I thought it might be interesting to have a look at stocks, gold and oil as priced in NZD, and to compare the recent swings in percentage terms to their equivalents in USD.
First, the S&P 500 priced in NZD, which is up only 10% from the March low, vs. 38% when priced in USD. Clearly, most of the recent price action has been due to currency fluctuations, as opposed to some inherent strength. Notice that the big run-up in USD terms in March was basically flat in NZD, and the supposedly flat period in May in USD terms has been down significantly in NZD.
First, the S&P 500 priced in NZD, which is up only 10% from the March low, vs. 38% when priced in USD. Clearly, most of the recent price action has been due to currency fluctuations, as opposed to some inherent strength. Notice that the big run-up in USD terms in March was basically flat in NZD, and the supposedly flat period in May in USD terms has been down significantly in NZD.
Next, gold priced in NZD, which is down 21% from its Feb high, vs. down 3% priced in USD. Notice the big run-up in May in USD terms has been flat in NZD.
And finally, oil priced in NZD, which is up 42% from its Feb low, vs. 78% up in USD. Clearly this is the result of more than just a weakening USD.