Re: Meet our new American Fuhrer: Barack Obama
Torture does NOT work! It is no good at extracting information or getting to the truth of the matter!
See my previous links and also - What's Not Said Is More Important Than What Is Said written by Matthew Alexander (author of "How to Break a Terrorist") who led the interrogations that found Zarqawi.
Torture does NOT work! It is no good at extracting information or getting to the truth of the matter!
See my previous links and also - What's Not Said Is More Important Than What Is Said written by Matthew Alexander (author of "How to Break a Terrorist") who led the interrogations that found Zarqawi.
In addition, in his continued defense of harsh interrogation techniques (aka torture and abuse), VP Cheney forgets that harsh techniques have ensured that future detainees will be less likely to cooperate because they see us as hypocrites. They are less willing to trust us when we fail to live up to our principles. I experienced this firsthand in Iraq when interrogating high-ranking members of Al Qaida, some of whom decided to cooperate simply because I treated them with respect and civility.
The former vice president is confusing harshness with effectiveness. An effective interrogation is one that yields useful, accurate intelligence, not one that is harsh. It speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of interrogations, the goal of which is not to coerce information from a prisoner, but to convince a prisoner to cooperate.
The former vice president is confusing harshness with effectiveness. An effective interrogation is one that yields useful, accurate intelligence, not one that is harsh. It speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of interrogations, the goal of which is not to coerce information from a prisoner, but to convince a prisoner to cooperate.