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California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

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  • #76
    Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

    Originally posted by Raz View Post
    FIRST of all, Munger, the people you seem intent on referring to as "immigrants" are NOT immigrants: they are illegal, invading aliens. Pure, plain and simple.

    SECOND, I don't think your last paragraph concerning ctizenship has much meaning since you apparently think that an "immigrant" is anyone who manages to slip across our borders undetected. Can't imagine what "citizenship" means to you.

    THIRDLY, assimilate means: "to bring into conformity;to adapt or adjust; to modify". (Source: Random House Collegiate Dictionary.)
    If learning the commonly used language of the place I'm choosing to live doesn't mean to adapt or adjust, then what in the world does it mean? Should I move to Italy and expect all of them to learn English in order to communicate with me? When they march through our streets carrying Mexican flags, shouting "no human being is illegal" and "everything for the Race", they apparently have no intention of being Americans - unless they get to define that on their own terms.
    If they have no obligation to learn enough English to function throughout American society, or assimilate American customs and norms, or read the Constitution - or even a newspaper, then what is Naturalization all about? (Hint: "To invest an alien with the rights and privileges of a citizen; to introduce or adopt foreign practices or words; to adapt or adjust to a new place or environment as if native to it". - same dictionary)

    "...I do not understand the fear that you seem to have of people from other cultures."

    "Childish xenophobia" and "name-calling" wasn't enough, huh? You just couldn't resist pulling out that 'ole "racist" card, could you Munger. All of those who insist on the enforcement of our immigration laws must be racists. They couldn't possibly have a real concern for the stability of American society, much less the rule of law. No, they're all racists.

    When you can't accept being wrong, just imply that they're all "racists"!

    You don't need to respond because I don't consider your opinion to be worth a cup of warm spit.:mad::mad:
    blah blah blah. The world is evolving and passing you by. Sorry to break it to you. The U.S. is not going back to the your 1960s deep south fantasyland. I can now sense the racist foam spittling out from your mouth as you read this, so this shall be my last reply. Good day.


    • #77
      Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

      Originally posted by Munger View Post
      If there are jobs to be filled, is it not a net gain for the U.S. to have them filled? Do you believe in a free market or not?

      As far as requiring immigrants to "assimilate" - firstly, this is a straw man. Secondly, this is your bias, and the constitution and laws of the U.S. have no such requirement, for good reason.
      For the record, I am all for legal immigration. If we TRULY have labor shortages in certain sectors, those should be addressed. The number of legal immigrants entering the US should probably have been increased in the last 10 years.

      Now that said, talk about a straw man argument! The "immigrants" most people have a problem with are not the Engineers or doctors, or scientists and you know it. We are talking illegal immigrants here.

      Outsourcing of jobs is an whole other issue, but as long as we worship at the alter of "Globalism", it will be a continuous "race to the bottom" for american workers in terms of pay. It won't stop until the pay reaches equilibrium across the globe. Average workers in some countries make $1 day. So we have a long way to go.


      • #78
        Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

        High taxes, high spending,strict environmental laws and taxes driving out business,renewable energy mandates. Spend first pay for it later. In Cali they pass a budget, finance spending with bonds then pay it back with tax receipts.OOPS! People that don't pay taxes(illegals) but whose kids are given healthcare and education. Employee unions holding state government hostage,out of control pension benefits. Yes socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money! Seriously, whats going on there is endemic of what is happening all over. We pay more of our taxes to a bloated federal government then send our hacks to washington to get OUR money back. But we use services at the local level.Roads,sewer,schools, water etc... We should be paying higher LOCAL and state taxes and not so much in federal taxes. You can only squeeze so much blood out of a turnip.


        • #79
          Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

          Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
          I am an american born and raised software engineer. If you are young, in your 20's you may not see to many american born engineers because we fear outsourcing. I am one of the best engineers in my field, I'm the person that is called when a problem can't be solved etc. But I still have a hard time convicing a prospective client of my worth when, I'm competing against someone in India with a Ph.D and works for $30.00 an hour.

          I had the fortune of going to college in the late 70's and early 80's when a public education at a good school cost $1000 a year, and there were plenty of good jobs, that paid well. Bell Labs, Xerox Parc, IBM, Ingres etc.

          Now young kids probably pay more like 20K a year for thier school, and the really good jobs are gone. A lot of software now is off the shelf, developed overseas, and now our country does the QA testing, and software integration to get it all to work. The work is lower quality, pay has stagnated, employment stability doesn't exist.

          This has discouraged many kids from becoming engineers. There's not much of a future in it anymore.

          If they would let the economy collapse into debt spiral, and housing, medicine, food etc. would dramatically decline in price, maybe our intellectual workers can compete with the rest of the world.
          Welcome to what US construction workers were going through 15-20 years ago! Now that its hitting higher up the food chain( Engineers, IT, physicians) its finally starting to hit home. Be honest, were you upset about illegal immigration then, when it was just lowly carpenters losing jobs or facing low pay? Because what I see in America is an attitude of "screw everyone else as long as it doesn't affect me" in regards to illegal immigration. Well, wake up people, it does affect you. It affects your medical bills, your taxes, and yes, even you pay.

          I think for the most part, anyone who is pro Illegal immigration is thinking with their emotions and not their brain. You have to push emotion aside, and take it to its logical conclusion. If a million illegals a year is OK, why not a billion? Why not the whole world.

          Best rational explanation on how "rescuing" people from poverty in the world won't work by bringing them here.


          • #80
            Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

            Originally posted by Raz View Post
            Bingo to you, Munger. You're full of more shit than Hayek excreted in two lifetimes.

            And keep playing your "racist" card, Munger. It's bringing you to near total blindness.
            He can't logically argue his point because there is no logical argument for illegal immigration. So he name calls. All emotion, no logic.


            • #81
              Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

              The USA is now gristle. Our leaders, in business and politics, have sold us down the river in the spirit of "free trade." It really is too bad that such a great nation can be liquidated both physically and spiritually. It almost screams of conspiracy but the truth is much simpler.

              In a dog eat dog world of unregulated capitalism, the victor has a helicopter, a yacht, and a gulfstream and cares very little for comrade & country.


              • #82
                Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

                Originally posted by Munger View Post
                blah blah blah. The world is evolving and passing you by. Sorry to break it to you. The U.S. is not going back to the your 1960s deep south fantasyland. I can now sense the racist foam spittling out from your mouth as you read this, so this shall be my last reply. Good day.
                Excellent response there, Munger. Filled with facts and argued in such a reasoned and concatenated chain of thought. Deep thought.

                I've spent a little time reading some of your posts on various threads. About a dozen in all.
                They are pathetic.

                You're a joke, Munger. And everyone knows it.

                Have to go now or else I'll be late for my Klan meeting.


                • #83
                  Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

                  Illegal immigration has clearly become a hot button topic of unproductive discussion.
                  Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                  • #84
                    Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

                    Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                    Illegal immigration has clearly become a hot button topic of unproductive discussion.
                    I agree.

                    And so is any discussion with Munger.
                    To disagree with him is to identify oneself as a "racist".


                    • #85
                      Re: California Rejects Schwarzenegger’s Budget Measures

                      You shouldn't post such things, MasterShake.
                      This clearly identifies you as a heartless, bigoted racist.:rolleyes:

