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Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

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  • Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

    May 11, 2009
    Banks Brace for Credit Card Write-Offs

    It used to be easy to guess how many Americans would have problems paying their credit card bills. Banks just looked at unemployment: Fewer jobs meant more trouble ahead.

    The unemployment rate has long mirrored banks’ loss rates on card balances. But Eddie Ward, 32 and jobless, may be one reason that rule of thumb no longer holds. For many lenders, losses are now starting to outpace layoffs.

    Mr. Ward, of Arkansas, lost his job at a retail warehouse in April and so far has managed to make minimum payments on his credit card debt, which he estimates at $15,000 to $20,000. Asked whether he thinks he will be able to pay off his balance, he said, “Not unless I win the lottery.”

    In the meantime, he said, “I’m just doing what I can.”

    Experts predict that millions of Americans will not be able to pay off their debts, leaving a gaping hole at ailing banks still trying to recover from the housing bust.

    The bank stress test results, released Thursday, suggested that the nation’s 19 biggest banks could expect nearly $82.4 billion in credit card losses by the end of 2010 under what federal regulators called an adverse economic situation.

    But if unemployment breaches 10 percent, as many economists predict, the rate of uncollectible balances at some banks could far exceed that level. At American Express and Capital One Financial, around 20 percent of the credit card balances are expected to go bad over this year and next, according to stress test results. At Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase, about 23 percent of card loans are expected to sour.

    Even the government’s grim projections may vastly understate the size of the banks’ credit card troubles. According to estimates by Oliver Wyman, a management consulting firm, card losses at the nation’s biggest banks could reach $141.5 billion by 2010 if the regulators’ loss rate was applied to their entire credit card business. It could top $186 billion for the entire credit card industry.

    In the official stress test results, regulators published losses only on credit cards held on bank balance sheets. The $82.4 billion figure did not reflect another element in their analysis: tens of billions of dollars in losses tied to credit card loans that the banks packaged into bonds and held off their balance sheets. A portion of those losses, however, will be absorbed by outside investors.

    What is more, the peak unemployment level that regulators used to drive their loss estimates is roughly what current rates are on track to reach. That suggests that if the unemployment rate gets much worse, credit card losses could be worse than what regulators projected.

    And many economists expect the number of job losses to climb even higher. On Friday, the unemployment rate reached 8.9 percent as the economy shed 539,000 jobs. The unemployment rate and the rate of credit card charge-offs, or uncollectible balances, have been aligned because consumers who lose their jobs are more likely to miss payments.

    Banks wrote off an average of 5.5 percent of their credit card balances in 2008, while the average unemployment rate was 5.8 percent. By the end of the year, the rate of credit-card write-offs was 6.3 percent; more recent data was not available.

    Experts predict that the rate of credit-card losses could eventually surpass the jobless rate because of the compounding effects of the housing crisis and lackluster consumer confidence. Shortly after the technology bubble burst in 2001, credit card loss rates peaked at 7.9 percent.

    “We will blow right through it,” said Inderpreet Batra, a consultant at Oliver Wyman, which specializes in financial services.

    Unlike in prior recessions, cardholders who recently lost their jobs are unlikely to be able to extract equity from their homes or draw down retirement accounts to help pay off their debts. That means borrowers who fall behind on their bills are more likely to default, leading to higher losses.

    After writing off about $45 billion in bad debts during 2008, credit card lenders are bracing for the worst year in the industry’s history. Not only are losses spiraling, but also lawmakers are on the verge of passing a set of tough new consumer protections that could have a devastating effect on profits. This week, the Senate is expected to take up the Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights after the measure passed in the House with a strong bipartisan vote of 357 to 70.

    Over the weekend, President Obama pressed lawmakers to approve the new rules, which would curb the ability of card issuers to raise interest rates retroactively on consumers and would require them to reduce hidden fees and penalties. He hopes to sign the legislation by Memorial Day.

    For the banks, the economics of the credit card business are increasingly troubling. As the recession has dragged on, cardholders have sharply reduced spending. New customers with strong credit histories are increasingly hard to find.

    And the most troubled borrowers are so deeply mired in debt that card companies are willing to strike deals to remove late fees and reduce card loan balances. The average American household is saddled with nearly $8,400 of credit card and other revolving debt, according to Moody’s

    Every major credit card issuer has been approving fewer new applicants, reining in credit lines and canceling unused accounts. And Meredith A. Whitney, a prominent banking analyst, expects credit card lenders to cut the lines of credit they extend to borrowers by a total of $2.7 trillion through 2010. That is equivalent to a 57 percent reduction in the credit they made available two years ago at the height of the boom.

