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this just in - hard STOP in CA

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  • #76
    Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

    Originally posted by metalman View Post
    how the heck did we get onto this from a thread re the CA economy?
    Because SS turns everything into a rant on Repukes and Potheads!


    • #77
      Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      Never for one minute forget that it was the neo-cons (the repukes) who put 2.7 million people in the American gulag---- a prison empire that stretched across the land and onto Cuba too. Never forget that the drug war was really a war on ordinary people; it was an excuse for the gulag to asault the freedom and independence of the American people. Never forget the nightly executions, the military trials, the forced confessions, the secret courts, the secret charges, and the torture techniques.

      May I ask the neo-cons: Did Joseph Stalin ever imprison 2.7 million people, even in the darkest days of the Soviet Union?:rolleyes:

      Did Stalin launch drug war on his people? What torture techniques did he develope?
      Please try to stay on topic of the thread. Thanks.


      • #78
        Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

        Originally posted by flintlock View Post
        Because SS turns everything into a rant on Repukes and Potheads!
        And just look at the lovely mess that the f-ing Repukes made in America. It's beyond belief! Let that whole bunch in the South that put Bush and the Republicans into office go to hell. If this isn't proof that unregulated capitalism destroys the country and the world, nothing is..... How bankrupt do you need to get?

        I have films in black and white of the liberation of Auchwitz. No-one is going to tell me what the films show when anyone with eyes can see the liberation on film.

        And as for the potheads, just come to British Columbia and see that nothing has been done for the people of this province, and when I say nothing, I mean ZERO. The province has no energy plan, whatsoever---just pot and hope.

        Shall we talk about what the potheads did to Vancouver? Shall we mention the 28 drive-by shootings conducted by the Hell's Angel's from Oakland? :rolleyes:


        • #79
          Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

          I never knew that the pending bankruptcy of California was off-topic. Why is it off-topic to discuss the complete FAILURE of capitalism to deliver prosperity in California under the Repukes and the complete FAILURE of capitalism in America under the Repukes to deliver prosperity?

          I guess I was only imagining the worst collapse in history, far worse than the collapse of 1929? I guess Reaganomics was a success story in California? I guess Arthur Laffer's advice was a success story in California? The evidence in California doesn't really apply, ha? That's what the economics departments of Stanford and Princeton would have you believe.

          Just like the lies about Stalin? 2+2 = 5. And that is off-topic?

          All of it is a big lie. Just like Obama has an energy plan? Just like solar energy is a future for the world? Just like British Columbia has an energy plan? All of it is off-topic, ha?:rolleyes:


          • #80
            Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

            Steve, you sound sore, are you single? If so, have you considered coming to Asia, maybe HK or Singapore? I've not seen a starving American in Singapore yet.


            • #81
              Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
              I never knew that the pending bankruptcy of California was off-topic. Why is it off-topic to discuss the complete FAILURE of capitalism to deliver prosperity in California under the Repukes and the complete FAILURE of capitalism in America under the Repukes to deliver prosperity?

              I guess I was only imagining the worst collapse in history, far worse than the collapse of 1929? I guess Reaganomics was a success story in California? I guess Arthur Laffer's advice was a success story in California? The evidence in California doesn't really apply, ha? That's what the economics departments of Stanford and Princeton would have you believe.

              Just like the lies about Stalin? 2+2 = 5. And that is off-topic?

              All of it is a big lie. Just like Obama has an energy plan? Just like solar energy is a future for the world? Just like British Columbia has an energy plan? All of it is off-topic, ha?:rolleyes:
              Stalin is off topic. Thanks.


              • #82
                Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                Originally posted by FRED View Post
                Stalin is off topic. Thanks.
                I would like to point out the first corollary to Godwin's law.

                Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an informal adage coined by Mike Godwin in 1990. The adage states: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3]
                Godwin's Law is often cited in online discussions as a deterrent against the use of arguments in the widespread reductio ad Hitlerum form.
                There are many corollaries to Godwin's law, some considered more canonical (by being adopted by Godwin himself)[2] than others invented later.[1] For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress.
                It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                • #83
                  Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                  "Godwin's Law: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

                  Ha, ha! Thanks! Burst out laughing, 2nd time in two days.

                  First time was in Houston Airport. Announcment in terminal: "Warning! Jokes or inapporpriate comments may result in your arrest."

                  (google it. think it's unque to houston.)


                  • #84
                    Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                    I don't like the absolute lying in the U.S. now, especially by the rightwing. The lies about capitalism being a success story keep being repeated over and over and over again.

                    Look at the mess in California. Look at the mess in the U.S. Look at the thieving done by the bankers. Look at the total mis-understanding of the issues by the Federal Reserve under Bernanke. Look at the bail-outs to Wall Street. It is one lie after another. It is the foisting of an unwanted inflation stimulus onto the natural tendency of the free market to deflate, and why do we need the stimulus by Bernanke? Who said so?

