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FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

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  • FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

    June 2009 Vol. 11 No. 06-A

    Urgent News for All Liberty Dollar Supporters!

    FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle
    The battle for a value based currency has began!

    The last two days have been amazing! Just shortly after midnight on Tuesday, the phone started ringing and I let the answering machine take the call. But very soon there was another call… with an even more urgent message! Very quickly, a friend of Kevin Innes, explained to me that Kevin had been "detained" by the local sheriff and was being held for the FBI to arrest him! Holy Cow!! The #2 supporter for the Liberty Dollar and co-instructor at the Liberty Dollar University training sessions was in deep trouble with the Feds! I was sure to be next. But would they arrive in a few minutes or would it be a pre-dawn Nazi style assault?

    Finally, I got up at 4:00 AM. I was very concerned for Kevin and wondered when the FBI would hit me. Fortunately the morning was quickly filled with a flurry of calls from Kevin's friend, other interested parties, the usual business calls and making preparations for the inevitable knock on the door. But nobody came. Then just after noon, Niles, who's wife, Rachelle, manages the Liberty Dollar Fulfillment Office, called to tell me that Rachelle had been picked up by the FBI at the LD Office and was due to be arraigned in just a few hours! The FBI strikes again!

    Luckily, I was able to talk to Rachelle via her cell phone while the FBI was holding her. I was pleased that the FBI agents were the friendly professional types and afforded Rachelle and I quite a few minutes of private conversation. Under the circumstances, Rachelle's demeanor and resolve was right on target. And very quickly, I learned that a warrant had been issued for my arrest. And just a quickly, Rachelle was off to court to be arraigned.

    Much later in the afternoon, I learned to my surprise that three big FBI agents had arrested Sarah at work. She and Rachelle were arraigned together and quickly released to on their own recognizance (OR) before the sun set on a very eventful day for the Liberty Dollar. The quick, professional effort with Sarah and Rachelle were gratifying and encouraging. Unfortunately, I was to learn that Sarah lost her job because of this event.

    By last afternoon it was clear that the Liberty Dollar would be best served by my turning myself in to the to the US Marshals, otherwise know as 'self reporting.' After a few calls, I found myself talking to Agent Andy (aka Agent F) who was his usual friendly, chatty self. He even recognized my voice although we had only spoken twice and that was over 18 months ago. Sure enough he confirmed that a federal arrest warrant for my arrest had been issued. And after a bit of gamesmanship with Agent Andy, I agreed to report to the US Marshal's office in Fort Myers, Florida at 9:00 AM on Thursday morning as it was too late to be arraigned, plus an overnight in jail would have wrinkled by clothes

    The following morning, Thursday, June 3, 2009, I actually arrived at the Marshal's office at 8:30 due to light traffic. As the saying goes, "If you gotta do time, do federal time." Quite simply, the federal boys are better educated, better trained and have better manners. I was immediately escorted to a holding cell. After an hour or less, I met with the Pre-Trila Service rep and made it to court at 11:00 in chains and handcuffs. The female judge was businesslike and granted my request to attend my son's graduation in Physics from UCLA next week. After fingerprinting, signing a $50,000 Appearance Bond, one final meeting with the Pre-Indictment Service rep, I was free.

    In general, the arraignment was a pleasant affair. The US Marshals did their job with very little attitude, as they should. After all, I am self reporting, and it is for anything violent, I just want to prove that I have a right to issue my own currency and if any body chooses to use it then it is a "private contract." It is certainly not a crime.

    And so it came to pass, 2009 years after the birth of Christ, that four regular Americans have taken a stand to defend the People's right to protect themselves from a government currency that has a long and unforgiving history of stealing the people's purchasing power. This is a test of individual rights, as protected by the Tenth Amendment. It is the deciding moment that a private voluntary barter currency (PVBC) is legal in the great United States of America. This is a test that the Liberty Dollar must and will pass, for that I have no doubt. But it will not be easy or cheap. Please, if you support our efforts, support us with any kind of money you have, including pro bono services. Now that the Liberty Dollar faces a federal criminal trial, it is the US Government v Liberty Dollar ala Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle. Please help us win. Please help yourself win. Please help American win.

    Very simply this is a Win or Lose battle. In addition to money for this legal fight we need articles that reference non-government currency, such as Air Miles as currency, legal research assistance, expert witnesses, legal assistance, etc. If you support the ideals of the Liberty Dollar, this is the time to get behind the Liberty Dollar. We critically need your help! Please send your digital info to and your donations of value including other kinds of "currencies" to:
    225 N. Stockwell Road
    Evansville. Indiana. 47715

    The best news is that the Liberty Dollar finally has the opportunity to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is legal. Over two years ago I sued the US government for a Declaratory Judgment to resolve the legality issue. And how did they respond, they raided the Liberty Dollar and confiscated over $4 million dollars in gold, silver and cash. The US government has done everything possible to kill the Liberty Dollar! And guess what? It has not worked. The mere fact that the Liberty Dollar is still in business is a testament to your demand for Real Money and the ideals that the Liberty Dollar represents.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support! Trust me, the Liberty Dollar is not made up of any fat cats. We are all just regular Americans. And we all just want good money, a lot less government and no damn war!

    Click HERE for a stilted Press Release by the DOJ. Its three pages with a whopper by Owen Harris, Special FBI Agent in Charlotte who said, "When groups try to replace the US dollar with coins and bills that don't hold the same value..." WOW what a telling statement of pure spin.

