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British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

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  • British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

    The British National Party now has two members of the European parliament after the elections last week in the UK. One of the new MEPs was a previous member of the British Nazi party.

    The anti-Europe right-wing UKIP party also did well.

    With a turnout of 34% the incumbent Labour government managed 16% of those votes -- a total of 6% of eligible voters bothering to tick the box next to the labour candidate. In my opinion, 76% remaining home shows more than just apathy.

    On a more progressive note Sweden returned its first Pirate Party MEP with 7.4% of the Swedish vote, after a high-profile filesharing trial in which four admins of the Piratebay website were convicted in an initial ruling, drawing attention to issues of state surveillance, copyright and international interference in the local judicial process.
    It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.

  • #2
    Re: British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

    I think Labour are starting to smell the coffee, they forgot their roots and became "Tory Party 2".........this was fine while the House price bubble was inflating. Once it blew their surpport jumped ship back to the REAL Tory party.

    Labour grass roots got rather pissed off with NOT BEING LISTERN TO!

    As far as i can see there is simply not purpose for the Labour party as it no longer rep-er-sents them.



    • #3
      Re: British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

      Originally posted by Mega View Post
      I think Labour are starting to smell the coffee, they forgot their roots and became "Tory Party 2".........this was fine while the House price bubble was inflating. Once it blew their surpport jumped ship back to the REAL Tory party.

      Labour grass roots got rather pissed off with NOT BEING LISTERN TO!

      As far as i can see there is simply not purpose for the Labour party as it no longer rep-er-sents them.

      Yep. Who will fill the void?
      It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


      • #4
        Re: British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

        It astounds me that people can be so short-sighted. Do these people really think the fascist party will be their salvation? I mean, do they really want a repeat of Nazi Germany or fascist Italy? It worked so well for them! :mad:

        I, however, support the pirate party. :cool:


        • #5
          Re: British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

          Originally posted by *T* View Post
          Yep. Who will fill the void?
          The EU commission whether they want it or not - after the Lisbon treaty, local / national politics won't count for all that much it will just take time for the vast majority of the public to figure that out.
          "that each simple substance has relations which express all the others"


          • #6
            Re: British fascists, Pirate party take MEP seats

            Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
            It astounds me that people can be so short-sighted. Do these people really think the fascist party will be their salvation? I mean, do they really want a repeat of Nazi Germany or fascist Italy? It worked so well for them! :mad:

            I, however, support the pirate party. :cool:
            Fear of the BNP is overblown and serves as a useful distraction. Its a nice media tool to keep selling the papers.

            The real story in the election is the wipe-out of Labour from traditional strongholds like Wales. Labour will get crushed in the General Election unless there is some sort of economic rebound. Brown's massive spending plans are engineered to do precisely that just before the elections. Time will tell if his methods have worked.

