise of 50 Capes since late March.
              Meanwhile, preliminary customs statistics reveal that China imported 53.46 Mt of iron ore in May, the second-highest monthly import total. This marks a 37% rise on the same month in 2008.
              Why did you think Chinalco and Rio Tinto ended up with no deal? Chinalco knows something that we don't.

              Once the communist old men realize that too much credit is going into commodity exporters instead of the domestic economy, the crash will be shift.

              We can expect to wake up one morning to see a headline:

              "China's central bank orders banks not to lend money to firms that engage in commodity speculation."


              • #8
                Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                This andy xie guy can't possibly know that there won't be a boom in 6 months. Maybe he should make less certain predictions to make what he write more credible.

                What is the fact is that the perceptions, even the speculation, affect the fundamentals, inflation expectations, etc. There is no underlying "true fundamental", that is not affected by the perceptions, and is really objective, that will qualify commodity speculation as completely false, commodity speculation, brought on by a weak dollar, will in turn affect demand for actual commodities. I think that's the fault most guys like Xie does. Falling into the trap where they deny the influence of the market participants on the actual fundamentals.
                strong argument for no boom in six mo...

                The cheh shaped recovery – Part II: Yield curve says what?

                For the past two months the yield curve is behaving just as Langdana described in 2002, at the start of the housing bubble led recovery. Possible underlying macroeconomic reasons for the yield curve steepening and what the Fed can do about it are:
                • Belief that long term, continuous, self-sustaining economic recovery is more certain. In that case there is less demand for safe haven government bonds, increased demand for credit, and less need for the Fed to expand the money supply by buying more U.S. Treasuries.
                • Worries about the deterioration in the U.S. fiscal outlook or weakening in the exchange rate value of the U.S. dollar as the Fed floods the world with dollars. If so, the Fed needs to step up debt purchases.
                • China, the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury debt, has decided to refocus its portfolio by leaning more heavily on shorter-term maturities.
                • Worries that some or all of the sources of inflation we described in Deflation Fare Thee Well are in play.


                • #9
                  Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                  "The state is involved too. It's not one or the other, but both. In China, they are also "attached at the hip". "

                  Not to be an alarmist, but one (the only?) reason states stockpile commodities in a big way is preparation for war, so "who" is actually behind the stockpiling does have some importance.
                  Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                  • #10
                    Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                    IMHO - The Chinese will continue to import iron, etc. as long as the price is "low". If there is a crash, they will just buy more. They are not trying to profit on an increase in price... they are trying to buy up everything in the world while they still can. If I were a trillionaire like Hu, and I cared about my countrymen and legacy, I would buy everything possible. I would also see this as a great opportunity to screw over party rivals too; business men have a lot more more power than Hu would like. Loaning them all the money they want is fine since the outcome is inevitable.

                    So long as real things are sitting on Chinese soil, they belong to the Chinese. This is good.

                    Trust me, EJ is not any smarter than the top .0001% of Chinese. They know the end game just as well. The U.S. dollar is not going to be worth as much as it is now. And, right at this moment, in terms of real commodities, it is worth quite a bit. The window to buy up the world's resources will not be open forever, and the Chinese have DEEP pockets for the time being.

                    What is better, a trillion bonars or steal & copper for the next 100 years?


                    • #11
                      Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                      Originally posted by aaron View Post
                      IMHO - The Chinese will continue to import iron, etc. as long as the price is "low". If there is a crash, they will just buy more. They are not trying to profit on an increase in price... they are trying to buy up everything in the world while they still can. If I were a trillionaire like Hu, and I cared about my countrymen and legacy, I would buy everything possible. I would also see this as a great opportunity to screw over party rivals too; business men have a lot more more power than Hu would like. Loaning them all the money they want is fine since the outcome is inevitable.

                      So long as real things are sitting on Chinese soil, they belong to the Chinese. This is good.

                      Trust me, EJ is not any smarter than the top .0001% of Chinese. They know the end game just as well.
                      Unfortunately, EJ does not run the US economy and the top .0001% do not run Chinese economy. It is not possible. In more or less free economic system the economy “runs” itself and people are responsible for recycling their savings into investment. No gov’t, Chinese gov’t least of all, can manage this process.

                      Two years ago everything was simple. You just had to by US bonds, and everybody knew that : a) US gov’t will always repay its debt and b) inflation will always be low, because the US financial system is oh so wonderful. Not anymore. Now China, Japan and whoever else has any savings has to learn to turn them into investment. No socialist system, no matter how “smart” it is can do it. The only thing they learned is to leverage their cheap labor (and this is quite an achievment). To go further and learn to develop their economy beyond that requires much more than .000000000001% supertop supersmart bureaucrats surrounded and corrupted by .99999999% not so smart and greedy ones.

                      There is no simple answer to the question of managing national savings, just repeating the “buy commodities” mantra is not a solution. It is not much better than “print money” mantra, although, in the present situation it may work better for a while.


                      • #12
                        Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                        Originally posted by nero3 View Post
                        This andy xie guy can't possibly know that there won't be a boom in 6 months. Maybe he should make less certain predictions to make what he write more credible.

                        What is the fact is that the perceptions, even the speculation, affect the fundamentals, inflation expectations, etc. There is no underlying "true fundamental", that is not affected by the perceptions, and is really objective, that will qualify commodity speculation as completely false, commodity speculation, brought on by a weak dollar, will in turn affect demand for actual commodities. I think that's the fault most guys like Xie does. Falling into the trap where they deny the influence of the market participants on the actual fundamentals.
                        I'm all for reflexivity, but it applies when the fundamentals are the wind in the sails, to generate a bubble. Growth from nothing is Alchemy. Of course people's choices affect outcomes, but choices are constrained (by debt levels for example).
                        It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                        • #13
                          Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                          I suspect that China's commodity purchases will turn into sales more quickly than you might imagine:



                          • #14
                            Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                            I am still split towards if China will blow up now, or first boom 15 years like japan from 1975-1990. They seems to have quite some room, to blow up a bubble.


                            • #15
                              Re: Andy Xie: Fear the Dark Side of China's Lending Surge

                              Originally posted by Sharky View Post
                              I suspect that China's commodity purchases will turn into sales more quickly than you might imagine:


                              The CCP is a ruthless lot, if they would even sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to ensure economic growth, let alone mere banks. If Deng bothered about face, he wouldn't have sent in the tanks.

