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The Greatest Frauds of the (Last) Century

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  • The Greatest Frauds of the (Last) Century

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    Ph.D., CPA
    Robins School of Business
    University of Richmond
    Richmond, VA 23173
    May 2003
    The Greatest Frauds of the (Last) Century
    An editorial in the Journal of Accountancy stated:
    Like a torrent of cold water the wave of publicity raised by the . . . case has
    shocked the accountancy profession into breathlessness. Accustomed to relative
    obscurity in the public prints, accountants have been startled to find their
    procedures, their principles, and their professional standards the subject of
    sensational and generally unsympathetic headlines.
    If you guessed the editorial was referring to Enron, WorldCom, or one of the other recent
    accounting scandals, you would be off by more than sixty years. The preceding paragraph was
    published in February 1939 in the wake of the infamous accounting fraud at McKesson &
    Robbins, Inc. Unknown to the company’s auditors, fictitious inventories and accounts
    receivable comprised more than 20 percent of McKesson & Robbins’ purported assets as of
    December 31, 1937.
    Seven years earlier, an even more outrageous fraud had been discovered at the
    international conglomerate, Kreuger & Toll, Inc. Investigators discovered that nearly $250
    million of the company’s reported assets had never existed.
    While it is much too early to call Enron and WorldCom the greatest accounting scandals
    of the 21st century, there is little doubt that Kreuger & Toll and McKesson & Robbins were the
    two most notorious, and influential, frauds of the 20th century. Investors’ complaints about
    losses from the Kreuger & Toll fraud built political support for passage of the U.S. securities acts
    in 1933 and 1934 and the subsequent requirement of mandatory audits for public companies.
    Within months of the discovery of the McKesson & Robbins fraud, a special committee of the
    American Institute of [Certified Public] Accountants recommended significant changes to
    procedures for appointing auditors and conducting audit tests. The reforms that followed these
    two frauds shaped the accounting profession for the next seventy years.
    Kreuger & Toll
    The mastermind of the Kreuger & Toll fraud was a Swedish engineer named Ivar
    Kreuger. Kreuger’s picture adorned the cover of the October 29, 1929 issue of Time magazine.
    The accompanying article described how his company, Kreuger &Toll, controlled approximately
    75 percent of the European and American match market. During the 1920s, Kreuger & Toll
    loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to cash-starved European governments to help them
    rebuild their war-torn economies. Kreuger & Toll’s loans helped western European countries
    avoid the fate of Czarist Russia and earned Kreuger the nickname “Savior of Europe.” During
    the late 1920s Kreuger was rumored to be a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.
    Ivar Kreuger assumed control of his family’s three small match factories in 1913. A few
    years later, Kreuger came up with a bold plan to control the world’s supply of matches. After the
    First World War, many European countries were desperate for funds to rebuild their economies.
    Kreuger & Toll offered loans of up to $125 million to governments in return for receiving the
    exclusive right to sell matches within the countries’ borders. Prices were set by contract and the
    loans were repaid through an excise tax on matches. This strategy enabled Kreuger & Toll to
    obtain absolute monopolies in fifteen countries and dominate the match market in nineteen
    To raise the hundreds of millions of dollars he needed to lend to the European
    governments, Kreuger organized an American subsidiary and began selling stocks and bonds to
    U.S. investors. Kreuger & Toll attracted investors by paying dividends of up to 20 percent
    annually. Even with 75 percent of the European match market, Kreuger & Toll did not earn
    enough profit to support such generous dividends especially when several countries began
    defaulting on their loan payments. What began as a seemingly ingenious plan to dominate the
    world match market eventually deteriorated into an enormous “pyramid” or “Ponzi” scheme.
    Dividends were paid out of capital, and proceeds of subsequent loans and bond issuances were
    used to repay initial investors. Kreuger & Toll became dependent on continually obtaining funds
    from new investors and lenders so it could pay its ever growing obligations.
    The Kreuger & Toll fraud, which worked so spectacularly during the “roaring” 1920s,
    collapsed during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Illiquid banks and unemployed investors
    stopped buying new shares of Kreuger & Toll securities. Without new investment dollars
    flowing into the company, Kreuger simply ran out of cash to pay his company’s dividends and
    repay its loans.
    Rather than suffer the disgrace of being exposed as a failure and swindler, Ivar Kreuger
    shot himself through the heart on March 12, 1932. Newspapers reported Kreuger’s suicide as a
    tragedy—one more “victim” of the Great Depression. It was not until a month after Kreuger’s
    death that auditors discovered the magnitude of his fraud and the reason for his suicide.
    The Kreuger & Toll fraud, discovered in the spring of 1932, helped build political
    support for passage of the U.S. securities acts in 1933 and 1934. These two acts required
    companies to publish audited financial statements before selling securities to the public and
    established the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to oversee corporate financial
    reporting. Although Congress debated creating a corps of government auditors to audit public
    companies’ financial statements, it finally decided to grant the public accounting profession
    responsibility for ensuring the reliability of financial reporting.
    McKesson & Robbins
    The mastermind of the McKesson & Robbins fraud was Philip Musica. Although born to
    poor Italian immigrants and raised in poverty, Musica became a nationally recognized leader in
