Re: FIRE Emergency
What the hell? Have none of you ever used a debit card to pay for purchases online? Since when are credit cards the only mechanism for paying for transactions online??
Actually, the only reason you were getting the "free" stuff was because during the boom times the CC companies were raping and pillaging the less creditworthy with higher interest rates, late fees, etc. Now that the boom times are over and the less creditworthy are defaulting (creating a hole) plus they are missing out on any extra lost revenue, they have to appease their shareholders somehow otherwise they will be forced to file for bankruptcy. The management, sales agents, etc can't pay themselves...
Credit cards are a literal scam. The banks create the money out of thin air, then charge you interest for being so nice to loan you such "credit". But wait, the dollars to service the debt (i.e. interest) is never created which makes the total amount of debt owed higher than the principal created, which means that if everyone paid their accounts every month, eventually the entire system will run out of money (the original "principal" got relabeled as "interest") and due to hard reality of 1 always being less than 2, people will be forced into default. This will happen regardless of how "prudent" the borrower is since they don't have the means to create the dollars out of thin air like the Federal Reserve and the banking cartel does.
Our entire banking/credit system is bogus and shouldve been nationalized/broken up/dissolved a long time ago. Unfortunately, they are allowed to continue the money creation that puts politicians in place that furthers their own insider advantage. The only solution will be armed revolt and they will be the only ones responsible.
How come people continue to willingly participate in this financial racket we call banks? The only conclusion that I can come to is that everyone is so blind to what's really going on, that they have drank the kool-aid and don't even know it...
Originally posted by don
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Originally posted by Master Shake
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So, once again, the prudent get the shaft because some people are irresponsible with their cards.
Originally posted by Munger
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How come people continue to willingly participate in this financial racket we call banks? The only conclusion that I can come to is that everyone is so blind to what's really going on, that they have drank the kool-aid and don't even know it...