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Iran election crisis...

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  • #76
    Re: Iran election crisis...

    Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
    ... although as you guy pointed out the 2000 US election should not have been employed to make the point ...
    Well, the 2000 US election probably worked as a good example for half the American readers. Americans are rather split on the topic of whether that election was a dastardly theft or the eventual proper result.
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #77
      Re: Iran election crisis...

      a part of the process which I really don't like is the concept of winner take all electors from the states. If the states were to split the electors based upon popular vote florida 2000 would be a non issue. Not all states do winner take all, but most do. This is not specified in the constitution, it is up to the states to decide who the electors should be. It is just loosely based upon votes.

      Lets just admit that there is some error in vote tallying. Lets say a vote is 99.95% accurate. So once you get sub 5000 in a big state you are running up against the accuracy of the voting, counting machinery. I'm sure this is not a politically acceptable thought.

      The electoral college is not such a bad Idea, it does give the little states some more power in determining the executive, although not much. Who cares who wins Wyoming?? Additionally I think winner takes all hurts 3rd party canditates. These candidates might pick up a few electors if allocated per popular vote. Think Ross Perot, or John Anderson. They would have had representation in the college.

      Also, I do not like the campaign of BHO, I did not want to vote for him, but since I live in illinois, and illinois is a winner take all state my vote did not really count. I voted 3rd party, because my vote would be wasted even if I did vote Repub. I really didnt care for J?M either, I thought 3rd party was more of a protest vote.


      • #78
        Re: Iran election crisis...

        There was plenty of evidence that massive numbers of votes were miscounted/not counted and out right changed. The Diebold/ESS controversy - it wasn't just Chads and discounted at least a million votes -due to falsifying potential voters as felons. In addition-they also tried offensive tactics by having only one/two working machines in heavily minority areas-and not just in Florida and Ohio.

        Also it wasn't JUST 2000- there were also plenty of questions and even more suspicion in Ohio as well-which was again a close election.

        In both -pollsters predicted positively that both Kerry and Gore were far ahead by 6PM on both elections only to have BOTH elections 'miraculously' go to Bush.

        Don't be surprised D-Mack -America feeds off of Denial -so that they can continue to blot out not only the mortal failings and genocidal tendencies of their government -but also the public -which tries hard to join the Greek chorus in the tragedy of 'accepting' that these heinous acts -are what gives them their 'privileged' lifestyles. Just ask any settled immigrant -who suddenly develops a blindness -once he gets his house/2 cars and 2.2 kids. i am surrounded by them -and 'now' they could care less about anything but getting 'more'.

        Ultimately -Bush said it right -when he said his constituency was the 'have mores'- because thats what America/Europe is about.


        • #79
          Re: Iran election crisis...

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
          watch this to the end...

          news flash to repressive regimes... party's over.

          listening, china?
          great video - thanks


          • #80
            Re: Iran election crisis...

            Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post

            Don't be surprised D-Mack -America feeds off of Denial -so that they can continue to blot out notonly the mortal failings and genocidal tendencies of their government -but also the public -which tries hard to join the greek chorus in the tragedy of 'accepting' that these heinous acts -are what gives them their 'priveldged' lifestyles.
            the heinous acts are not what 'gives them their privileged lifestyles'. the privileged lifestyles are there with or w/o the heinous acts. go ask the vietnamese. the privileged lifestyles have other sources...

            Just ask any settled immigrant -who suddenly develops a blindness -once he gets his house/2 cars and 2m2 kids.
            or maybe he forgets what the long suffering iranian in iran, chinese in china, etc has done for him lately.

            sucks to live in a 3rd world shithole with a shit gov't after 1000 yrs of shit gov't.

            we know we're lucky... not smart.


            • #81
              Re: Iran election crisis...

              Originally posted by metalman View Post
              the heinous acts are not what 'gives them their privileged lifestyles'. the privileged lifestyles are there with or w/o the heinous acts. go ask the vietnamese. the privileged lifestyles have other sources...

              or maybe he forgets what the long suffering iranian in iran, chinese in china, etc has done for him lately.

              sucks to live in a 3rd world shithole with a shit gov't after 1000 yrs of shit gov't.

              we know we're lucky... not smart.
              You wouldn't know -since you have only had shitty government for like at best 150 years. Mike-you really think America would be that great if (proportionally speaking) America had bombs dropped on them that were more than the total of all bombs ever dropped in WWII!! (Which Vietnam did -it is an established fact)

              I am just amazed with the assiduousness people try to cultivate ignorance.