                    I think it is very important to document what is going on right now. The failure of the stimulus to work in the U.S. and the amount of stimulus that has been injected into the markets is one issue. Who benefited is another issue. Trickle-down injection of trillions by the Fed is another issue. The complete worthlessness of the currency is another issue, and the cavalier attitude of the Federal Reserve is another issue.

                    Trillion-after-trillion, to an amount now said to be $66 trillion, and what has been accomplished by the Fed and the other central banks? Lie after lie after lie, by the rightwing especially. Capitalism has not worked at all.

                    And for the South to have this tea-party attitude? Let them go to hell! Let them go off and have their own country; the entire continent would benefit to be rid of that whole bunch. Let them have their George Bush and their Arthur Laffer and their lies.

                    "We will grow our way out of it." $66 trillion later, what is the outcome? But we don't know for sure, how many trillions later this is. That is another issue, isn't it?

                    This is far from a rant. This is just repeating some of the issues of the time.

                    Just like there was a good market for U.S. treasury debt, so long as the Federal Reserve Bank stood-by and bought the debt quietly in the background. And that is another issue: the whole picture is uncertain and stage-managed by Bernanke.


                    • #85
                      Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                      Originally posted by rogermexico View Post
                      EDIT - Mashuri is correct - I just read his post

                      To a point, yes. Think of how you behave in those segments of the economy that already have deflation in the form of productivity gains that exceed the overall CPI. I am guessing you buy a new computer every few years even though you know you get more for your money if you keep waiting. This doesn't seem ot slow the growth of the computer industry. In fact, now that these productivity gains have slowed, people buy new computers less frequently! Isn't this the way it should be? We should consume our money only when the present utility value we get with the purchase exceeds the value it has to us in the future (Austrians call this time preference)

                      Think of how cool it would be if a $100 dollar bill in your drawer was worth more every year you did not spend it. You could earn a real return without a bank or debt based financial product, and you would have to pay no taxes on the real gain on your savings, as only nominal gains would be taxed.

                      Do you think this might be why our governments and the banks that own them propagandize about the evils of "deflation"?

                      Because they cannot earn profits lending money into existence (banks) and taxing us on phantom gains (government)?
                      Interesting and makes sense, thanks.


                      • #86
                        Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                        The banks and the governments are in together on this unwanted inflation, and they propagandize about the so-called benefits of inflation. This is why this economic curriculum in the universities is a crime and has to be cleaned-up.

                        Between the eco-frauds and the inflationists in the universities, the world is going into deep depression. There is no other possible future for the world. (Let's be quite frank.)


                        • #87
                          Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                          If Capitalism is so bad, then what is the answer Steve? Communism didn't work. Socialism is hardly knocking one out of the park. What say you?


                          • #88
                            Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                            I say whatever works, works.

                            Here in British Columbia, the govn't makes nothing but money from its public auto insurance. I don't like it one bit, but profitable, it is.

                            I prefer private auto insurance because the rates are lower, and one has more choice. But to say that socialism doesn't work is a lie.

                            Public auto insurance in BC brings in nothing but money to the province, and the profit to the government keeps my provincial income tax low. So it works. But I don't like the 50 KPH (31 MPH ) speed limits and the lack of competition in setting policies and rates.

                            I just got served very well by Canada's Medicare Programme. I had two grand mall seizures this past week and ended-up twice in the emergency room of Victoria General Hospital. They helped me immensely, and no bill. So, God bless medicare. America should have had this programme decades ago, but the Repukes wouldn't allow it.

                            Certain things I like free markets for, such as coin shops and banks. There is nothing wrong with small businesses, and I support them 100%. So, I say, whatever works, works, and go with that.

                            As far as GM being govn't controlled, I don't see the benefit in that. Government could have helped to find a private buyer for GM, and I think that would have been better. I don't understand for one minute why Canada and America now own GM.

                            I don't think government should be owning big banks, but I do think government should be providing deposit insurance to savers. FDIC and the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation do work and do benefit all.

                            Fred won't let me talk about Stalin, but in WWII, Stalinism was absolutely necessary for the victory of the allies. This has to be understood, especially in America.

                            As far as communism is concerned, I don't like it. But if it works, as in China under their wise and enlightened government, fine. Communism in Cuba looks like a complete failure, at least from a distance, but what do I know?
                            Last edited by Starving Steve; June 13, 2009, 07:43 PM.


                            • #89
                              Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                              Originally posted by metalman View Post
                              how the heck did we get onto this from a thread re the CA economy?

                              It is the law of descent. You can observe it in all life. Especially long internet threads.:eek:


                              • #90
                                Re: this just in - hard STOP in CA

                                Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post

                                As far as communism is concerned, I don't like it. But if it works, as in China under their wise and enlightened government, fine. Communism in Cuba looks like a complete failure, at least from a distance, but what do I know?
                                You need to go re-read the definitions of the systems you're expounding. China is hardly communist and US is hardly free-market capitalist!