    business and politics. At the height of his popularity, in 1937, a delegation of prominent
    Republicans urged Musica (who was then using the alias F. Donald Coster) to seek their party’s
    nomination to run for U.S. President.
    Musica’s criminal career began early. By his 30th birthday, he had been convicted of
    fraud twice. The first conviction was for avoiding import tariffs by bribing customs officials to
    record incoming shipments at a fraction of their true weight. The second conviction was for
    using forged invoices to obtain large bank loans.
    In 1919, after adopting the name Frank D. Costa to conceal his criminal record, Musica
    founded the Adelphi Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company. Adelphi manufactured high
    alcohol-content products such as hair tonic and cosmetics. Adelphi’s best customers were
    bootleggers who bought huge quantities of the company’s products and distilled out the alcohol
    to make booze.
    In 1925, using the assumed name of F. Donald Coster, M.D., Ph.D., Musica used his
    bootlegging profits to buy McKesson & Robbins, a ninety-year-old company that sold milk of
    magnesia, cough syrup, and quinine. During the next twelve years, Musica/Coster built a
    pharmaceutical distribution network that rivaled national chains such as Liggett, Rexall, and
    To inflate McKesson & Robbins’ reported assets while skimming cash into his own
    pocket, Musica enlisted the help of his three younger brothers. One brother, using the alias
    George Vernard, was placed in charge of a fictitious sales agency—W.W. Smith & Co. The
    W.W. Smith office was actually a “letter-writing plant” containing seven typewriters, each with a
    distinct typeface and a unique supply of stationery. Musica/Vernard’s role was to write purchase
    orders bearing the names of fictitious companies and mail them to McKesson & Robbins.
    Another Musica brother, using the alias Robert Dietrich, was placed in charged of
    McKesson & Robbins’ shipping department. This brother would forge shipping documents to
    make it appear that inventory had been delivered by McKesson & Robbins to legitimate
    customers. The fourth Musica brother, using the alias George Dietrich, was appointed
    McKesson & Robbins’ assistant treasurer. This brother would transfer money between
    numerous company bank accounts to create the appearance of cash payments for purchases and
    cash receipts from customers. For each sale, McKesson & Robbins paid W.W. Smith & Co. a
    commission of .75 percent. The four Musica brothers divided the Smith commissions among
    themselves with Philip, the oldest brother and mastermind, getting the largest share.
    The McKesson & Robbins fraud was not discovered until late 1938 when the company’s
    treasurer, Julian Thompson, became suspicious of the large payments McKesson & Robbins was
    making to W.W. Smith & Co. Thompson obtained copies of the Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B)
    credit reports that had been used to satisfy McKesson’s auditors of W.W. Smith’s viability.
    When he showed the credit reports to a D&B representative, he learned that D&B had never
    heard of W.W. Smith & Co. and that the credit reports in his possession were forgeries.
    On December 6, 1938 the SEC opened an investigation into McKesson & Robbins’
    accounting and the New York Stock Exchange suspended trading of the company’s shares. One
    week later, federal agents arrested Coster, fingerprinted him, and released him on bond. The
    next day, investigators discovered from his fingerprints that respected businessman F. Donald
    Coster M.D., Ph.D. was really twice-convicted fraudster Philip Musica. They ordered
    Musica/Coster taken into custody, but like Ivar Kreuger before him, Musica put a gun to his head
    and took his own life.
    The McKesson & Robbins fraud led to significant changes in procedures for appointing
    auditors and conducting audits. After four months of hearings, during which forty-six witnesses
    produced 3,000 pages of testimony, the SEC recommended that non-officer members of the
    client’s board nominate the auditors and that auditors be elected by and address their report to the
    shareholders. In the summer of 1939, the American Institute of [Certified Public] Accountants
    appointed its first standing committee on auditing procedures. The committee’s first standard,
    Statements on Auditing Procedure No. 1, “Extensions of Auditing Procedure,” made observing
    inventory and confirming accounts receivable—two procedures that would have helped detect
    the McKesson & Robbins fraud—standard audit procedures.
    The 1939 Journal of Accountancy editorial concluded:
    We feel that in the long run this publicity will not be entirely harmful to the
    profession. On no other occasion has there been as much public discussion about
    accounting simultaneously in all parts of the country. The importance of
    independent audits and of accounting procedure will not be forgotten. We predict
    that in the future auditors will encounter less resistance to examinations of wider
    scope and less effort to place limitations on their work than in the past.
    While this might have sounded like wishful thinking during the depths of the McKesson
    & Robbins scandal, the subsequent sixty years were a time of unprecedented prosperity for
    accountants. The two scandals prompted reforms that helped, rather than hurt, the profession.
    Requirements for mandatory audits that followed the Kreuger & Toll fraud increased the market
    for accountants’ services. Changes in audit procedures that followed the McKesson & Robbins
    fraud improved audit quality.
    The reforms being enacted now in response to the Enron and WorldCom scandals have
    similar potential to help the accounting profession. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s requirement for
    auditors to attest to the adequacy of their clients’ internal accounting controls will provide
    millions of dollars of additional revenues to accounting firms. The increased use of forensic
    auditing procedures during audits should discourage or catch more frauds and reduce the
    frequency of lawsuits against accounting firms. With luck, accounting students sixty years from
    now will remember the scandals of the 2000s as painful, but constructive, events in the history of
    the profession.