    Click HERE for the 13 page Indictment.
    Click HERE for Sarah's Arrest Warrant.

    Guess what?! Liberty Dollar still in business and we need more business! As there has been no Cease and Desist Order, Liberty Dollar remains OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Please visit our shopping cart for all the 2009 Liberty, Peace, Freedom, T-Dollars and more. Don't be bashful or stupid. Silver is going to the moon, just as sure as the US dollar is going to hell with your purchasing power. Now is the time to protect your purchasing with the "inflation proof" currency and help usher in a new monetary model that provides the only proven, peaceful, and profitable solution to the monetary cancer that has infected America.

    OUTSTANDING ORDERS: Please rest assured that we will fill all outstanding orders. Yes, after producing a sizable amount of pre-minted Silver Libertys and finally getting current with most orders, we changed mints and are now behind again. We apologize emphatically! Poor and/or slow delivery is not acceptable business. It hurts everyone. And just when we were about to get current again we were arrested. Please continue to support us with your patience too. We promise to get every order out ASAP. But as I hope you can understand, it is a struggle to run a business, any business, in such an environment and fight a major legal battle for our right to protect our purchasing power

    The last few 2009 Arrest Dollars. Are you familiar with the Arrest Dollars? Starting in 2007 and continuing through this year the Arrest Dollar is one ounce Silver Liberty that is specially hand hallmarked with a micro "handcuffs" stamp and my federally registered mintmark. Issued only from the day of the raid to today. The last few 2009 Arrest Dollars are currently on the Shopping Cart. After these are gone, they are gone to eBay for much more money.

    The 2009 Tea Party Dollar (T-Dollar) is still available and we are still waiting confirmation on the shipment. We are still expecting to have the first batch order in the first 24 HOURS here for the July 4 events. The T-Dollar is still only a buck for an ounce of copper AND you can still get them for 10% discount to they $1 face value for a 100 or more. Hey, they are only a buck… you can't go wrong. Plus every copper issue has sold out. Get these while you can and help support our legal efforts tooJ

    The 2009 Silver Libertys! The backbone of the Liberty Dollar model is the one ounce .999 fine silver Lib! Just in the last few days, silver has bounced back over $16, soon the 30 day moving average will be $16 and the Liberty Dollar will Move Up again to the $50 Silver Base. PLEASE don't be dumb and buy silver when it is high. Get it NOW!!! Sure it is not $5 per ounce any more, nor will it ever be again. $5 silver is just not possible with the government spending phony baloney fiat money like a drunken sailor. Please order silver now and protect your purchasing power and profit tomorrow!

    Stay tuned to the Liberty Dollar News as we vindicate and validate the legality of the Liberty Dollar. Please take an active role in this exciting and profitable time. Don't lose out. Get involved with the Liberty Dollar to make money, do good and have fun. I am having as much fun in my 60's and I did in The 60's and hope you are too.

    Thanks again for your support.

    Bernard von NotHaus
    Monetary Architect
    Does anyone have a copy of the indictment? I don't have the links.

  • #2
    Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

    Federal BI press release:

    actual indictment:


    • #3
      Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

      It looks to me as though these people are charged with counterfeiting. significantly different that investing in PM's as a legitimate inflation hedge.

      It seems as though the government position will be that investing and profiting in PM's is legitimate as long as appropriate taxes are paid and that PM's aren't used as a substitute for fiat money.


      • #4
        Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

        Originally posted by babbittd View Post
        Thank you.


        • #5
          Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

          Originally posted by BiscayneSunrise View Post
          It looks to me as though these people are charged with counterfeiting. significantly different that investing in PM's as a legitimate inflation hedge.

          It seems as though the government position will be that investing and profiting in PM's is legitimate as long as appropriate taxes are paid and that PM's aren't used as a substitute for fiat money.
          Simply put, this is a political persecution.


          • #6
            Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

            What do you base that on Sapiens? Where do you believe the indictment is flawed with regard to the law?


            • #7
              Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

              To begin with, paragraphs 12, 13, 14…

              Where do you believe the indictment is flawed with regard to the law?
              You have to fundamentally comprehend why the precious metal clause of the Constitution U.S. of A. was placed there.

              The Federal Govt. of the U.S. of A. is of limited and delegated powers. Creating units of currency by fiat was not one of the given or delegated powers to the Federal Govt. of the U.S. of A.; that the Banksters (the Federal Reserve) usurped that power is a given, witness the current system in place, von NotHaus should be free contract with anyone that is willing to voluntarily contract with him and use his currency. The problem that this presents the Govt. is obvious, they would lose control over taxation.
              Last edited by Sapiens; June 05, 2009, 10:27 AM.


              • #8
                Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

                The original publication:



                • #9
                  Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

                  i've got 200 copper ron paul dollars that the fbi seized, i want those things.


                  • #10
                    Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

                    I may be slow, but how does the US government lose control of taxation through a private currency such as the Liberty dollar?


                    • #11
                      Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

                      Uh, the idea gets wildly popular and begins to spread elsewhere?


                      • #12
                        Re: FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar issuers

                        IMO paras 28 and 33 would seem to be the ones that matter.

                        And ultimately I suppose the indicted are getting exactly what they want - a chance to go before a court of law and have this decided. He says as much in his press release. I have no idea what the law says...will be curious to see the outcome.

