I think serious discussion of banking system is needed. We are going now towards a fractional or 0 reserve banking system based on fiat money as bank reserves.
This is what have now and it's not stable. Even bimetallism standards proved unstable.
Gold standard and fractional reserve banking don't work well together resulting invariably in deflationary collapses.
Gold standard and full reserve banking is crippling for the economy and was abandoned in the middle ages.
There are too many unbound variables in the classic banking systems and stability cannot be achieved. They are torn apart by money demand pressure or out of control expansion of money supply. Unstable evolution can be corrected only through major ... corrections
Is there any system out there that allows for a dynamic feed-back system without significant oscillations (boom-bust cycles)?
There is a lot of buzz lately about these self regulating banking systems. I'm talking about linking the minimum bank lending rates to the levels of their reserves (reserves with a standard made of a basket of high velocity- high volume commodities such as: oil, kilowatt hour, wheat etc)
Anybody knows more about this? I find the subject very challenging and intriguing.
Originally posted by jtabeb
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Gold standard and fractional reserve banking don't work well together resulting invariably in deflationary collapses.
Gold standard and full reserve banking is crippling for the economy and was abandoned in the middle ages.
There are too many unbound variables in the classic banking systems and stability cannot be achieved. They are torn apart by money demand pressure or out of control expansion of money supply. Unstable evolution can be corrected only through major ... corrections
Is there any system out there that allows for a dynamic feed-back system without significant oscillations (boom-bust cycles)?
There is a lot of buzz lately about these self regulating banking systems. I'm talking about linking the minimum bank lending rates to the levels of their reserves (reserves with a standard made of a basket of high velocity- high volume commodities such as: oil, kilowatt hour, wheat etc)
Anybody knows more about this? I find the subject very challenging and intriguing.