    Within the card industry, all eyes are now focused on the sharp increase in unemployment. At Citigroup, executives noted that the company’s 10.2 percent credit card charge-off rate for the first quarter had broken its “historic correlation with unemployment” and showed no sign of letting up.

    American Express, Bank of America and Capital One Financial showed first-quarter loss rates that hovered around 8.5 percent, roughly tracking the unemployment rate. All three said they expected higher losses in the coming months. Even Chase Card Services, which charged off just 7.7 percent of its card loans in the first quarter, expects its loss levels to surpass unemployment by the end of the year.

    Card executives say there will little improvement until the economy stabilizes and consumers are more optimistic.

    Cindy Schneider of Connecticut, 53, is a long way from being confident about her finances.

    She is not making any money from her job as a real estate agent and cannot find work elsewhere. Her husband’s pay was just cut 10 percent. And she worries about how they will pay off a $5,000 balance on their credit card.

    When her credit card company recently raised her interest rates, saying she was three days late with a payment, Ms. Schneider transferred the balance to another card with a lower rate.

    “We are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul,” she said.

  • #2
    Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout


    There is no way even this feckless group of officials, elected and unelected will bail out credit card companies.


    • #3
      Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

      Originally posted by cjppjc View Post

      There is no way even this feckless group of officials, elected and unelected will bail out credit card companies.
      I would be happy if that was true but I would not bet against it. Don't overlook a backdoor credit card debt bond bailout.


      • #4
        Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

        A backdoor credit card debt bond bailout. Get me the BIG knife.:eek:


        • #5
          Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

          Originally posted by cjppjc View Post

          There is no way even this feckless group of officials, elected and unelected will bail out credit card companies.
          you're dreaming...

          AmEx becomes bank to stabilize funding

          The Federal Reserve grants the company's request to become bank holding company, giving it access to better funding at time when securitization dries up.


          • #6
            Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            you're dreaming...

            AmEx becomes bank to stabilize funding

            The Federal Reserve grants the company's request to become bank holding company, giving it access to better funding at time when securitization dries up.
            Great point. Credit card companies, in large part, have already been bailed out...


            • #7
              Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

              Originally posted by metalman View Post
              you're dreaming...

              AmEx becomes bank to stabilize funding

              The Federal Reserve grants the company's request to become bank holding company, giving it access to better funding at time when securitization dries up.

              Yea. I guess that only leaves one thing now.


              • #8
                Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

                Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                There is no way even this feckless group of officials, elected and unelected will bail out credit card companies.
                "Credit card companies" are also known as banks. The card issuers, like Visa, have very nothing at risk with existing debt. The bailouts are already happening. As defaults increase on credit card debt, the need for more bailouts will increase too.

                Credit card debt suffers from the same problems that mortgages do, in the sense that a lot of it has been bundled together, tranched, and re-sold.

                Many people think of their total credit line as a big factor in their financial comfort, and therefore in their willingness to spend. As lines are cut back, the aggregate impact on consumer spending will therefore be significant.


                • #9
                  Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

                  So...will Santa's bailout presents be larger for the credit card or the commercial loan defaults? Doesn't matter at this point in time I guess. The 'Shell Game' is well underway. T'is a bit of a shame the flimflam man doesn't at least have the decency to hide the swindle. Ya'd think the he'd be afraid of consequences for being so blatant about thievery and trickery.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout


                    Just wondering if a bailout of credit card companies would include government meddling around usurious interest rates and punitive late fees, etc......


                    • #11
                      Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

                      I know some recently graduated international students, mostly engineering and science Masters and PhD candidates, who have decided to return to their home countries instead of pursuing a career in the US as was the usual case. Some of them have maxed out their credit cards to settle tuition dues (and more) before leaving. At least one of them decided to do that after reading itulip! The typical source of funding for international grad students, teaching and research assistantships, were scarce the last few years, and were almost non-existent since last year.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

                        Originally posted by bnick20 View Post
                        Great point. Credit card companies, in large part, have already been bailed out...


                        Bank of America, Capital One, American Express, Citi, JPMorganChase, etc., are all among the biggest credit card issuers, and all have received bailout money.


                        • #13
                          Re: Sited On the Horizon: A Credit Card Bailout

                          too late for THESE guys...

                          There are gonna be a LOT of fucked businesspeople out there when they cannot fill in this lost line of credit.


                          Advanta’s Card-Lending Shutdown May Imperil Customers (Update2)
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                          By Sarah Mulholland and Cordell Eddings

                          May 12 (Bloomberg) -- Advanta Corp., the credit-card issuer for small businesses, may leave 1 million customers scrounging to find new lenders and debt holders facing losses of 35 percent after the company shut down accounts to preserve capital.

