Re: Faber on Big Government and Individual Rights
Ok, this is a longstanding conflict between Libertarian philosophies: Anarcho-capitalists (what you call "fundamentalist") and minarchists. People like Murray Rothbard would fall into the former philosophy while the likes of Ron Paul and Ludwig von Mises himself would be in the latter camp. For people that truly want to debate these philosophies I suggest a search on the forums and you will come across a plethora of well-thought-out, intelligent arguments for both cases. As for me, I fall into the "nightwatchman" minarchist camp, from a practical standpoint, but with a belief that full anarcho-capitalism is the (likely unachievable) ideal.
Government isn't the "middle man" at all. They are THE MAIN TOOL for dominant control. Without that tool, big companies would have a much harder time enforcing their will on everyone. As for your simplistic warlord/CEO comparison, do you really expect me to believe that Bill Gates has the same disregard for human life as Mohamed Farah Aidid?? Uh, yeah...
Again, an over-simplistic fallacy. Using the same logic, I argue that anyone who wants a government may as well move to Iran or bring back Nazi Germany.
Why is it only government that can prevent violation of personal and private property (ironically attempted with funds taken by violating others' personal and private party)? Common law came about through spontaneous order among merchants and wasn't adopted (and subsequently warped) by governments until much later. There are many examples of stateless, civilized societies thriving economically. Here's a site that points to some case studies:
Don't you think you're over-generalizing a little here?
See above.
I want to give this paragraph special attention. My "bullsh*t" alarm went off because I remember how an old firefighter friend of mine kept telling me that U.S. firefighters were all volunteers before becoming municipal. You mention that "libertarian fundamentalists haven't got around to it yet... those pages were torn from their history books." Wow! You must really keep up with Fundamental Libertarian studies to know they have completely ignored it! Luckily, a simple search on the Libertarian Mises site brought up this in-depth study of the very subject:
Private companies indeed! Did you get your info from the same history books that tell us FDR rescued us from the Great Depression? Never mind that. Think of it from just a logical point of view: How would making fire fighting a government monopoly eliminate the moral hazard of insurance fraud? What's to stop a property owner from simply giving the municipal firemen a cut of their insurance payoff instead?
You can say that again!
Love Canal is an example of a corporation, Hooker Chemical, (actually, we'll leave out the culpability of the Niagara Falls Board of Education for argument's sake) empowered by government, just as all corporations as they exist today are. It's our government, for example, that has privileged them with limited liability even with people they have no contracts with.
I believe "fundamentalists" see choices as individual, that shouldn't be limited unless it infringes on the personal or private property of another.
There it is again. The image that government is some poor, hapless, well-to-do entity that gets corrupted by the evil corporations. Our government made corporations what they are today because it helps expand its own power. They are serving each other and are equally culpable. In fact, corporatism, the direction we're now heading with Obama, is defined as a form of fascism. You'll see Mussolini's name associated with that word a lot.
If you mean we are wasting energy arguing about these nuances then I could agree. For me, however, discussions like these can help me learn something new as well as clarify my own causes and provide better direction. Certainly not all the time though.
Ok, this is a longstanding conflict between Libertarian philosophies: Anarcho-capitalists (what you call "fundamentalist") and minarchists. People like Murray Rothbard would fall into the former philosophy while the likes of Ron Paul and Ludwig von Mises himself would be in the latter camp. For people that truly want to debate these philosophies I suggest a search on the forums and you will come across a plethora of well-thought-out, intelligent arguments for both cases. As for me, I fall into the "nightwatchman" minarchist camp, from a practical standpoint, but with a belief that full anarcho-capitalism is the (likely unachievable) ideal.
Originally posted by metalman
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if that's the libertarian fundamentalist nirvana, plenty of 3rd world shitholes with weak gov't they can move to... somalia, etc... no need to try to turn the usa into one.
'There will still be plenty who would have no problem violating our personal and private property but, if government is too weak to prevent it, they will have a much easier time doing it.'
of course, on the other extreme is gov't that is too strong and exploitive. again, fundamentalists don't want to be bothered with such nuances. it's either all or nothing.
fantasy land. the hallmark of the fundamentalism is that it discourages curiosity.
they may wonder... why does no town on earth have competing private fire companies, even in somalia? in the usa we discovered that competing private companies fighting over a fire to get the insurance money resulted in burned down buildings. doesn't work. we learned this, oh, around the time of the civil war. libertarian fundamentalists haven't got around to it yet... those pages were torn from their history books.
Private companies indeed! Did you get your info from the same history books that tell us FDR rescued us from the Great Depression? Never mind that. Think of it from just a logical point of view: How would making fire fighting a government monopoly eliminate the moral hazard of insurance fraud? What's to stop a property owner from simply giving the municipal firemen a cut of their insurance payoff instead?
history can be selectively sifted
, like the law, to find the precident one wishes to see. if one is searcing for cases of gov't oppression it can be found in the soviet union or hitler's germany, etc, where large state bureaucracies crushed the will of the people and stole their liberty. if one is looking for oppression from private enterprise unfettered by gov't, one can look to love canal, or 1000 cases of corporations poisoning and exploiting citizens.
but the fundamentalist does not seek to understand that the choices are not one or the other... not all gov't or all free enterprsie... but how to get the right balance.
our nation's founders understood that but they did not anticipate that some day private corp. could manage opinion and elections to get around all of the checks and balances they built.
argue left vs right!
argue utopias! small gov't! big gov't! no gov't!
school prayer!
whatever you do, do not argue about us the guys who run your country.
argue utopias! small gov't! big gov't! no gov't!
school prayer!
whatever you do, do not argue about us the guys who run your country.
