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Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

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  • Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

    :eek: :confused:

    "No, we have not entirely lost our minds. Long-term U.S. treasury bonds have presently declined back to near the very significant level they broke through in late 2008. Don't get us wrong: we believe U.S. t-bonds will enter a long-term, very severe bear market eventually; we're simply not convinced that time has arrived just yet."
    No way...
    Who knows...might as well flip a gold coin

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

    Originally posted by Dr.No View Post
    :eek: :confused:

    "No, we have not entirely lost our minds. Long-term U.S. treasury bonds have presently declined back to near the very significant level they broke through in late 2008. Don't get us wrong: we believe U.S. t-bonds will enter a long-term, very severe bear market eventually; we're simply not convinced that time has arrived just yet."
    No thanks, I don't time constrain investements and "long-term very severe bear market" is not something to try to "time", esp since if you get it wrong, the exit will be so crowded that you ain't going to make it out of that burning building alive.

    Some people may like to pour gasoline over their heads and set themselves on fire, I personally do not.


    • #3
      Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
      No thanks, I don't time constrain investements and "long-term very severe bear market" is not something to try to "time", esp since if you get it wrong, the exit will be so crowded that you ain't going to make it out of that burning building alive.

      Some people may like to pour gasoline over their heads and set themselves on fire, I personally do not.
      Yes, that scenario certainly would sound enticing to some, though this need not happen as long as one does not allocate more than a few percent of one's capital to such a trade, and one diligently enters an appropriate stop loss order at the exact time the position is entered. The ratio of expected reward (should the trade turn out to be successful) to the likely loss (in case it does not) also needs to make sense. And it does.


      • #4
        Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

        i do trade and i dont like the chart, i would wait until some flattening occurs. you may miss an opportunity, but this market is the casino with gvt pulling tricks out of a hat.

        look at srs. i thought this was easy money buying at 40, and seeing after seeing 20% vacancy rates at the mall. nope fed to buy cre now. i guess its not about keeping middle class people in their homes.


        • #5
          Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

          Originally posted by Dr.No View Post
          :eek: :confused:

          "No, we have not entirely lost our minds. Long-term U.S. treasury bonds have presently declined back to near the very significant level they broke through in late 2008. Don't get us wrong: we believe U.S. t-bonds will enter a long-term, very severe bear market eventually; we're simply not convinced that time has arrived just yet."

          While reason tells me that it is not the time to buy long bonds, I don't think reason and logic necessarily rule the markets, especially when TPTB are doing their utmost to game the system. I voted "flip a coin."
          Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


          • #6
            Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

            It's all gubment so you may as well flip the coin. While fundamentals say the bond prices go lower, you can almost bank on another announcement of quantitative easing (money printing) which can see another 8 to 10 point bond rally. The real question is WHEN is the next major manipulation? So there you are left flipping a coin. Good luck - better odds are found at the roulette wheel.


            • #7
              Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

              I think you would have to be nuts to buy long term US treasuries now as anything else than a short term trade.


              • #8
                Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

                When was the last time that someone here purchased anything with gold?


                • #9
                  Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

                  Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
                  When was the last time that someone here purchased anything with gold?
                  It's works very well for guns and ammo.


                  • #10
                    Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

                    These guys just bought bread and a tin of grain-



                    • #11
                      Re: Time to Buy Both Gold and Long Term U.S. T-Bonds at the Same Time (one last time)?

                      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                      No thanks, I don't time constrain investements and "long-term very severe bear market" is not something to try to "time", esp since if you get it wrong, the exit will be so crowded that you ain't going to make it out of that burning building alive.

                      Some people may like to pour gasoline over their heads and set themselves on fire, I personally do not.
                      Here is the 30-year Treasury Bond chart from the article:

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Here is the 30-year Treasury Bond chart from the article:

                        Originally posted by Dr.No View Post
                        :eek: :confused:

                        "No, we have not entirely lost our minds. Long-term U.S. treasury bonds have presently declined back to near the very significant level they broke through in late 2008. Don't get us wrong: we believe U.S. t-bonds will enter a long-term, very severe bear market eventually; we're simply not convinced that time has arrived just yet."

                        Here is the 30-year Treasury Bond chart from the article:

                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Re: Time to Buy SRS (short REITs)?

                          Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
                          i do trade and i dont like the chart, i would wait until some flattening occurs. you may miss an opportunity, but this market is the casino with gvt pulling tricks out of a hat.

                          look at srs. i thought this was easy money buying at 40, and seeing after seeing 20% vacancy rates at the mall. nope fed to buy cre now. i guess its not about keeping middle class people in their homes.

                          Funny you would mention REITS in this thread - looking at the same analysis that suggests going long long-term bonds, there is also the suggestion that now might actually be the right time to consider allocating a few percent of one's capital to a short IYR REIT or long SRS position (a prior suggestion was to be long REITs for the past several weeks, to get out recently, and now to go short):

                          Attached Files

