Re: "as gm goes, so goes the nation": bill gross
was replying to nero.
no ad hominem attacks on krugman on the other thread, but such was asserted. don't agree. the thread asks why krugman parots the fire econ press green shoots/deflation talking points & has a record of selling fed policy.. . eg. 'deflation' cover for inflationary policy. i proposed the unearned nobel ecoon prize as evidence, financial oligarchs blindness... but you won't find any hard evidence... no published list of fire econ boyz... each can only be identified by words and deed, the things they say and don't say, do and don't do.
Originally posted by jk
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no ad hominem attacks on krugman on the other thread, but such was asserted. don't agree. the thread asks why krugman parots the fire econ press green shoots/deflation talking points & has a record of selling fed policy.. . eg. 'deflation' cover for inflationary policy. i proposed the unearned nobel ecoon prize as evidence, financial oligarchs blindness... but you won't find any hard evidence... no published list of fire econ boyz... each can only be identified by words and deed, the things they say and don't say, do and don't do.