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Our USD system is just about to collapse.

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  • #61
    Re: Our USD system is just about to collapse.

    Originally posted by Willette View Post
    I like what Laird wrote, but I think he too is vulnerable to "the illusions of hope". We who own gold coins might like to think that one day a coin will buy a house, but that would imply that government would not try to get in the way of such a massive revaluation of assets, or would just allow it to happen. But in reality, they have fought it all the way.

    The fundamental reality is that ownership of the world's productive assets is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands by means of indirect corporate ownership. That tiny, one-in-a-million Superclass is working toward political as well as economic consolidation - the New World Order.

    Today, we are seeing the demolition of social stability and economic security in countries around the world, even the largest and most powerful. This is being permitted so as to create so much fear, suffering and insecurity in the world population that they will ultimately see world government as the solution to their problems - QED!

    The world reserve fiat currency franchise is in the process of being removed from the USA as it completely discredits itself, only to be vested in some international institution (BIS?) at some future date. There will ultimately be some sort of massive system reset, and the New World Order of Transnational Global Governance will be the new proprietors of a new fiat money system whereby they can skim the cream from the entire world economy.

    Tremendous gains in gold purchasing power implies that government power must be massively liquidated and ownership of productive assets decentralized again. That is not happening - things are going the other way at an increasing pace.

    Government power (military force) trumps economic forces every time - economics is a lodger in the house of politics. This is why Patrick Henry said, " If we wish to be free we must fight! . . . I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!"

    Americans have weapons, but are not mentally prepared to fight, and have not yet even figured out how to do so effectively. We've been waiting for decades for them to come and try to pry the guns from our cold dead fingers, but meanwhile they have been steadily increasing the fine webwork of regulation and control that enslaves us while simultaneously stealing our wealth. People own guns, but they are totally intimidated by any agent of government, even a dog catcher.

    PS - Recent Tea Part protesters were routinely 1) Asking permission from government to have their little protests 2) Being denied permission to dump brewed tea into waterways because it is deemed (by government) to be pollution. So they were using plain water. What a joke!!!! Read about the original Boston tea party. Nobody asked the permission of the British, and the local authorities knew that it would not be healthy for them to attempt to interfere. 45 TONS of tea were dumped in the harbor. Now THAT was a protest that meant something.
    If tea parties mean a protest to return to Republican Party rule ( the rule of the neo-cons ) in the U.S, I say 200% fuey!

    I don't ever want to return to English-only language policies, phonics crap in the schools, standardized testing in schools, top-down control of the public schools from Washington, drug war, executions, zero tolerance, Micheal Savage, a wall on the Mexican border, flag worship, or any of that. I don't like this passport controls on the U.S. border. I don't want Greenspan or Bernanke at the Fed. I don't want the Christian-right and FOX Broadcasting guiding policies. I don't want xenophobia in America again nor endless wars abroad. Absolute fuey!

    If this is your goal in your tea parties, go secede from the U.S. and start your Texas Republic or Heartland Republic of white rule. And good-bye to the bunch of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But be sure to take your deficits with you because most of them are the result of your supply-side economic policies thanks to your Arthur Laffer and Alan Greenspan. And don't forget to take your failed healthcare system with you, too.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; May 14, 2009, 08:05 PM.


    • #62
      Re: Our USD system is just about to collapse.

      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
      I sent this out to all my co-workers saying " this is the last time you will hear from me on this subject", same thing applies here on Itulip. This is the last time you will hear from me on this subject.

      Isn't that refreshing? You won't have to hear me bleat and drone on about this subject anymore. (Lucky you guys). Oh, and I really mean it.

      (Ash, this means you too.)

      From Prudent Squirrel:

