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Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

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  • Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

    'We heard across the board - in private - substantial, continuing and rising concern,' Representative Mr Mark Kirk said after a trip to China that included talks with government officials and central bank chief Dr Zhou Xiaochuan.

    'It's clear that China would like to diversify from its dollar investments,' the lawmaker said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think-tank.


    Mr Kirk traveled with Representative Mr Rick Larsen, a member of President Barack Obama's Democratic Party, who also painted a less gloomy picture of Chinese officials' views.


    Mr Kirk said that Chinese leaders were sharply critical in private of the US Federal Reserve's policy of 'quantitative easing' - a form of flooding the financial system with cash, which critics deride as printing imaginary money.


    Mr Kirk, a former diplomat who remains an active reservist in the US Navy, is seen as a rising star in the Republican Party and is eyeing a run next year for Mr Obama's former US Senate seat in Illinois.

    He said he told the Chinese that the budget deficit could be even bigger than predicted, due in part to the rising costs to the US economy of health care.

    'One of the messages I had - because we need to build trust and confidence in our number one creditor - is that the budget numbers that the US government has put forward should not be believed,' Mr Kirk said.

    'Congress is actually going to spend quite a bit more,' he said.

    Mr Larsen, a Democrat from Washington state who co-chairs the congressional US-China Working Group with Mr Kirk, agreed that Chinese leaders were seeking a signal from the United States on taming the giant deficit.

    But Mr Larsen said the major lesson he took home was that China, contrary to some US critics' views, was not trying to dethrone the United States as a major world power.

    'The Chinese leaders that we met with were very interested in seeing the United States be successful,' Mr Larsen said.

    'They were not looking to themselves to lead the global economic recovery; they were looking to the United States to lead that recovery,' he said.,view/id,2069/

  • #2
    Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

    That's just it... who leads the global recovery? If it's not the US, then it has to be someone else.

    Until they can answer that question, the US dollar as reserve currency will stay safe.


    • #3
      Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

      Originally posted by blazespinnaker View Post
      That's just it... who leads the global recovery? If it's not the US, then it has to be someone else.

      Until they can answer that question, the US dollar as reserve currency will stay safe.
      That answer is easy.

      BRIC will lead the way and decoupling will be the phrase that pays from late 2009 throughout 2010.


      • #4
        Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

        On the economic front there is no foreseeable way in which the United States can work off the $4 trillion it owes foreign governments, their central banks and the sovereign wealth funds set up to dispose of the global dollar glut. America has become a deadbeat – and indeed, a militarily aggressive one as it seeks to hold onto the unique power it once earned by economic means. The problem is how to constrain its behavior. Yu Yongding, a former Chinese central bank advisor now with China’s Academy of Sciences, suggested that US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner be advised that the United States should “save” first and foremost by cutting back its military budget. “U.S. tax revenue is not likely to increase in the short term because of low economic growth, inflexible expenditures and the cost of ‘fighting two wars.’”6

        Cutting health care is always on, but the military can't be touched....

        I didn't even know there was health care in the US.


        • #5
          Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

          Why would he even say such a thing? It's obvious to the Chinese, but if you're negotiating on behalf of the US you stick to the god damn script. They are not our friends, they will stab us a hundred times over when necessary. You put on your game face and show no mercy. WTF is with our elected officials. Is it not bad enough that they go about China begging for aid, now they are blowing the Chinese. Seeking campaign contributions? That is treason. You don't see the Chinese saying, "Our economic numbers should not be believed. We are really in a load of shit and itching to dump treasuries to save our own skins."


          • #6
            Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

            Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
            Why would he even say such a thing? It's obvious to the Chinese, but if you're negotiating on behalf of the US you stick to the god damn script. They are not our friends, they will stab us a hundred times over when necessary. You put on your game face and show no mercy. WTF is with our elected officials. Is it not bad enough that they go about China begging for aid, now they are blowing the Chinese. Seeking campaign contributions? That is treason. You don't see the Chinese saying, "Our economic numbers should not be believed. We are really in a load of shit and itching to dump treasuries to save our own skins."
            right up there with schiff at that saudi conference telling the saudis to stop lending the usa money... got a standing ovation for that one. and he's running for office!

            that's what politicians are really about... it's all about them... the best ones come across like they care about their country... blah, blah, blah... but when they sell their country out for applause from america's competitors or enemies, true motives are revealed.