              It hasn't become apparent to you the G-5/G8 whatever - a cabal of countries have for the last few centuries have bullied/murdered and pillaged all these so-called third world bnations -where you 'borrowed' concepts of Algebra/Algorithms/numbers/medicine etc.

              I am sure -if you spent some time doing your due diligence -you would find too many reputable sources verifying a lot of things. However-- a decision has been made to swallow the tripe many have -and don't give me that 'What's that got to do with me ?' excuse.

              No one is looking for Holocaust relief that lasts for decades -after the deal and pry open your banks and nations for ill gotten wealth -which was even more heinous then anything the Germans ever did to the Jewish people.

              Try a historical source and noted author Mark Twain -describing the valor of 30 US soldiers massacring 300 villagers hiding in the crater of a volcano. Yes- I know Mark Twain was a leftist liberal -and obviously a hack -right.

              Just call a spade a spade and try to live up to the inflated sense of grandeur -this country feels -instead of being the epitome of hypocrisy and bullydom.

              Only the weak and insecure ply these tactics of bombing entire villages and calling civilian massacres 'collateral' damage.

              Anyway -you kow whats being goig on -wh y give me beef -just because I acknowledge it.


              • #82
                Re: Iran election crisis...

                Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                Anyway -you kow whats being goig on -wh y give me beef -just because I acknowledge it.
                'there is no truth only power'. -nietzsche

                c'mon! you know he was right!


                • #83
                  Re: Iran election crisis...

                  Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                  You wouldn't know -since you have only had shitty government for like at best 150 years. Mike-you really think America would be that great if (proportionally speaking) America had bombs dropped on them that were more than the total of all bombs ever dropped in WWII!! (Which Vietnam did -it is an established fact)

                  I am just amazed with the assiduousness people try to cultivate ignorance.

                  It hasn't become apparent to you the G-5/G8 whatever - a cabal of countries have for the last few centuries have bullied/murdered and pillaged all these so-called third world bnations -where you 'borrowed' concepts of Algebra/Algorithms/numbers/medicine etc.

                  I am sure -if you spent some time doing your due diligence -you would find too many reputable sources verifying a lot of things. However-- a decision has been made to swallow the tripe many have -and don't give me that 'What's that got to do with me ?' excuse.

                  No one is looking for Holocaust relief that lasts for decades -after the deal and pry open your banks and nations for ill gotten wealth -which was even more heinous then anything the Germans ever did to the Jewish people.

                  Try a historical source and noted author Mark Twain -describing the valor of 30 US soldiers massacring 300 villagers hiding in the crater of a volcano. Yes- I know Mark Twain was a leftist liberal -and obviously a hack -right.

                  Just call a spade a spade and try to live up to the inflated sense of grandeur -this country feels -instead of being the epitome of hypocrisy and bullydom.

                  Only the weak and insecure ply these tactics of bombing entire villages and calling civilian massacres 'collateral' damage.

                  Anyway -you kow whats being goig on -wh y give me beef -just because I acknowledge it.
                  iyamwutiam; you are aware that iTulip is primarily a macro-economic website right?

                  I understand that you may have very strong socio-political views, fine with me. However, a post like the above can degenerate rapidly into something far away from the site primary objective in my view.

                  Perhaps I may suggest that you voice your opinion in a softer manner keeping in mind the above.


                  • #84
                    Re: Iran election crisis...

                    If I am not incorrect -the thread itself is non-macro-economic. But anyway -Nietzsche -also wrote Thus spake Zarathustra- and was a devout Christian- because his work is misinterpreted doesn't mean that it justifies brutality.

                    Remember the stages of man by Nietszche -which ends in the child -as Innocence -or a new perspective reborn -after struggling through the stages of the Camel/Lion and Dragon.

                    That period of philosophy was highly borrowed from Hinduism -particularly the Upanishads- which spoke of the limits of dialectic, the destruction of duality (re-written as Beyond Good and Evil). It was this discovery and theft (Max Muller) that spurred Kant's Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals, as well as Schopenhauer -The World as Will and Representation and of course Hesse's -Siddhartha.

                    The point is -that perhaps -we can finally relent -and as they say in addiction -admit we have a problem. I am not trying to attack anyone -however -I am trying to refute misperception based on faulty premises accrued from miseducation.


                    • #85
                      Re: Iran election crisis...

