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Krugman Against Ferguson

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  • Krugman Against Ferguson

    Maybe it is just me, but it seems that the acid test for "winning" the nobel prize is not what it used to be?

    What does the recent rise in treasury yields mean for the economy?

    The debate currently raging between Paul Krugman and Niall Ferguson pits traditionalists who think rising yields signal rising investor confidence against declinists who think yields are rising because the US is trashing its currency by monetizing debt. Unfortunately, both men may be basing their arguments on outdated metrics that don't take into account the radical changes we've wrought in the way our economy operates.

    Full article here.
    Last edited by LargoWinch; June 09, 2009, 10:21 AM. Reason: c1ue pointed out a link error. (thanks)

  • #2
    Re: Krugman Against Ferguson

    Link broken. Please add '2' to end.


    • #3
      Re: Krugman Against Ferguson

      "Even this early in its tenure, the Barack Obama administration has found the "In Case of Emergency Break Glass" container at the Treasury and taken out its emergency crisis optimism; projecting deficit declines to $1.3 trillion next year. Still, from now until 2016, budget deficits are projected not to fall below $500 trillion, meaning they will break the pre 07-08 deficit record every single year and will total over $7 trillion over the period.

      Many observers, including most of you, know instinctively that this can't be good."

      from: It all comes down to Keynes
      By Julian Delasantellis

