Re: Japan: To fight deflation, abolish cash.
Is the elimination of cash about controlling interest rates or people? As governments get stressed for funds and are taxing everything, eliminating cash generates revenues because you can track and tax the underground economy. The technology is in place, debit cards etc. But wait someone can steal your debit card, maybe we sould implant an rf chip with gps tracking of course.Sounds like science fiction and conspiracy theory stuff. The really scary thing is that all the technology exists.
Is the elimination of cash about controlling interest rates or people? As governments get stressed for funds and are taxing everything, eliminating cash generates revenues because you can track and tax the underground economy. The technology is in place, debit cards etc. But wait someone can steal your debit card, maybe we sould implant an rf chip with gps tracking of course.Sounds like science fiction and conspiracy theory stuff. The really scary thing is that all the technology exists.