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Second Shoe Drops on Housing

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  • #31
    Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

    Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
    Now that you know how her mind works, use it to your advantage. I can think of all kinds of incentives you could offer (she could earn) for all kinds of...(how do I put this?)...promises...commitments...favors. Whatever you call it, you get the idea. (Yeah, I said it...trick her into sex, baby.)
    Boys, boys. Really.


    • #32
      Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

      Originally posted by Ann View Post
      Boys, boys. Really.
      Hey, drumminj, this Ann chick may be your dream date. As a fellow iTuliper, you can whisper economic theories into her ear all night long without her wanting to pull her hair out and run for the exit.
      "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


      • #33
        Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

        Originally posted by EricPhan View Post
        This mortgage reset chart might be the most current:

        I posted an updated Credit Suisse chart in Did someone say, ``Housing market recovery?''. Same underlying data, obviously, so looks about like this one, with a little more breakdown detail.


        • #34
          Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

          Well, it turns out that girl isn't interested in a second date. I guess next time I'll keep my mouth shut

          (no, I don't think it's because of the housing conversation, but who knows)


          • #35
            Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

            Maybe you need a bath.:eek:


            • #36
              Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

              Originally posted by drumminj View Post
              Well, it turns out that girl isn't interested in a second date. I guess next time I'll keep my mouth shut

              (no, I don't think it's because of the housing conversation, but who knows)

              Had a similar experience today. Met someone for the first time over lunch. HOT.

              House in the Hamptons, can't sell wants to re mortgage. Then sell next year. UGH. Apartment in Manhattan. Not sure if she wants to sell. Really believes New York real estate will come back soon.

              Bit my tongue. Kept advise to a minimum. Checked out her legs.


              • #37
                Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                Originally posted by drumminj View Post
                For the record, I did talk an ex (she was a current dating prospect at the time) out of buying a condo in Long Beach, CA. I'm happy about that one.

                Ash, thanks for the pointers. Yes, it's very much about not belittling or judging them in any way...I simply brought up that houses in my neighborhood are $700k..asked how many people could afford that (answer: not many), and thus posited that prices are thus likely to fall.

                Needless to say I have to follow-up and "apologize" for getting into it. I just can't in good conscience let the NAR PR-frenzy go on unchallenged.
                I'm a little less jaded than Metal, so I would say, do what you think you should in GOOD CONSCIENCE and then let the chips fall where they may.

                I've learned that you tell someone once to warn them and make them think, after that, if they come back to you fill em in some more, but if they don't, you have to detach yourself from the result and leave it be. BUT for GOD's SAKE, DO FOLLOW YOUR CONSICNECE!!!!!!!!! (but don't brow beat folks, they will listen you and save some pain OR they won't and get ALOT of pain, they choose what they get SO you should realize you are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHIOCES, but "I THINK" you should do what YOU THINK IS RIGHT).

                I have and will allways tell people what I think is right, and If I CARE ENOUGH about someone, I will tell them until they tell me they KNOW and don't care, then I will stop. (But at least they have acknowledged the truth)


                • #38
                  Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                  Originally posted by ASH View Post
                  On the other hand, my wife (something of a gold bug herself) relishes making us out to be as eccentric as possible (in the gold/guns-hoarding sense), to get a rise out of the staid, vaguely liberal professional types we normally socialize with, and that can't help things.

                  I think your wife and I would get along FABULOUSLY in social settings!

                  (That one's a KEEPER, ASH!)


                  • #39
                    Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                    Originally posted by drumminj View Post
                    Damn, and that was going to be date number two - the Star Trek themed wedding in Vegas.... ;)
                    Pilots have a saying (If it flies, floats, or fucks, has wheels or a mailbox, it's cheaper to rent).


                    • #40
                      Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                      Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                      " Need a bath?" lol.
                      Hell, "how bout a warm shower", "I'm a little behind on the water bill, so we'll have to share to conserve, is that okay with you?"

                      The possiblities are ENDLESS!


                      • #41
                        Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                        Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                        Had a similar experience today. Met someone for the first time over lunch. HOT.

                        House in the Hamptons, can't sell wants to re mortgage. Then sell next year. UGH. Apartment in Manhattan. Not sure if she wants to sell. Really believes New York real estate will come back soon.

                        Bit my tongue. Kept advise to a minimum. Checked out her legs.
                        I KNOW, I KNOW!

                        Ask her for a "tour" of the house, esp. the BEDROOM, as you might be interested in BUYING!


                        • #42
                          Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                          Originally posted by ASH View Post
                          My wife and I moved from a rented apartment to a rented house about 2 years ago, when we decided to start a family. We ended up with over twice the space, plus better privacy, a garage, and a yard, for about a 40% increase in rental expenses (which is still only 15% of my gross salary). I think you will find that renting a house doesn't feel like renting an apartment, and that once you move into a larger rented space, you won't feel any urgent need to buy a house.
                          Ditto, I never lived in any house that I've owned, (and I've owned several).

                          I have a wife, three kids and three cats and have been a renter (and a land lord) my adult life.

                          Hey, I needed a tax shelter, Okay! That's why you own (or used to own) houses as rental properties, check out the differences in tax treatment sometime It's THAT EYE-OPENING). It'll make your never want to own a primary residence for the rest of your life. (at least with respect to tax treatment)


                          • #43
                            Re: Second Shoe Drops on Housing

                            Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
                            Hey, drumminj, this Ann chick may be your dream date. As a fellow iTuliper, you can whisper economic theories into her ear all night long without her wanting to pull her hair out and run for the exit.
                            That's her ACTUAL self-portrait, you know.;)

