China has won..........yes its cost her anything up to half a Trillion $, but for that she gets the Planet & America disarmed with out firing a shot......A Bargin price.
So, the only honest question worth asking is... WHEN?
When does China send O-Bam-a the "Bad News"?
Will they try to just gently errode the strenght of the $, or just pull the rug from under its feet?
My Guess?............Obama is going this Summer to China......during the visit China will lay out the ground work for what she wants, expects & when she wants it.
America will still be living the delusional day dream that they some how how the wip hand..........not a busted flush.
China will need to "display" its new found strenght.......An "Example" for the US to watch.......She not want to hurt Europe......Britian however would be just the ticket.
As badly overdrawn as the US
Pay back for the Drug wars
Seen very much as "Little America"
Yes, a "Rape & Raid" On the UK £ would be a perfect "Warning shot" to America.
So, the only honest question worth asking is... WHEN?
When does China send O-Bam-a the "Bad News"?
Will they try to just gently errode the strenght of the $, or just pull the rug from under its feet?
My Guess?............Obama is going this Summer to China......during the visit China will lay out the ground work for what she wants, expects & when she wants it.
America will still be living the delusional day dream that they some how how the wip hand..........not a busted flush.
China will need to "display" its new found strenght.......An "Example" for the US to watch.......She not want to hurt Europe......Britian however would be just the ticket.
As badly overdrawn as the US
Pay back for the Drug wars
Seen very much as "Little America"
Yes, a "Rape & Raid" On the UK £ would be a perfect "Warning shot" to America.