  • #2
    Re: The Greatest Frauds of the (Last) Century

    Ivar Kreuger "the Match King" is a fascinating study, his major role in the Great Depression era debacles is for some reason little known today. Swedish Match by the way is still very much alive and well, considered a defensive investment on the Swedish bourse.

    " . . .
    These maneuvers were made both necessary and possible by his invention, decades ahead of his time, of Enron-style financial engineering, which reported profits when there were none and paid out ever increasing dividends by attracting new investment and/or looting the treasury of a newly acquired company.
    . . .

    By mid 1931, rumours spread that Kreuger & Toll and other companies in Kreuger's empire were financially unstable. In February 1932 Kreuger turned to Sveriges Riksbank for the second time in his life to support him in raising a large increase in his loans. At this time his total loans in Swedish banks was estimated to about half of the Swedish reserve currency that had started to give negative effects on the value of the Swedish currency in the international financial market. In order to grant him more loans, the government required that a complete statement of accounts of Kreugers entire company group was presented, as the bank's (Sveriges Riksbank) own calculations showed that Kreuger & Toll finances were far too weak to give him more loans.
    . . ."

    Some personal observations:

    1932 was the Kreuger crash.

    The Swedish Great Power period is generally assumed to have ended in 1709 with the battle of Poltava, and perhaps the beheading of the central banker in 1719 for "ruining public credit with imaginary money" could be considered a confirmation point. Poltava is when the rise of the Russian Empire is also considered to have begun, in the vacuum left in northern Europe by the receding Swedes.

    Using Armstrong's 224 year political cycle puts the next Swedish/Russian political turning point right in the 1933 - 1943 period, when Stalin did his thing in the USSR, while the Social Democrats introduced the "Swedish Model" in Sweden in 1932.
    Justice is the cornerstone of the world

