Without prejudice boys and girls,
It has been fun watching all the fizzle and dazzle of Wall Street.
Now you must prepare for the incoming implosion of local municipal governments. I guestimate it should be about two years before the local governments capitulate and really start to feel the pain, in the mean time protect your capital and keep it well hidden. Otherwise you may find yourself reeling from the pain that the Taxman may unleash on you while they are forced to downsize.
It has been fun watching all the fizzle and dazzle of Wall Street.
Now you must prepare for the incoming implosion of local municipal governments. I guestimate it should be about two years before the local governments capitulate and really start to feel the pain, in the mean time protect your capital and keep it well hidden. Otherwise you may find yourself reeling from the pain that the Taxman may unleash on you while they are forced to downsize.