            • #7
              Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

              Originally posted by metalman View Post
              right up there with schiff at that saudi conference telling the saudis to stop lending the usa money... got a standing ovation for that one. and he's running for office!

              that's what politicians are really about... it's all about them... the best ones come across like they care about their country... blah, blah, blah... but when they sell their country out for applause from america's competitors or enemies, true motives are revealed.
              i have a lot of respect for your opinion MM and very much enjoy your posts, but again I think this is an unfair slam of Schiff.

              Schiff has never held elective office and did not print up trillons of dollars or borrow trillions from foreign govt's in an ongoing practice of living way beyond our means. If anything - he is pointing out the endemic corruption in our system.

              Schiff did not put us in this jam. It was our elective and unelective rulers who have lied to the people for an entire generation now. It was the fault of the people in the US who let themselves be lied to and who elected these creeps in the first place.


              • #8
                Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                Originally posted by audrey_girl View Post
                i have a lot of respect for your opinion MM and very much enjoy your posts, but again I think this is an unfair slam of Schiff.

                Schiff has never held elective office and did not print up trillons of dollars or borrow trillions from foreign govt's in an ongoing practice of living way beyond our means. If anything - he is pointing out the endemic corruption in our system.

                Schiff did not put us in this jam. It was our elective and unelective rulers who have lied to the people for an entire generation now. It was the fault of the people in the US who let themselves be lied to and who elected these creeps in the first place.
                all well and fine... but why go to saudi arabia and tell the audience to stop lending money to the usa?

                skip to 9 min. in

                right msg, wrong audience... not all those guys are our friends.

                kinda gross.


                • #9
                  Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                  What makes you think we are their friends?

                  Two New Yorkers pass each other on the street, simultaneously they think the same thing, "What does this guy want from me, and what can I get from him?"

                  There are no friends, just enemies that are kept in abeyance while we extract our needs and as they extract theirs.

                  "Friends" is not an accurate description of what has transpired between the US and the Saudis since the 1940's.

                  Schiff just made the relevant observation given that he was not part of the game.


                  • #10
                    Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                    Originally posted by Tybee Island View Post
                    What makes you think we are their friends?

                    Two New Yorkers pass each other on the street, simultaneously they think the same thing, "What does this guy want from me, and what can I get from him?"

                    There are no friends, just enemies that are kept in abeyance while we extract our needs and as they extract theirs.

                    "Friends" is not an accurate description of what has transpired between the US and the Saudis since the 1940's.

                    Schiff just made the relevant observation given that he was not part of the game.
                    of course... 'nations have interests not friends'.

                    there's a youtube video of al qaeda al jazeera used to air... (looked for it couldn't find it) the speaker says arab countries oughta drop the dollar and move to a global currency pegged to a basket of commodities.

                    not a bad idea, but 'the world oughta peg to a basket of commodities... al qaeda said so!' :eek:

                    by 'not friends' i mean 'enemies'... the kind that climb onto airplanes and fly them into our office towers. they among schiff's audience were clapping & cheering the hardest of all. it's one thing saudi's with and without an interest in the usa can agree on.


                    • #11
                      Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                      Isn't Kirk going to China as a representative of government and in effect having an impact on policy/relations by straying from the "company line" no different than when Pelosi went to Syria and made a stink?

                      Right or wrong.......we must come across looking like weak and dissenting idiots.


                      • #12
                        Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                        Originally posted by lakedaemonian View Post
                        Isn't Kirk going to China as a representative of government and in effect having an impact on policy/relations by straying from the "company line" no different than when Pelosi went to Syria and made a stink?

                        Right or wrong.......we must come across looking like weak and dissenting idiots.
                        imagine a chinese rep coming to the usa and talking in public about china's policy errors.

                        not gonna happen.


                        • #13
                          Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                          Exactly. He, his family, his friends and everybody close to him would be executed or jailed. Our representatives have lost their minds. Are the Chinese telling the truth about their economy?


                          • #14
                            Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                            Originally posted by makimanos View Post
                            Exactly. He, his family, his friends and everybody close to him would be executed or jailed. Our representatives have lost their minds. Are the Chinese telling the truth about their economy?

                            Does the truth matters? The Chinese can afford a 30% plunge in exports and yet still be prosperous.

                            People are buying cars in euphoria.

                            HK real estate is soaring again.

                            There's too much money.


                            • #15
                              Re: Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers

                              I think the groveling is only possible because we are actually so comparatively strong that we can get away with it. The Chinese can't grovel, it reinforces existing truth and would be too embarrassing to them. Can things change, sure, and they might in the next few years, but right now, the US, for all of its enormous problems, still holds many of the important cards the way I see it. Timmy can pretend to be scared, but with a smirk.