      "USD gradual fall or crash?
      Our USD system is just about to collapse. Most people by far have absolutely no idea how imminent that is, which is a serious complication for us who do track this. Whether it is a gradual collapse, or a rapid one, is yet to be determined, but collapse is definitely the term to use. The rest of the world is rapidly following suit into bankrupting themselves fighting this relentless world financial deleveraging. Most people cannot imagine a USD collapse, and even we who research about it find it impossible to predict the many consequences.
      But it’s the general lack of knowledge in the general population that concerns me. They are sitting ducks. If you have a single gold coin, you will likely buy a nice house with it, I am totally serious. I made a prediction about 2005 that if you have ten ounces of gold only, you will probably survive the period of transition from the USD (with careful planning). Even two ounces would make all the difference in the world. Of course that prediction does not take care of the confiscation issue, but hell, no one strategy can cover all risks.
      In short, the world is right in the middle of total change and revolution in every way. Remember how things used to be 20 or 10 years ago? Well, take all that and put it out of your mind. Most of our usual things we take for granted in our ‘world’ are either gone already or the remnants rapidly going away before our eyes. As I am sure most of you already know, it is next to impossible to convince others of the dangers.
      Cocktail parties
      I talk to people in cocktail parties and learned a lesson about that – that this story is scaring the hell out of people and is a party killer. From now on, I will only briefly bring up these issues, having seen the previous cocktail discussions rapidly end in gloom after we get done discussing all this-to the extent the discussion is even tolerated. I find that I can talk to doctors, airline pilots, millionaire businessmen etc, and basically they have nothing to counter my concerns THEY bring up at the party, when they ask me to comment. Then what seems to happen is they tune out. You can see a haunted look in their eyes. I never get over the fact that with all their hard earned money, they are acting like sitting ducks. Denial seems to work for them initially.
      Typically, one of these parties has a few doctors, a few rich businessmen, and such people, and your average 401k persons, and when they find out their world is ending, well, I can’t blame them for leaving the party. And me not being invited back. In fact, I’m not sure I even want to go to those parties either. Many of these people are hiding their heads in the sand, telling me they lost a lot of money and asking me what can they do, and then only having the stomach for a ten minute discussion before they wet their pants on what could happen if the USD fell– and cease discussing the situation. Maybe they are just giving in to fate. That is a very dangerous thing to do."
      "this is the last time you will hear from me on this subject"

      Hope not keep it up big guy love your posts


      • #63
        Re: Our USD system is just about to collapse.

        I second and reiterate all of these observations.

        Originally posted by phirang View Post
        Soros expects Euro to depreciate against the USD.

        That means the dollar death camp is retarded.

        Depreciation w.r.t. commodities - perhaps.

        COLLAPSE? HAH! They've YET begun to fight!


        • #64
          Re: Our USD system is just about to collapse.

          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
          If tea parties mean a protest to return to Republican Party rule ( the rule of the neo-cons ) in the U.S, I say 200% fuey!

          I don't ever want to return to English-only language policies, phonics crap in the schools, standardized testing in schools, top-down control of the public schools from Washington, drug war, executions, zero tolerance, Micheal Savage, a wall on the Mexican border, flag worship, or any of that. I don't like this passport controls on the U.S. border. I don't want Greenspan or Bernanke at the Fed. I don't want the Christian-right and FOX Broadcasting guiding policies. I don't want xenophobia in America again nor endless wars abroad. Absolute fuey!

          If this is your goal in your tea parties, go secede from the U.S. and start your Texas Republic or Heartland Republic of white rule. And good-bye to the bunch of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But be sure to take your deficits with you because most of them are the result of your supply-side economic policies thanks to your Arthur Laffer and Alan Greenspan. And don't forget to take your failed healthcare system with you, too.
          Not sure where you get your news from - but the tea parties are not a republican event, although many republicans may have been attendees, but I'm sure there were plenty of independents and democrats.

          You're not suggesting that all democrats like the idea of a government that continues the bail out of failed corporations, banks, and insurance companies, do you?


          • #65
            Re: Our USD system is just about to collapse.

            Originally posted by shiny! View Post
            But... It's PEOPLE!
            Tastes like chicken.
            "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


            • #66
              Re: Our USD system is just about to collapse.

              Originally posted by wayiwalk View Post
              Not sure where you get your news from - but the tea parties are not a republican event, although many republicans may have been attendees, but I'm sure there were plenty of independents and democrats.

              You're not suggesting that all democrats like the idea of a government that continues the bail out of failed corporations, banks, and insurance companies, do you?
              A clear head prevails.

              I hate when some of our threads turn into a republican vs democrat argument. I'm a registered republican, but i'm also pro-choice and an atheist. Pigeon-hole that one!

              For some, the terms republican and democrat have turned into name-calling. "Freaking neo-con!" "Bleeding-heart liberal!"

              I hope we can keep the discussions here about the merit of ideas, not ideologies.
              "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse

