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Parking Meters On FIRE

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  • Parking Meters On FIRE

    CHICAGO — Motorists here long ago learned how to park a fine line.

    Miss the diagonal markings on your spot? That’s a $50 violation. More than 12 inches from the curb? $25, payable to the city. Two overdue tickets? You’re getting a boot.

    But while every city has its vehicular regulations, Chicago under Mayor Richard M. Daley has earned the reputation of being ruthlessly demanding on motorists as a way to collect much-needed revenue, particularly when it comes to the city’s parking meters.

    Now, the city is suffering what seems like a motorists’ meltdown.
    “First, take a deep cleansing breath,” advises a premier blog addressing the problem, “Inhale. Exhale. Everything is going to be fine.”

    In an effort to plug a gaping budget deficit, Mr. Daley pushed a deal through the City Council a few months ago that privatized management of the parking meters for 75 years in exchange for a lump-sum payment of $1.15 billion.

    In some areas, rates then rose fourfold. At most meters, there was no more free parking on holidays or Sundays, and some meters must be fed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Most vexing to drivers, however, is that thousands of newly installed credit-card and coin-taking parking meters simply do not work. They have been charging the wrong rates, failing to issue receipts (the only proof of payment) or not accepting money.

    “I’ll take the responsibility,” Mr. Daley said at a news conference, angrily waving his hands in the air. “I’ll take it.”

    Chicago Parking Meters LLC took over management of the city’s 36,000 meters in February after an overwhelming majority of city aldermen voted in favor of the deal. A spokeswoman for the company did not return a call seeking comment.

    No IMF austerity program for the USA. No sirree bob. And watch that privatization while you're at it :p :mad: ;)

  • #2
    Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

    Hudson's "tollbooth economy" comes to mind...


    • #3
      Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

      If i may...........

      You guys are going to face a "VAT" Tax..........They start it low & only on a few things.........than E X P A N D it to cover just about everything.

      In Blighty there is nothing left too tax, simple as i deeply worry.


      • #4
        Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        If i may...........

        You guys are going to face a "VAT" Tax..........They start it low & only on a few things.........than E X P A N D it to cover just about everything.

        In Blighty there is nothing left too tax, simple as i deeply worry.
        Let us flee and build our own society, Mega! :cool:


        • #5
          Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

          You've got to fead the meters on Sunday.:eek:


          • #6
            Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

            Originally posted by Mega View Post
            If i may...........

            You guys are going to face a "VAT" Tax..........They start it low & only on a few things.........than E X P A N D it to cover just about everything.

            In Blighty there is nothing left too tax, simple as i deeply worry.
            They thought about that a loooonnnggg time ago here: it is called the "GST".


            • #7
              Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

              Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
              You've got to fead the meters on Sunday.:eek:
              What happens when we revert to a barter economy? Will the meters read, "Feed me a goat?" :eek:


              • #8
                Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

                Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                What happens when we revert to a barter economy? Will the meters read, "Feed me a goat?" :eek:
                Perhaps it will just be a machine that takes a finger...maximum usage: 10

                "Insert finger here (_)"

                Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


                • #9
                  Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

                  Originally posted by Mega View Post
                  If i may...........

                  You guys are going to face a "VAT" Tax..........They start it low & only on a few things.........than E X P A N D it to cover just about everything.

                  In Blighty there is nothing left too tax, simple as i deeply worry.
                  As Finster, among others, pointed out quite some time ago in a post of his on this forum, perhaps the USA needs a tax system that discourages consumption and speculation, and encourages savings and investment...:p


                  • #10
                    Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

                    Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                    What happens when we revert to a barter economy? Will the meters read, "Feed me a goat?" :eek:

                    Good thing one of us knows how to spell feed.


                    • #11
                      Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

                      Sold out to Morgan Stanley!


                      Attorney General Drops Bomb Friday Afternoon


                      • #12
                        Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

                        Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                        As Finster, among others, pointed out quite some time ago in a post of his on this forum, perhaps the USA needs a tax system that discourages consumption and speculation, and encourages savings and investment...:p
                        Pissing on the FIRE not allowed. Verboten!

                        (Love the above link:

                        "CPM, LLC did not come into existence until December 3, 2008 according to the State of Illinois, even though the bid’s were opened on December 1st and they were announced as the winning bidder on December 2nd."

                        "LLC that is actually a consortium of investors, led by Morgan Stanley."

                        Nice work, Babbittd ;) )


                        • #13
                          Re: Parking Meters On FIRE

                          "CPM, LLC did not come into existence until December 3, 2008 according to the State of Illinois, even though the bid’s were opened on December 1st and they were announced as the winning bidder on December 2nd."
                          Don, this really is the sort of paragraph that you would usually read in a newspaper article about mob indictments.

                          Replace CPM, LLC with John's Refuse, LLC....