                          Advanta will cease lending June 10 after uncollectible debt reached 20 percent as of March 31, according to a statement and filings yesterday by the Spring House, Pennsylvania-based firm. The lender earmarked $1.4 billion to buy back securitized card loans with offers of 65 cents to 75 cents on the dollar.

                          Credit-card company profits suffered as the recession pushed U.S. unemployment to 8.9 percent in April. Defaults on cards historically track thejobless rate, and analysts have been concerned that the industry’s average for bad loans would breach 10 percent and set a record. Advanta decided to cut off customers after “charge-offs” rose to twice that threshold, from 9.6 percent at year-end.

                          “The question is how many business owners depend solely on their Advanta credit card,” said William Dunkelberg, chief economist at the National Federation of Independent Business. While most probably have other sources of credit, self-employed entrepreneurs may have trouble getting a new card, he said. “Credit is harder to find than it’s ever been in this expansion,” said Dunkelberg, whose biography lists him as a former Advanta director.

                          Stock Declines

                          The company’s A-shares dropped 28 cents, or 25 percent, to 85 cents at 4 p.m. in Nasdaq Stock Market trading. Advanta, which had $2.4 billion in deposits as of March 31, reported three consecutive quarterly losses and its shares have plunged from about $30 in June 2007. The recession affected Advanta’s customers across the country, Chief Financial Officer Philip Browne has said.

                          “We’ll be shutting down accounts for future transaction activities, but many of the customers will maintain balances and pay us off over time,” Browne said yesterday in a telephone interview. “We’ll have to service and collect on that, and that will be the first order of business for the company.”

                          More than 90 percent of Advanta’s small business customers will have “adequate” access to alternative credit after the company halts lending, Browne said.

                          Citing the recession, Advanta said it’s planning to “maximize capital and dramatically reduce risk.” While the company has “no indication” if debtinvestors will accept the buyback offer, the price is “relatively consistent with recent trading levels of the bonds,” Browne said.

                          No Public Actions

                          Advanta’s credit-card unit is chartered and regulated in Utah and has “no corrective actions that are public,” said G. Edward Leary, the state commissioner of financial institutions. He declined to say whether any non-public actions were taken against the company.

                          This would be the first so-called early amortization of a trust since 2003, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst Christopher Flanagan.

                          “Early amortization has been viewed as a catastrophic event for issuers,”Scott Valentin, an analyst at Friedman Billings Ramsey & Co., said today in a research note. Advanta’s filing said that the charge-off rate for uncollectible loans may increase after accounts are closed. Valentin said that’s likely because “the cards have substantially less utility to cardholders,” cutting the incentive to keep up with payments.

                          “They’re hoping they can stay alive barely until the environment changes,” saidDavid Robertson, president of the Nilson Report, the Carpinteria, California-based industry newsletter. This is “a big sign that the credit-card industry has problems that are going to be around for several years.”

                          Workforce Slashed

                          Advanta was the 11th-biggest U.S. credit-card issuer at the end of 2008 with about $5 billion in outstanding balances, and the only major lender focused on small business borrowers, Robertson said. In the first quarter the company slashed the workforce by about 300 employees, or 36 percent, from 841 as of Dec. 31, 2008. Calls inquiring about the future of current employees weren’t returned.

                          The company’s woes aren’t likely to spread to other asset- backed issuers, said JPMorgan’s Flanagan. Advanta’s “precarious liquidity and capital position” make the lender more vulnerable to deteriorating credit than its stronger counterparts, Flanagan said in a May 8 report.

                          Credit-card companies can take steps to protect investors and avoid having to wind down trusts, including removing overdue accounts from the pool and increasing the cash cushion that comes with the securities to shield bondholders from losses. Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., General Electric Co. and JPMorgan have already taken steps to protect their securitized assets as delinquencies surge, according to JPMorgan data.

                          Needs Capital

                          Advanta relied on the asset-backed securities market for funding, and has been unable to raise cash through securitization since June 2008, according to Bloomberg data. It is shut out of the Federal Reserve’s Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF, because of ratings cuts on its bonds.

                          Credit card-backed debt eligible for purchase with TALF loans must be rated AAA. Moody’s Investors Service has assigned “junk” ratings to Advanta’s senior unsecured and subordinated debt. The trust preferred securities rating of Advanta Capital Trust I was cut to C from Caa3 in April by Moody’s, citing a “high degree of uncertainty” that investors will get repaid because of Advanta’s “weak financial condition.”

                          Today, Standard & Poor’s cut its rating on Advanta to CC from CCC and assigned a negative outlook to the company.

                          To contact the reporters on this story: Sarah Mulholland in New York; Cordell Eddings in New York

                          Last Updated: May 12, 2009 17:43 EDT