                      Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                      I am not trying to attack anyone -however -I am trying to refute misperception based on faulty premises accrued from miseducation.
                      Well then, we are in agreement.

                      I am learning everyday from posts on iTulip and believe me, I am always looking for more.

                      Furthermore, I like reading your comments. From my standpoint, it appears there is a lot to be learned from your future posts.

                      All I am saying, is lets be mindful about the way we convey our views. One as simply to read Rajiv's posts to learn what gentlemenship in argumentation is all about. :cool:


                      • #86
                        Re: Iran election crisis...

                        As Voltaire once said :
                        'You can't make an Omelet with out breaking an Egg'.

                        Point taken -however -sometimes -the cognitive dissonance needs to be amplified to a pitch where it cracks the rose colored glasses.

                        *****I apologize -in my haste -I misquoted- It was Robespierre. *****
                        Last edited by iyamwutiam; June 23, 2009, 10:16 PM.


                        • #87
                          Re: Iran election crisis...

                          Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                          As Voltaire once said :
                          'You can't make an Omelet with out breaking an Egg'.
                          Any idiot can break an egg. That does not mean the Omelet tastes great.
                          - LargoWinch


                          • #88
                            Re: Iran election crisis...

                            Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                            If I am not incorrect -the thread itself is non-macro-economic. But anyway -Nietzsche -also wrote Thus spake Zarathustra- and was a devout Christian- because his work is misinterpreted doesn't mean that it justifies brutality.
                            WTW dude - Neitzsche wrote an essay when he was 18 that stated historical research had debunked Christianity. He fought with his parents when he lost his faith. This is the man who called Christianity a social illness that had overtaken Europe. The guy who stated that Christianity was a hypocritical state wherein people preach love and kindness but find their joy in condemning and punishing others for pursuing those ends which the slave-morality does not allow them to act upon publicly. The guy who said Christianity was a declaration of war against life, against nature, against the will to live.

                            I almost feel like you are trolling.


                            • #89
                              Re: Iran election crisis...

                              Originally posted by Munger View Post
                              WTW dude - Neitzsche wrote an essay when he was 18 that stated historical research had debunked Christianity. He fought with his parents when he lost his faith. This is the man who called Christianity a social illness that had overtaken Europe. The guy who stated that Christianity was a hypocritical state wherein people preach love and kindness but find their joy in condemning and punishing others for pursuing those ends which the slave-morality does not allow them to act upon publicly. The guy who said Christianity was a declaration of war against life, against nature, against the will to live.

                              I almost feel like you are trolling.
                              So you are saying he did not wirte Thus Spake Zarathustra? See Wikopedia -because i doubt -you will find time to peruse all his works : here I will make it a bit easier for you:
                              n 1883 he tried and failed to obtain a lecturing post at the University of Leipzig. It was made clear to him that, in view of the attitude towards Christianity and the concept of God expressed in Zarathustra, he had become in effect unemployable at any German University. The subsequent "feelings of revenge and resentment", so contrary to his nature, embittered him. "And hence my rage since I have grasped in the broadest possible sense what wretched means (the depreciation of my good name, my character and my aims) suffice to take from me the trust of, and therewith the possibility of obtaining, pupils."[14]

                              Go to the end my friend :
                              Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche compiled The Will to Power from Nietzsche's unpublished notebooks, and published it posthumously.

                              This was after Psychosis and ill health. All I am saying is -read the quote of Ecce Homo as well.


                              • #90
                                Re: Iran election crisis...

                                Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                                So you are saying he did not wirte Thus Spake Zarathustra? See Wikopedia -because i doubt -you will find time to peruse all his works : here I will make it a bit easier for you:
                                n 1883 he tried and failed to obtain a lecturing post at the University of Leipzig. It was made clear to him that, in view of the attitude towards Christianity and the concept of God expressed in Zarathustra, he had become in effect unemployable at any German University. The subsequent "feelings of revenge and resentment", so contrary to his nature, embittered him. "And hence my rage since I have grasped in the broadest possible sense what wretched means (the depreciation of my good name, my character and my aims) suffice to take from me the trust of, and therewith the possibility of obtaining, pupils."[14]

                                Go to the end my friend :
                                Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche compiled The Will to Power from Nietzsche's unpublished notebooks, and published it posthumously.

                                This was after Psychosis and ill health. Dude-since you are reading my posts-perhaps read the one on due diligence and not spout off what you 'think' you know.
                                Innapposite much? The statements I paraphrased come from another of his works. The Anti-Christian.

