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Buiter proposes negative interest rates

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  • Buiter proposes negative interest rates

    Very interesting and amusing discussion in the Maverecon blog.

    Just when I was wondering if things were improving, we get Buiter seriously proposing negative interest rates.

    There are three practical ways to implement negative nominal interest rates.

    (1) Abolish currency. This is easy and would have many other benefits. The main drawbacks would be the loss of seigniorage income to the central bank. There may be a ‘millennium bug’ type transitional problem, if a lot of bad programmers have written code that blows up when the nominal interest rate hits zero (taking the logarithm of zero or of a negative number has interesting consequences), but all that means is a couple of wasted weekends at the office re-writing the relevant code.

    (2) Tax currency and ‘stamp’ it to show it is ‘current on interest due’. This is Silvio Gesell’s proposal, supported by Irving Fisher and re-introduced into the policy debate by Marvin Goodfriend and by myself and Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou.[2] When the interest rate on currency is positive, the currency must be marked (by stamping or clipping coupons) to make sure the (anonymous) bearer does not present it repeatedly for the payment of interest. When the interest rate is negative, the (anonymous) bearer must (a) be induced to come forward to receive his negative interest (i.e. pay interest to the central bank) and (b) must be able to demonstrate that the negative interest has been received. To ensure (b), the currency must again be stamped or marked (electronically tagged). To get the bearer to come forward to pay the negative interest we can either rely on honesty and a sense of patriotic duty, or we can impose sanctions for non-compliance. I am afraid penalties for non-compliance (fines, a day in the stocks) would be required to make negative interest on currency work. This would require random checks etc. It would be administratively costly and unpleasantly intrusive. This may well endear the notion to our governments.

    (3) Unbundle currency from the unit of account. This ideal goes back at least to Eisler (1932), was drawn to my attention by Stephen Davies in 2004 and has been formalised by me in a couple of papers since then.[3] The basic idea is simple. In an economy where the dollar is the unit of account for price and wage contracts and most other market transactions, the fact that the currency is also the dollar (that is, the fact that X dollars worth of currency purchases X dollars worth of short-term nominal public debt (or X dollars worth of reserves with the central bank) establishes a zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate (what matters is that the exchange rate of currency and short nominal debt is constant, not that it is unity).
    It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.

  • #2
    Re: Buiter proposes negative interest rates

    Thanks T good read


